Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

If blizzard is fine with it, it should be made easier for players in game to que as a raid by just removing the restriction. Why is there the need to bypass the restrictions if it isn’t restricted?


Yeah it’s called countdown queueing and it’s addressed in the blue post linked earlier up in the thread.

Looking at my Grand Marshal title on my DK but go ahead lmao

I can’t believe this is an actual response. Time played titles don’t amount to anything.

I’m actually embarrassed for you.

Exactly. The people defending this refuse to acknowledge this.


If Blizzard wasn’t fine with it, why did they add the ability to raid queue back into classic?

It’s 5 man only in retail because the change was made to break addons syncing entire raids with one button press.

Also, as stated multiple times, Blizzard doesn’t care about PvP.

You’re aware DKs weren’t added until wrath, long after the original honor system, and the “time played” grand marshal was gone right?

Like Christ, it’s like watching Dunning-Krueger in real time.


It addresses premades. You’re just too busy ignoring the facts because you can’t handle being wrong.

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You’re responding to someone who thinks a DK is wearing a vanilla Grand Marshal title 4-5 years before they were put into the game.

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Motte and Bailey.

Death Knight
Grand Marshal

If you actually had a GM title I’d be impressed, but you don’t. Not the one anyone cares about, at any rate.


That’s not why they banned raid queuing in retail.

Because a certain group of narcissistic, nihilistic, caustic players make it actively unappealing to play PVP.

Most people who have played WoW didn’t play it in '04. It’s an easy mistake to make for someone who never had to deal with that nonsense.


Nice googling. Too bad the blue post is addressing premades in bgs, ie sync queueing.

The only one that matters is the one you didn’t have to give up your entire social life for.

Yes it is.

Pretty hilarious how you mouth breathers all seem to focus in on premades, when they’ve never really been on Blizzard’s radar. You really think the PvP community at large gives a crap about epics?

Cool, but it really doesn’t matter.

He’s talking about RBGs but I don’t know why he’d bring it up because if you looked at his achievements it seems he almost certainly bought hero. 1100-2400 in like one day, and got hero w/o the 25 games played achievement. That’s what his armory looked like prior to prepatch, maybe he thinks it’s more hidden now with achievements from BGB on his druid or something, but still unsure why he would bring it up.


I bought hero before RBG boosting was a thing? Weird!

RBG boosting started when RBGs did.


No it didn’t lmao. It wasn’t a thing until S2 of MoP when they started bringing the hammer down on Chinese wintraders.

The blue post stipulates that a few people ending up in a BG isn’t a reportable offense.

Not that you should form four parties to get 20 people into the same epic BG, thereby bypassing the ban on raid queuing. Motte, and bailey.

No it’s not.

Do you wonder why PVP is the least popular part of WoW right now? I think more people do pet battles at this point.


You can say whatever you want, but it absolutely existed starting in s9 and you absolutely bought hero. You can have the last word though, done with this thread.


anyone else get a bit of a kick out of how PvP threads kind of turn into PvP?


Again, rival says what? I knew it would be scummy. I just knew it.

You know you cheated for that achievement. You think we forgot about mop win/trading? You think we forgot that from roughly 12/21/12 to 1/31/13 all RBG achievements are bogus? Do you know how many players like you got banned and you’re actually trying to say you earned that achievement?

You went from 1800 to 2400 in 1-2 days. Your achievements are in reverse order you got them so fast. You probably got them in a single sitting.

I seriously can’t believe you would try to post here thinking that someone wouldn’t catch it. You players literally ruined RBGs with the amount of cheating you did.

You got all of those achievements at the very height of the win/trading. Absolutely pathetic.

They win traded to get it. Their achievements are in reverse order. 1800 to 2400 in one day.

Yep. I was just writing the above when I saw your post. You’re dead on.


If you believe the rules already say this but people are arguing against it by saying it isn’t then you won’t get anywhere with them. You just go round and round fighting about words.

Don’t get in the much of pedantic hell with them. It’s pointless because it ignores the totalitly of the situation. Who cares if something is legal if it sucks?

The subject of the thread is about PvP so naturally it is going to involve forum PvP.

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I constantly wonder wether the internet has turned everyone into a constant pvp debater or if politics and religion did it to us and the internet just reflects it clearer.

Really the internet has turned into fighting everyone’s crazy uncle at this point.