Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

They aren’t the same. You aren’t getting farmed in RSS. Also, the chance of getting farmed in Blitz are substantially lower. You’re actively working to make that happen, as opposed to it happening randomly. Random is one thing, intentional is another. What you’re doing isn’t random.

The blue post is very specific in their response and they address the question of queuing.

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0-6 players sure are.

Not really. I don’t agree with farming graveyards for HKs, I’d leave a community if that was happening.

Keeping people in a graveyard to allow for capping the flag though, sure, I’ll run right up to you and leg sweep as many people as I can.

You keep bringing up the word random, are you on the bandwagon that “Random Battlegrounds” means random players and not maps?

Despite the fact that you can queue for “Random Dungeons” with a full team. And the other option is to queue for specific maps.

I get that you don’t want to accept that the blue post was answering the question, that’s not my problem though.


Which side has been doing premades in randoms BGs? Are both factions guilty of doing this or is one side more guilty than the other in doing this?

From my understanding there are more alliance communities.

I think our only solution is for everyone to not queue epics unless they’re part of a community, let them play each other and allow new people to hate pvp. If Blizzard wants to kill pvp they will regardless. We’re getting a peek behind the curtain, they seem to feel extreme imbalance promotes more grinding rather than people leaving, the only way to convince them otherwise is if everyone leaves.

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Solutions like this dont matter to these people. They dont want to do that, theyd rather continue mindlessly ressing, mindlessly running in one at a time, so they can cry that they lost.

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They don’t want solutions. They want to remain being ineffective teammates.

It’s obvious from the way they approach the premade issue, rather than working out what they can do to help themselves, they demand that the adjudicator changes the game so they don’t have to do anything different.

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See? It goes nowhere with these people.

And when they’re only queing against other premades, they will stop queing too once they realize they were just scrubs gaining advantages over other scrubs.


Yup, same thing happened with the twink community which is why I proposed we accelerate the process. Twinks died when they didn’t have an extreme advantage, I would have wanted to help them but they just wanted to stomp pugs and any ideas to balance were dismissed out of hand. Communities will die once they have to face each other to get games, then maybe we can play again assuming we haven’t found something better.


If you’ve ever been in the communities that coordinate them they are also pretty insufferable. Nothing of value would be lost if they were broken up. Idk if that should happen, but they did ruin the fun of random bgs imo. I just don’t do them anymore.


Bruh I know you aren’t talking. You have been ducking and dodging points that you can’t refute for days.

I will say the 70 bracket remained alive despite the separation. It was 4 minute ques majority of the day. It was doing very well. What killed it was them scaling everyone’s level up to 74 around WoD I think. It destroyed the benefit of the 70 sets and so it was done.

But for leveling bg’s, yeah they dropped it once they couldn’t stomp levelers in greens.


lol it’s true they really are terrible.

Then it should be no problem for you to overcome.

They didn’t have to die, they sort of killed themselves by demanding the game be just on their terms. Maybe we could have given Blizzard a solution we both could live with otherwise, like using party sync template when they queued into xp-on so they could play their chars while waiting for some twink event.

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What I’m referring to is the first time they had twinks separate from exp on que. Right after exp was added to bg’s the players themselves chose to separate at 70 because the pvp sets were incredible and the scaling was damn good. But as soon as they made a later change to scale players’ levels up to the top of the bracket, 70 died.

BG’s aside, we did the raids together, skirmishes together… it was a booming community and it was natural.

But that’s all beside the point anyways as your point is still valid for the remainder. Once the stompers have to go against each other(70 bracket aside), they find out they’re scrubs too and move on.

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Going 0-6 in RSS isn’t getting farmed. I have gone 0-6 plenty of times. It happens. I’m just as active in those games as the one that I got 6-0 in. Sitting the GY isn’t the same as going 0-6.

Then this thread isn’t about you.

Dear lord this is painful at this point.

The premades aren’t going the random map route. Random doesn’t just mean maps though.

Because the blue post isn’t saying what you want it to. If you want to argue it was inferred, have at it.

Both factions do it, but it’s predominantly an alliance thing.

There have been lots of solutions offered up in this thread. The second edit to the main post was offering up a solution.

The oppressor telling the victim how they should deal with the problem. How rich.

Yea, same thing happened in the RBG carry communities. The people doing the carries were absolutely some of the worst people you would ever run into and they legitimately argued they were good for the game. No surprise the multiboxers did as well. :laughing:

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I was thinking the last time they were separated when I was trying to find solutions to help. Twinks brought a lot to wow, I still use xpoff when I’m leveling but it’s getting harder to find information. They also bought my low level gear, God bless them.

I mean Ive played with them so nothing to overcome, just an observation about lack of individual skill. Just gets boring after awhile there’s no challenge in farming random pugs.

It kind of is though. I play Epics with a couple of communities.

The communities that I play with generally do. I have seen some that specifically queue only for AV, but that’s probably because it is a good map.

The cope in this thread is still ongoing