Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

There is a quest this week. I’m doing arena outside of that for gear.

Yea. Not much point in doing them.

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I used to love random BGs; they are what really got me hooked with the game back in MoP. Even though I had played every expansion, I didn’t think the game was “fun” or “addicting” until MoP PvP. I even would do arenas just so BGs would be more enjoyable.

I can’t do BGs anymore. Every time I’ve tried in the last few expansions is just a horrid fest of farming where no one is actually trying to win, just trying to get kills and overpower the opposite faction at a graveyard.

Whether getting killed over and over, or killing people that have absolutely no chance of fighting back… it’s infinitely unfun. Top that with the lack of rewards and it becomes a pile of garbage content.

The solution is simple, and it has always been there: remove gear from the equation in PvP…

But well, as long as one team is able to wreck the other based solely on how much they’ve farmed instead of their skill, WoW PvP will continue to be the PvE farm garbage it is, and it will most likely continue to shrink out of existence.


It’s actually insane, if I queue, I’m either with a premade “”““community””" or against one. There is no normal games anymore.
Either way, I’m bored out of my mind because winning with them or fighting against them are equally as unfun.
This is an infestation.

Akita #11329

We can meet at Val. and see how good you are.


Rofl this is why no one takes the old gods seriously.

In 4 hours of queueing I have won a single epic BG because I only get PvP “”“”“”“”“”“”“”“communities”“”“”“”“”“”“”(read: griefers). The one game I won, I was with a PvP “”“”“”“”“”“”“”“community”“”“”“”“”“”“”(read: griefers).

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It think it is great.
I think this is the rocky transition phase, where people accept that joining PVP guilds is a thing.
The old style of rabble vs. rabble struck me as remedial and drab.

Now, two guilds facing off on a battlefield, one hoard and one alliance, with solos added into the mix… that’s one for the bards to sing for generations.

  • Brim

Literally no one wants to join someone’s ego boost “guild”.
People will quit the game, which is what is happening. Everyone is rage quitting out of every epic BG I am in and games are almost starting to end from lack of players.

Good job, you really “owned” us!


You’re super toxic. No wonder no one wants to play with you.

Gets mad people play in groups because they refuse to play in groups.


Nah. That will just make players like me press the issue more. Trash players are the ones that need to exploit the system.

Yea man, just ignore the people stacking 30+ in an AV.

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Clearly that’s the best solution since it’s not against the rules or else Blizz would have done something about it.

Why even say this stuff? Cheating happens in the game all the time. People have been exploiting hyper spawn points for years. There are tons of KNOWN exploits that go on for expansions until something is done.

The issue with these premades isn’t new, but the frequency in which they are happening is now making them a problem. Before, you could ignore them. You might run into them one every few weeks… now it’s multiple bgs in a row.

Ruin Gaming has been doing this for a long time now. Well, we’re tired of it. If you want to defend it, you’re just as pathetic as they are. Is it fun bullying low geared and new players?


5 hours straight, going on 6.
Same premade.
All I want to do is get honor geared so I can queue real PvP(that these people are too trash at to be able to play, I looked at their ratings, they have never even been 1550 in any ranked PvP), but these clowns are making it a miserable experience.
Most people don’t have the tolerance for this, and would instantly unsub.


You act like the people in Ruin premades arent also undergeared… Acting like its a full 30/40 people in full conq gear everytime.

Even then its randoms Want even fights go do rated

I also think Wintergrasp is annoying in general, especially against premades. The problem is even if you are losing, it might be a slow loss, like you have to wait so long to lose while your faction is getting farmed. Maybe put in permanent battle for hillsbrad in its place? Or let people blacklist one EBG and add that as a fifth

If you were good you would just buy the crafted gear and go right into shuffle/rated

If you were good, you would have 2400+ 3v3 achievement, and at least be a duelist.

Always funny when people call someone with higher ratings than them bad.


Id say being 27 pts off of 2400 close enough considering I did it when rank 1s played at that level.

Like your highest this expansion is combatant 2? and mines rival when I dont even push anything lol

Dude, you aren’t 2400, you haven’t even been a duelist, and your highest RBG rank is 2100.
You are trying to call someone who has been higher rated than you bad. You need to get a grip.


My highest threes achievement is 2353

Had I stayed in the team for the rest of the season I would have earned duelist. Instead I chose to leave and Que for fun.

No one respects rbg ratings compared to arena ratings.

If you got your ratings from RBGs that’s not a flex homie.

Last I checked in DF I have higher exp since you capped at combatant 2.

Honestly sounds like you bought your duelist