Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Since when do people play solo if they queue solo?

There are 9 others in a BG, so they do play in a group.


Playing a game solo and quing into a group of randoms is still playing solo

You joined the que solo. People with friends join the que in a group.

Where have you been lately or you clearly don’t PvP cause there are literally dozens of communities that strictly do EPIC battlegrounds. What they do is make several 5 man groups and queue sync then call out when their queue pops, if not enough groups get in then they drop queue.


Dudes a lost cause or is taking advantage of the situation.


Blizzard needs to do something about this.
There is so many “PvP communities” completely ruining epic bgs for normal people that you can’t ever actually play epic BGs anymore.
These “PvP communities” are just someone with a gigantic ego that gets off to leading around 39 people.
They are extremely degenerate.

I recommend boycotting epic BGs until Blizzard does something.


I recommend making friends or join a community.

Why edit your post?

“I recommend getting good…”

Again attacking other players.

Just have to keep these topics going or make new ones pushing the issue. There are a bunch on the BG forums.

BGs with a few buddies are a fun time.

BGs with 5-7 other 5 man groups all trying to get into the same battle are just so boring.


If I wanted to be ordered around by someone with a gigantic ego I’d join the army.


As an interesting parallel, I run a rbg group on Saturday nights, and despite being a member of 3 different active pvp coms, and having a btag-list of over 200 players, I cannot fill a full group of 10 without pugging (side note: if I have to pug an fc things can take a REALLY long time to get going).

I think the issue is that true premading scares people, and most would just rather pug-stomp in non-rated bgs.

I decided to be less blunt.

It still applies though.

Shiyo already has a reputation for complaining about literally everything.

Thats why you lack success in this game

Watch out, we got a forum hero over here!
Look at how cool he is! I want to be just like him when I grow up!

My epic BG queues are now 20m after being instant, looks like the premades made everyone stop queueing.
Good job guys, you have successfully “owned” everyone and made no one want to play the game with you. Have fun sitting in queues forever and never playing the game because no one wants to deal with your garbage.

Such an emotional response. Thanks for confirming everything I said

Sure its that and has zero to do with being end of the expansion

Organization and structure always wins over the lone wolf.

That’s a life lesson right there.

  • Brim

Except Blizzard intentionally makes it so you aren’t supposed to be able to organize.
They have even gone to lengths to ban addons allowing people to do so.


If I was a blue, I would have a number of incognito accounts.
You can gather more input and more sincere when authority isn’t on the table.

  • Brim

Yea, people cheat for a reason. Imagine needing to exploit the game so you can take advantage of random players in an unranked bg.

Literal bottom feeders.


These premades have made epic BGs worse honor/hour than normals and made gearing alts/returning players take forever.
You do AV, get a 45m turtle 400 honor because you don’t take a single objective because they just group up as 40 and stop any offensive you do then have the teamwork(read: can call “PULL AND AOE ON MARKER” on voice chat) so you can’t ever win fights.

Normally epic BGs, especially AV, are over in 10-15m MAX and you get 500+ honor.

It’s actively hurting the game massively and probably causing tons of people to quit. Blizzard needs to take action NOW.


If you’re gearing an alt you should be doing the blitz anyway. Conq and honor gains are higher thru that mode.