Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

They have been linked multiple times in this thread. Just search Hrav.

But its actually not.

I havent derailed anything.

Preamdes arent exploiting.

Nah just poiting out that only the bad players and Adroi seem to get tilted over losing a random bg.

He has the murloc pajamas though :crazy_face: :popcorn:


Aw, Forumsnoz! studio laugh track plays while scene gets cut for commercial break


So a premade player is asking for others’ rated achievements in a thread about a casual game mode when they themselves have scrub achieves.

That’s freakin priceless. How can it NOT be trolling?


haha! True… true.


Working 70 hours a week with a family. Most of my game time was spent raiding. Generally pushed at the end of the tier.

Nah just wasnt a priority. Kind of funny but understandable since pvp is all you have

LOL I must have certainly got you in the feels.

You are making the queue do something it’s not meant to. You are doing it in the casual battlegrounds where people are not organized. Yeah, you are exploiting.


Yes it was a rollercoaster of emotions :beer:

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It’s kind of sad at this point.


Blizzard has stated its not and that queing in groups of 5 in voice is not exploiting.

I am excited to have such a dedicated fan.

Yes you are.

If I was in a thread and been wrong as much as you have id actually be embarrassed.

It is Sunday! We all love forum trolling Sunday, a time and true family tradition since the inception of the wow forums. It’d be sadder if they were actually serious though.

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No take backs. You said you were stopping at rival because of the mogs, yet you more often then not only hit challenger.

It takes one night to hit elite these days for decent players and you can’t manage rival. Why are you calling other players bad?

PvP is all I have? I was one of the top ranked SV hunters and disc priests in the world in M+. :slight_smile:

I do only focus on them one at a time though.

Keep in mind how active they are in this thread. They do it sunday-saturday


moved the goalpost again, talks about 5 man groups instead of the 40 player groups they’ve been whining about

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I guess whatever you need to tell yourself. The fact you advocate exploiting in epics brings into question all of your pvp achievements. Did you reach the credit card level of skill?

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I was pugging. It happens.

Because lack of effort doesnt mean lack of skill.

Because its a fact.


Which is understandable.

You do realize I work a lot right?

Havent moved it once.

Considering its not exploiting and you cant seem understand its not its not surprising you now try to claim I bought my achievments rofl.

I just asked the question, seemed like it needed to be asked considering how you’re defending unfair advantage and exploits.

I asked over week ago, why hasn’t one brought it up on the CS forums? It is a policy question.