Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I just have a lot of down time at work.

You cant even refute points which is why youre still ignoring the post I shredded your source.

You say replying to me goes no where yet you cant even refute basic points lol…

I dont care what you do.

aKtUaLlY i’M nEuTrAl.


It’s pretty amusing. He’s posted in this thread more than I have. He’s the very definition of desperate.

lol. You’re so dishonest. You responded to me when I’m talking about 40 man groups with the comment it’s about friends. Then you say you’re not talking about 40 man groups, even though that was your response to me talking about 40 man groups.



My facts havent even been refuted.


Nah. Just have lots of free time at work.

Not dishonest at all.

I said it punishes people who play with friends. No where did I say all 40 people were friends, Thats just you actually being desperate.

Dude, do you not understand this conversation?

You continue to respond saying its about friends, when the entire thread is talking about premade groups. No ONE is talking about groups of 5. Premades are NOT groups of friends.


Premades arent limited to 40v40

I know youre desperate to prove a point since you have failed multiple times.

I was specifically responding to someone saying to split the ques. Try to keep up.

At this point, they should just admit to arguing for arguments sake lmao


They can just look at my character and see I have pvp achievements, I think most if not all are shared in an account. Notice how even my bank alts are listed in Check-pvp, there’s no misinformation. Raist has 40k HKs by himself.

It literally states “this account has no pvp achievements”

which means you dont have any that actually matter.

there it is folks, the moment we’ve been waiting for!

dude get over yourself lmao.


Or you could look at my character and see all the PvP achievements listed, sounds like the website you’re using is demonstrably flawed.

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Nah, nothing to get over.

Nah, it just shows the achievements that matter. It shows you tried arena on 3 different characters when you started at 1500 and failed.

This discussion is about epic BGs, not rated pvp. Desperation doesn’t suit you.

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This guy has been calling other players bad constantly from the start of this thread. They best they have to show in the last decade is Rival I. It’s incredible they think they are in a position to attack anyone over ability.

I mean you were the one that said pvp sucks and dont really participate in it.

Thinking im actually desperate is hilarious.

When the shoe fits.

Because rival is where the cutoffs for mogs is. Its still higher than everyone but yours lol.

Havent attacked anyone. Just stating facts

Really? Show me.

Every way you look at this it’s exploiting.


You’ve derailed the conversation long enough. Say something that matters now

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My achievements say otherwise. Again, this is about unrated pvp and I have all sorts of qualifications in that regard. It’s pretty desperate to try and use something unrelated to try and prove a point, you reek of it.

No one believes this, not even you. If that were the case, why did you only manage challenger all those seasons? :thinking:

Oh, that’s right, you couldn’t even manage to hit rival those season. Rough man.

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