Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

WoW! Who knew there could be 3k posts about this? Whereas I saw same problem, concluded PvP BGs were not intended for casuals anymore, and just stopped queueing. :slight_smile:


Talk about a terrible take rofl.

It’s 3k posts of people not accepting reality.

Are we back to arguing what the word ‘random’ actually means?

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I can see why a player like you would be desperate enough to bring premades into randoms though.


Yea, I can’t recall where ratings landed, but your average 1600-1800 player could hit 2400 with not much effort. It was pretty unfortunate as it killed the season and most of RBGs for the rest of MoP. There were some players who unknowingly got caught up in it, but those players also didn’t go the forums and brag about their 2.4k achievements. =/

Yea, that’s unfortunate. I saw that a lot doing M+. It’s part of the reason I stopped. Was really difficult to put groups together with any level of honesty. If you tried building groups with legit players, it could takes hours and people rarely were chill enough for that. Legion was still really fun for M+ overall, but like RBGs, I think they just don’t feel the same with how many players have began to get carries. So it goes.

Are you back to taking Ls on blue posts again?

Daxxari wasn’t a developer, PvP or otherwise. He was a community manager.

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What do you mean a “player like me?”

Rofl I don’t participate in premades. Try actually making an argument not an assumption and then be completely wrong.

I can see that. I quit at the start of mop because of irl stuff and hated the changes they did to rogue.

I played off and on till BFA but by then all
My arena friends quit so I became a PvE nerd :joy:

May try to get back into it in war within. Since I don’t plan on leveling more than two classes.

Also quit some of my other games so will have a little more free time :joy:

I generally don’t really push mplus outside of gearing and farming crests/vault.

Pushing higher than old 20s/new10s doesn’t really interest me because of pugging. Which is why I think I’m going to look into pvping more this coming expansion.

once peeps start PvPing the count climbs.

As a community manager, do you think he spoke with the PvP devs so he could communicate why they made this change? Or do you think he just made something up?

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Trial accounts ruined pvp bg experience, Now Premades have ruined pvp bg experience
Whats next?
wow players ruined bg experience by playing the game? damn that’s illegal

You mean by circumventing the raid que restriction? Then sure, I guess you can reduce it to such a simple level.


Which part of the post you linked is only talking about automation addons and nothing about group quing being against the rules did you miss?

Wow, these people just lie like crazy lol.

Player on a classic character talking on retail issues btw.

The game has moved on frome classic where you needed groups for everything get with the times.

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cant engage with anything someone says, must attack character icon, btw.


What would be the point of lying about that? Daxxari was a community manager. Prior to that, he was a Support Frum Agent (SFA). That was years ago, but that’s where I got to know him.

This coming from the same group of people trying to gaslight and claim Vrakthris doesn’t speak to the dev team is hilarious.

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It was an off the cuff remark that they refuse to clarify vs something like a press release that probably was reviewed by their legal department, if you really want to discuss validity of sources.