Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

There’s nothing to clarify.

“Counting down in groups in voice is not cheating” is pretty straight forward.

You guys just can’t seem to handle it.

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Cat people and steamed vegetables ruined PvP.

More ad hominem. Why do they refuse to clarify? Maybe because he spoke out of turn? Doesn’t seem straight forward at all, maybe you can do countdown queuing but it’s not carte blanche for all the activities of the sync queue communities. It’s just something that’s going to be argued in circles until they reveal their actual plan.

If you think about it, why wouldn’t they commit one way or the other? I may be a cow but I think you’re the one getting milked.

Because the only people that need clarification are the ones that can’t handle being wrong.

Everyone else can see that “counting down and wound together isn’t cheating” is very straightforward.

Now who’s grasping for anything out of desperation.

It’s 100% straighforward. The Que communities are not breaking any rules and it’s been stated as such

There is no “plan” they have stated their stance and reiterated it multiple times.

You should stop thinking. You aren’t good at it.

How any clear does this have to be?

I swear, sometimes I think you people just want to hear yourself speak and feed your ego.

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Words don’t mean what you seem to think they mean, it’s a lawyer running the show and you have to read them for exactly what they say. You want to believe they won’t clarify because they’re obvious but that’s because such belief supports your opinion. It’s still conclusory and won’t hold up in court.

I think it’s more “I get slaughtered in BGs and it’s not fair so it has to be against the rules.

Blizzard “it’s not cheating”

“It’s not fair. If they were a premade I wouldn’t have lost”

I blame participation trophies.

This is why you should stop trying to think.

You’re only looking at the context of the blue post and not the question they are responding too because if you did you know you wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.

The post is addressed premades counting down and quing together and explicitly states it’s not cheating.

I guess with all the grasping at straws you’re doing you might as well build a strawman.

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I’m not grasping at anything. You’re the one that can’t handle reality and makes unintelligent arguments :joy:

And we’re back to ad hominem. Hey, tap, tap, this is the part where you tell me I’m not as smart as I think I am after you Google the words in my post.


It’s not ad hominem when it’s true.

Cope harder.

Google harder.

Don’t need too. The blue post clearly clarifies it and since it’s Blizzards game their opinion is what matters not googles.

Um, you are trying to read between the lines and there isn’t anything there to read.

This is not a “courtroom”, it’s a video game.


Semantics yet again.

Blah blah blah…

If they meant for your raid to be pugstomping, the restrictions wouldn’t be there. Every single time you countdown to que a full raid into randoms, you know you’re doing it in order to play a way they do not intend for you to play.

You can argue over the definitions of “cheating” and “exploit” all you want. You can try to paraphrase and exaggerate all you want. You can attack other posters all you want. Agree with yourself on alts if you want to.

But none of it changes the fact that they put in the restrictions to stop organized pugstomping and there is nothing to prove they changed their stance on it. Nothing changed except for your method of doing something they have openly condemned. And you have ruined the game mode.


Man the amount of cope you people will put yourselves through to not accept reality is biblical in proportion.

There are zero semantics involved. Nothing premades are doing or have been doing for the entire history of WoW is considered cheating.

Literal blue post etc. etc.

After having many of these premader’s ignored since they don’t argue in good faith, there’s another pattern I didn’t know existed until now.

Not only do they require an organized raid just to win randoms, some of them also buy rated carries? Yuck. There is some real fragile ego stuff going on there.


They don’t mean for it. They’d prefer premades go into rated.

They still clarified it’s not cheating.

The only ones arguing semantics are y’all arguing over feelings.

Not everyone that’s better than you is buying carries.

Talk about made up scenarios in your head.

You’re making the assumption that removing the ability to Que as a raid group had anything to do with balance or fairness.

It could have been technical limitations for all we know.

Not to mention you’re wrong on their stance. They have been up front with it backed by statements from blue posts.

Premades in BGs are frowned upon but not cheating and that’s been stated multiple times.
Keep coping