Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Yay Kennie. I post on my fox for you.

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I randomly pile on, sometimes I fish up some fun, other times I fish up not so fun.

Omg glasses. :dracthyr_heart:

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This is exactly why these pedantic arguments are pointless. Rules can and often should be changed. Arguing about what they are rather than the issues with the game makes no sense.

Focus on the issue not trying to dunk on each other and you actually get progress.

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I’m always excited to see you, I love my fox!

What’s with all these rival level players calling people bad? You don’t even know how to play your own class. I’d say stick to whatever you’re good at but I can’t find anything.

That’s why you have todo premades. Even random players in a bg give you trouble. Must be rough.

There’s no evidence for that.


Making two posts a month a part isn’t spam.

They also refuse to argue against that blue post. It makes it incredibly clear what they are doing is wrong.

Why be snarky? It’s been posted repeatedly.

The 2019 post only address queues.


Since someone posted Blizzards Code of Conduct, I guess I can just add to this snippet here:


You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

With those areas highlighted, it would seem that the organization even by a countdown to increase overall team participation in the game mode (Your discord group) would fall into an unfair advantage, it would also fall into Exploiting other players as it degrades the gaming experience for others…

I mean if that isn’t the most straight forward Code of Conduct against the premade vs pugs, not sure what else is needed. :hear_no_evil:


The que dropping is Literally gameplay sabotage.

Causes games to start 10v40 so that would firmly fall under ‘exploting other players’ as well.


Seems there’s a new PvP in town.

Well considering Vrakthris has been with the company for ages I think we’ll be good.

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What’s with all of these arena master players not being able to look at people’s FoS or achievements and see if someone has some higher rated xp or not?

That’s a reportable offense.

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There is. The only way a brand new low honor level player is making it into the bigger pool of players is if they’re in a party led by someone who’s of the honor level to not be put into the placement bracket.

Yeah, stinks to zone into a 40 man BG with 8-15 people versus 35+

You’ll get backfills in like 5-10 mins but the game is already decided and over


kind of a not so funny, funny catch.

Yeah people who were part of the company since its launch its founders got fired without much care from the exec’s so i don’t think anyone is really safe.

People a lot more known than vrakthris at that.

These companies don’t reward loyalty in modern day and there are countless examples of that. People who have been with a company for 20+ years just getting thrown out like yesterday’s trash the second somebody better potentially pops up or if its just not expedient for their bottom line to keep you any more.

Rival says what?

Don’t attack other players on their ability when you have none.

I can go into an epic bg right now and find new players. If you want to post some patch notes that address that, go ahead.


Taken completely out of context and not even the complete sentence, but the best part of the CS thread that had me laughing.

CS agent saying they are in the wrong place to post about changes, but out of context just having a CS agent say they are wrong had me laughing.


That’s the problem, it’s already against the rules. Blizzard specifically disabled raid queuing for epic BG’s for a number of reasons. But these clowns want to motte and bailey an argument because a blue post also indicated that a couple of people winding up in the same BG- especially when an epic BG can take players in lots of 40- isn’t a reportable offense in itself.

Twinking was actually against the TOS. Blizzard just had bigger priorities than dealing with a bunch of PVP sideshows. Blizzard is also notoriously lethargic when it comes to implementing any actual fixes that people are actually concerned with. It took them about a decade to implement an ‘appear offline’ function for the app. I raise this now so that when I’m applying for social security, Blizzard will finally make epic BG queues not suck.

Premade groups of any size getting to compete against pugs is a significant advantage. PUG’s shouldn’t be expected to fight organized groups and no sane person would argue it’s remotely fair. In other games it’s not even up for debate. There’s already multiple options for organized PVP between arenas and rated BG’s. There may have been a point to it back in '04 but the first expansion already fixed that, “BUT I WANNA PLAY WITH MY FRIENDS!” problem.

Plus we’re specifically talking about the practice of timing queues across multiple parties to get an entire raid’s worth of players into a single epic BG, bypassing the ban on raid queuing for epic bg’s. If the only meaningful counterplay to cheating is to cheat yourself, it’s a practice that has to be stopped.

I am glad to see that most sane people understand what it really is though, and why it got banned in the first place.


Sorry, i think they removed that.

I know they added under honour 30 level games back in legion, but when i went looking into it earlier this year for another thread, I found old comments about it being taken away early DF Season 2 (or was it S1).

But ya, that is gone now sadly =(