Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Which is also incorrect.

Normal and LFR raid numbers are equal to heroic raid numbers.

You should stop trying to link sources. You’re not good at it.

Interesting thing to note for objective people reading:

1 side is arguing over the fact that this is ruining a game mode they love to play.

The other side is arguing to protect the communities they’re part of that do this behavior.

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They aren’t. Because Blizzard has stated it’s not exploiting.

Your personal feelings are irrelevant.

Even then they weren’t that popular. The rewards weren’t good and people only did BGs to farm honor aside from a small minority.

Deflecting and moving goalposts because you can’t refute facts and base everything on personal feelings.

Actually I’m a neutral as I’m not part of any premade community.

You just love being wrong lol.

that doesn’t mean anything because you can switch characters for the forums, delete characters, have a different account altogether.

If they weren’t part of these communities, AND don’t do the content, then why would they feel so passionately about the subject? :thinking: So much so that they spam the thread endlessly.

Is it just being contrarian?
Just trolling?
Or are they defending their own behavior?

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Do you know how checkpvp works?

It searches the account not just a single player.

It shows all their alts

Example being the shaman has a paladin and warlock with their highest exp being 1500.

I think rewards are part of the issue. We didn’t need all the mogs and such to play randoms back before Legion, we just did it because it was fun. I usually post on Raist in these threads but he was more my pvp poster and I’ve given up on it, I’ll be the first to say that the existence of sync somewhat justifies people syncing and that there should be no penalty for players because Blizzard created this issue. No bad feelings is what I’m trying to say.


I don’t care either way. I’m just pointing out the multiple points you’re dead wrong about.

I keep getting accused I might as well join a community :joy:

Checkmpvp shows your warlock.

You still have zero PvP achievements according to check pvp and haven’t done any rated PvP.

I have 100k HKs achievement as well as some arena achievements I just never did more than farm conquest weapons from it. I’m just a few kills away from master of WG or whatever title for completing all the achievements and that’s not even trying for them.

Actually they are. Circumventing the queue system to allow larger groups than the queue systems allows to join in the same battleground is an exploit, the fact that Blizzard hasn’t done anything about it, does not make it anything else.

Dunno why they haven’t done anything about it. It’s annoying as hell to the point where people are quitting casual PVP because of that queue exploint. Not only do these exploiters ruin battlegrounds for everyone when they join, because I don’t know how frustrated you have to be to take your premade and camp the enemy graveyard and vote kick anyone who comments on that, but when they don’t synchronize their queue properly and end up with 15 people instead of 30+, they leave.

These people are a cancer on this game.


Next to the op, one of the defenders here is the top poster. But they want you to think they’re being objective here. Nearly 300 posts so far. They aren’t arguing from an objective position. They clearly have skin in the game. Replying to them goes nowhere.


Why would I trust an 3rd party website to figure out who’s done what in pvp.

Turns out a premade made up of 2 five-man groups that synced their queue to bypass the very intentional premade restriction in BG Queues has a lot easier time coordinating and executing their strategy than 10 randos who aren’t doing their best to bypass the intended queue behavior.

That and a premade almost always is more geared out than the average random queue player, creating an additional imbalance.

Let’s not pretend having a premade coordinated group vs a bunch of randoms isn’t cheating.




He’s getting desperate.

Its not considering blue posts show its not.

Because its not cheating or an exploit.

Where did I say all 40 people were friends. Keep reaching though.

Not at all

You’ve run out of facts and are now using fiction to try and prove your point, like saying I have no pvp achievements.