Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Judging by you guys, you can’t fight your way out of a wet paper bag.

And THAT is why they are only worthy of ignore.


It isn’t against current rules. Why would they remove them?

I agree tbh. Anyone defending it is just a jerk that doesn’t want to see it as a problem because they do it all the time. From an objective point of view, any PvP content matching random people queuing solo against a coordinated team of any kind is game breaking. I’ve seen alliance doing it more than horde but both sides definitely participate in this. This is what rated bgs are for, so take it there and gtfo random bgs where you are destroying fun for everyone except yourself.

I’ve played this game fifteen years and at this point I just viscerally hate the trash who do this. There isn’t even an argument to be made. Its intentionally taking steps to unbalance matches. Anyone who says otherwise isn’t “welcome to their own opinion”, they are just being intentionally, selfishly, obnoxiously, asinine and contrary.


Ah just another side track while excusing bad behavior by blaming victims. Cool.


I will say it again via a quote.

I am sure your answer will be something akin to cheat too, or get gud, or something like that. Won’t change the fact that it is a selfish bully move to coordinate premades in a mode that doesn’t natively allow them and is definitely not designed for them given the lopsided nature of those games.

The remove them thing is interesting given that they did in fact remove raids from randoms…they just didn’t finish the job.


Raids were never removed from randoms lol

Just remove solo queuing from any BG all together. Easy fix. You guys ruined pvp only servers because you couldn’t make the cut.

For who?

Many people enjoy running premades.

Oh good lord are you really going to be so disingenous to act like you didn’t understand what I was saying. You can not queue as a raid in randoms…ie they removed raids.


look at the name. how could anyone expect anything else?


I play ally on retail and even if it is ally doing it most of the time, I still hate it. Stomping is just as boring as being stomped. I’ve faced it majority of the time I used to que, a few times on the benefitting end, so it’s not just one-sided.

Hopefully it doesn’t turn into, “it’s only x faction doing it” because then it just seems like bickering. Both sides do it and it just needs to end.

They say they want it to be competitive but they’re doing this behavior because they don’t want it to be competitive. They actually afk out as soon as they see the other side is a premade. They’re intentionally avoiding competitive matching for easy wins. It’s pure “pugstomping.”

Something’s gotta give. What exists now is not good for the game.


Let’s use something neutral for both sides… PVE

One of the biggest failures from Cata original was the release difficulty of the dungeons. People tried communicating throughout the things since everyone’s CC became important. Over time, it was just annoying and exhausting because it was “meh” gear. Why put in raid effort for the smaller reward of a dungeon? It made tanking and healing dreadful.

How did that work out? They nerfed them. They addressed the work-reward imbalance.

So, we can all recognize that lfd is not meant to be like a raid or a mythic+. We aren’t expected to discord call in order to beat heroic dungeons. They’re casual. It would be meme’d on.

So why should that be expected for random epic bg’s? For the honor? For the cq you would earn more of in SS or blitz in half the time? Most of them are already geared. They aren’t doing it for the rewards. It’s pugstomping.

Remove the raid que restriction if this is intended play. Simple. Then we can use this lfg system to quickly assemble an “organized” pug to deal with them. And with that, they would have a hard time recognizing they’re facing another premade and just quitting as they do now. But they would realize it eventually and afk out but make it balanced.

Do. Something.


This right here is the whole thing. It’s obviously not intended play, they even said for that type of play go to rated. The problem is Blizzard half a’d it and didn’t put in a block that actually worked. They need to come back, and finish the job.


If you think you are better than anyone with your sturdy 19k achieves, 156 HL ,0 rated pvp and only 10’s timed in the PREPATCH where everything was made much easier then i don’t think you can say your better than a lot of players.

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If you can still get a raid in there via countdown queues then obviously they weren’t removed.

Just cause you found a minor loophole around it doesn’t mean it was never removed.

A loophole that causes a lot of damage might i add but since you are self interested you don’t care about that.


This is one of the more disingenuous debates I have had on here. Just such a level of ridiculousness that it is almost impressive.

You used to be able to queue as a raid, now you can’t…it was removed. They just didn’t put a proper block in to keep people from getting around it. The fact that I had to go to such a pedantic level with you here really shows the problem…a complete lack of integrity. This type of arguing has nothing to do with coming to a conclusion or honest debate. You are just trying to score points and win on minutia. It’s cheap lawyer tricks. Knock it off.


I mean I don’t care either way because I premade and solo queue. I just don’t go looking for boogeymen when I lose.

Then why exactly do you have upwards of 50 posts on this thread alone?

Oh to gaslight i hear you say? oh ok got it.


I mean there is no minutia at all. If I countdown to queue multiple groups at once and get into the same bg, it’s clearly a raid but according to Blizzard it’s fine.

Also for the 1,000th time raid queuing was removed to break addon automation.