Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Do you guys even read a thread before commenting or are you just here to pile on?


Oh so blizzard didn’t say that? got it.

Like I said. They ignore it and/or obfuscate. Then beat their chests like apes. Pointless.


form a group yourself. this game isn’t designed around solo play, especially in a grouped game mode.

https ://

“We understand that players want to enjoy coordinated team play, and we invite those players to queue into Rated Battlegrounds or play Wargames to have that experience. Players can continue to use Addons to queue for Rated Battlegrounds as well.”


Specifically, from my post over 2 weeks ago, where the blue is quoted as saying:

The normal Battleground queue is for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. We realize that it’s not a perfect system, and we’re still looking at ways to improve normal Battleground queues further. Regardless, it’s not meant for organized groups to “pug stomp” and get quick Honor. We have built in outlets for players that want to organize–if a competitive, social experience was really the goal, then there are clear ways to achieve that.


Neither was twinking it was still fixed.

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Wait, your source is from a over a decade ago? And you think that’s relevant today?

Goodness, no wonder people ignore you lol.

Ya see? Arguing in bad faith.


Intentional circumvention of matchmaking limitations.

They don’t punish anybody for it, but allowing it has kind of ruined the mode.

EBGs are effectively just wintraded.


Bad faith is using a quote from 10+ years ago lol.

Today, can a group larger than 5 que their raid into randoms? Nope.

Today, do they allow the addons that made it easy for raids to que into randoms? Nope.

bu…but…but that’s an old post lol

It’s an official stance that nothing suggests has changed. You’re still not allowed to que raids into it. You know this. It’s why you have to evade the restrictions to have an organized pugstomp.


Don’t forget this one:

Do they allow you to countdown and queue? Yup.


hur hur blizzard didn’t sur dat!


It’s an old purst!


The generic answer regarding countdowns isn’t technically cheating according to wiki!


It’s organized pugstomping that there is zero evidence to suggest they now support.


kind of a stretch, but i see where you get the idea

Still haven’t seen the exact quote and since you seem to struggle with reading comprehension, it is more than likely you are misrepresenting it. So yeah, it remains to be seen if they actually said that, but we got distracted because you’re using information from 15 years ago and expecting to be taken seriously lol.

It’s a shame that we have to point out that information from 10+ years ago is no longer relevant. I thought they taught this in grade school.

You mean according to Blizzard themselves lol.

Doesn’t matter if they support it or not. That doesn’t make something an exploit and that doesn’t mean it needs to be changed lol.

Are you done with the chest beating?

I’m not being dishonest and they never said that.

They said they prefer organized groups to be in rated but they never once said it’s against the rules.

The 2019 posts is the official stance that replaced that.

Also as proven and ignore you 100% are taking that statement out of context.

Right so just as soon as that guy gets fired and we get another cs with another opinion it will change again right?

Cause apparently what is and is not allowed is completely up to the whims of the individual cs rep so just like greg street said premades are bad and this new guy said they are not neccasarily bad.


I mean they’d lose every game if they did that. :dracthyr_heart:

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