Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Fragile ego is ignoring people because they don’t follow your echo chamber logic and refusal to accept reality.

I think it would be more productive to not focus on “cheating”, but rather talk about the impact this practice has on the overall gaming experience for everyone, not just the queue sync premades, and how this affects player participation and the health of epic bg pvp.

It isn’t cheating, it’s just extremely selfish. For those who play the game as intended, I recommend not giving them the satisfaction of participating so they eventually run out of opponents due to their own behavior. Then the better premades will stomp the worse ones, the worse ones will run away, and it will be a ghost town.

Yes, they will blame everyone but themselves, but at least they can have their fond memories of stacking the deck in their favor to achieve wins. Bravo for caring about the health of the game you rig in your favor. Bravo.


People can make any recommendations they want to make, but they by and large won’t reach Blizzard, or the player base at large.

Premaders say, “Just organize your team and fight back.” That is something not really possible. As soon as the team notices the other is a premade raid, 1/4 to 1/2 of your team leaves.

And if by some chance you can get all of the back-filled players to go along with a plan(not likely), there is always a significant amount of players that will say, “Is it worth taking this small chance of winning for 30 minutes to an hour for a little honor and 110 cq? Or should I just save myself the headache, leave and wait 15 minutes?” The obvious choice they make is to take the less stressful path.

Regardless of what the legit team does, they are at the big disadvantage. And there is no way to get 40 random players to stick around in it. The proposed solution of “organize and fight back” is something that is nearly impossible.

And the blue post even addressed this fact. They also addressed that premaders DEPEND on that fact. It’s ezpz wins and honor/cq. They’re not doing it to be competitive. It’s pure pugstomping. The big fish need little fish and the status quo is eliminating the feed.

The ultimate effect that this kind of queuing has had is to drive players away from PvP. Perhaps it’s been a long time since you’ve been in a random group, but a lot of players will see that they’re up against a premade and simply quit. At best, they suffer through it. To an extent premade groups count on this. Heck, one of the popular addons announces opposing players that appear to have rage quit.

If this is intended play, remove the raid que restriction. Allow everyone to do it without cheesing the system.


One more thing:

If we can agree that blizzard does not care much about pvp, and the rumors are true that they wish they could just remove it, you’re doing that job for them. You are killing a once popular mode of pvp and it is only a downward spiral.

Short term gains vs long term prosperity. You won’t have both.

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Anyone still trying to use that blue post to argue against premades is not trying to argue in good faith. Then again, maybe that was the intent in the first place.

Why is someone who openly cheated in the game and then bragged about it still replying here?


Hey buddy, I saw you in a epic bg the other day. we made the battleground end fairly quickly so you couldn’t cry to your mother about how premades suck

If you’re an outsider reading, or blizzard… just WHO is arguing for the long term health of your game? And who is arguing for the health of their premade community and ego?

Yeah, you can sit on the sidelines and see if it works itself out but it’s a downward spiral. If you believe that casual pvp was somehow preventing new players from trying WoW, you’re mistaken. Most pc gamers have tried this game out at one point or another and I doubt that the existence of casual instanced pvp is something that chased them away. There are existing players that only play for these game modes and the que pool is shrinking. Allowing the demise of the game mode is beneficial to whom? I guess it creates less work for the devs but does it benefit anyone else? All you’re going to end up with is even less participation and a race to the bottom.

There comes a point where fighting the same players over and over in bg’s gets dull. Also the same for watching the same players in AWC repeatedly. Killing the casual side shuts off new players graduating from casual to rated.

If you want to side with those that couldn’t care less for the health of the game, then remove the restriction for raids to que!


Not all of them for sure but we do appreciate the gesture. I don’t want you guys banned, don’t even want Blizzard to fix the exploit until they find a new home for you because pvp is unpopular enough throwing away players would be shooting ourselves in the foot. I know it’s a Blizzard issue. If I do anything I try to make it good for the game and not myself, a lot of you just don’t understand. The developers hate us whether we sync queue or not, you shouldn’t trust this situation.

I’m not saying that to be mean or win some pathetic internet debate. It’d suit my purpose to keep you guys insulting us as it’d help our case to portray you in as negative of a light as possible. Just be careful.

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This really sums up the attitudes of these players. They add nothing of value to this game.


It’s completely ludacris!

Oh rest assured he still cried about it.

Probably because I didn’t cheat. Weird how reality works and not delusion that suits your idiotic narrative.

You went from 1800 to 2400 in essentially one day at the height of the cheating. You got those achievements one week before the mass ban went out for the majority of cheaters. No one, and I mean NO ONE, thinks those achievements are legit. That you actually tried to brag about them is hilarious. In all that time since you haven’t even come close to those same ratings.


You’re so bad at this. Your achievements are in reverse order and from the same day. That only happens when you get them in a single sitting or you got multiple achievements at once, but you don’t even know that. You don’t even know how it works.

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So, that’s a player created problem.

Player ineptitude is again a player created issue. Don’t blame others for your lack of skill or your ability to organize.

No it happens from an armory bug that happened in WoD.

I played one season on my DK in rbgs, and played 66 or so games, it’s in his statistics lmao. Why the hell would I be able to hit GM in one day then play another untold number of games for no reason?

You should stick to crying about premades on the forums and stop trying (and failing) to be an internet sleuth.

You’re probably the 300th person at this point that’s pivoted to try and call me a cheat or some other lie when they got bodied in arguments.

LF Horde Premade community

No it doesn’t man. I organized 100’s of RBGs through Cata and MoP. When MoP hit and the cheating started it was always the same thing.

This is what normal progression looks like.

The dates don’t lie. You got them at the height of the cheating. I already linked the blue post showing the issue was addressed ONE WEEK after you got your achievements. Anyone that used to run RBGs with any level of seriousness knew to look out for those dates.

You can clown all you want here and mouth off, but we all know exactly what you did. It’s pathetic. If you hadn’t said anything, no one would care but you actually though you were good enough to attack someone else over skill. What a joke.

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It was addressed in S2 when literally all of the mass cheating started from Chinese wintrader farms.

Also, you’re able to organize “100s of RBGs” but can’t get 5-10 people to fight these premades who you claim are bad lmao.

No I didn’t lmao.

I didn’t attack anyone else over skill. I called you bad for crying about premades then you were mad enough to check-pvp me and call me out for being a rival and everything else after that was you continuing to hammer on it because you got clowned in an argument.