Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


Not really a protest when it’s flat out incorrect.

Lucky for menu don’t care what you think. Just stating the facts.

Well, you’re the one saying you can’t hit ratings because of pugs. Makes no sense.

You’re bad. Period. If you want to bring skill into the equation, you shouldn’t be attacking others.


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Never said that.

Sure thing. At least I’m not lying about being rank 1 lol

lol which season


Weird, neither am I. Where did I say I was rank 1?

lol 7.3.2

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Feel free to quote where I said that was the reason.

Yet neither warcraft logs or raider io show any truth to this.


Only season showing any keys done is season 4 and zero as SV.

Granted unless you are the one logging logs can disappear.

RaiderIO still shows zero key activity back then.

You accused me of lying. Where did I say I was rank 1?

Raider IO still shows that I was 107 for all hunter specs in the US and was 417 in the world. Unfortunately it does not show that I did this predominantly as SV, while MM was the primary spec, with BM be after.

As I said, and I have no reason to lie like you, I was one of the top SV hunters in the world. I peaked around rank 14 overall.

I’m looking at it right now.

https:// raider .io/characters/us/tichondrius/Adroi?season=season-7.3.2


Damn dude. I have no such claims, just didn’t put the effort into it, but really…not trying to say you don’t have the bonefides but the idea the they are necessary here is such a red herring.

You don’t need to be amazing at pvp to have an opinion on random battle grounds and what is fun or not in them. It’s such a weird argument.

Very impressive numbers though Adroi.


I would actually be tempted to queue battlegrounds again if I wasn’t in such high likelihood to be ROFL-stomped by premades.


For sure and you’re 100% right.

I’m just calling him out for calling others bad when he doesn’t have the place to. Then he tried to say all I have is PvP, when that also isn’t true. Ability has no place in this topic and he’s openly attacking people on it. Makes no sense.

It really frustrates me that the average player is the one who is getting impacted by this most. In the end it’s just ruining PVP for everyone. That players like him and the other doing it can’t at least admit that says a lot about who they are as player and as people in general.

Thanks! I have some solid nerd cred. :slight_smile:

Yea, epics are pretty pointless now. I see them less in the 10v10 and 15v15 matches thankfully.


Same here. The way it is now has made me stop queing completely. It’s been this way for a while.

I WANT to log on and que but as it is… hell to the no.


You said you were one of the top sv hunters I took it as rank 1.

Most likely because it was new.

Either way not going to nitpick it.

And I was. o.o

Most surprising thing of the thread.

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Heh nah. That would require people to stop using the word exploit.


The word is what it is.

exploit - use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way.

Premades are selfish and unfair.


If you go beyond game mechanics to bypass game restrictions to gain advantage I don’t know what else you would call it. This could be an illustration of the principle it’s so dead on to the definition.

That may be but it’s not an exploit and it’s not against the rules.

Trying so hard to stay relevant.

They aren’t bypassing any game

That’s why you don’t know what to call it.

Yes it is. You’re not allowed to queue for epic BG’s as a raid.

It’s categorically an exploit. If it wasn’t Blizzard would just let you do it.


No one is queing as a raid.

Incorrect. Learn what is an exploit and what isnt.

Last time this happened years ago, it wasn’t queue circumventors, it was twinks. They ruined casual PVP, which at the time was low level pvp. Until Blizzard decided to put them all into the same battleground. It took a very long time but it happened eventually. Why not put you casual battleground premades against each other?

Just how? Your little playground to vent off your personal frustrations by crushing random players who don’t have the means or chance to organize? I mean it’s obvious you don’t want to fight against each other, 2 groups end up in the same battleground, one group quits either before the game starts or shortly after. You people are sad. Just sad.

That’s not PVP. That’s a premade stomping randoms.