Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

It’s not because blizzard has stated multiple times it’s not against the rules.

Premades have been a thing for over ten years.

It’s not being actioned because it’s not against the rules.

I don’t think it is that. I think they don’t care much about pvp at all anymore PLUS it is a very difficult problem to address. So it gets pushed down the trough. I mean, they’re releasing game breaking bugs into live patches regularly now. So either they’re severely overwhelmed or incompetent. So I don’t think they don’t want to fix it, I just don’t think they really can.

How would they differentiate between a group that coincidentally sync’d together vs those that are intentionally bypassing the restrictions? They can’t.

The only solution is to separate solo ques and party ques. But that itself is a difficult one to swallow because it chops up an already diminished player pool. But I would remind them that when these communities que into a premade on the other side, they quit. So eventually they will do as they were intended to do unless they want to get stomped on by those other raids they run from.

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They aren’t exploiting.

No matter how many times you repeat this it’s not going to magically change the definition that matters which is blizzards.

It’s always the people without pvp achievements that can’t comprehend pvp happened and you lost.

Deal with it.

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They also aren’t going to punish people for playing with friends in a game that’s designed around playing in groups.

The solo players that can’t handle losing just need to deal with losing.

Ps still ignoring this post that destroyed your source I see.

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I don’t think anyone is arguing that queuing with friends is bad, it’s the queuing with more than the intended 5 people that is allowed is what the issue is


But it is allowed.

And it’s been reinforced multiple times over the years.

Not liking the system is fine.

Ignoring the fact that it’s not an exploit or cheating per blizzard isnthenissue

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Groups of 40 people aren’t groups of friends. Try joining one of these communities. They put a call out and anyone can join. These people don’t know each other. Quit lying.


Blizzard can say the color of the sky is pink but it doesn’t mean the sky isn’t blue. This is why PvP sucks now.

They can start by applying a cumulative delay to requeue when people drop queue. They can randomize teams rather than take them in the order that they queue. Allow cross faction and alternately place players. They could break it up.

They’d just countdown the solo queue rather than group queue.

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I literally cannot imagine having 40 people considered as friends AND on top of that play wow AND pvp! I’ve got a hand full of folks who are friends who I play ffxiv with, but not with wow, let alone any type of pvp

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There is a reason why most pvp games have a solo queue and a group queue. You can’t trust the community with this.

They are still grouping in a group based game.

I used to be in oasis. People playing together in a group isn’t against the rules.

I never said everyone knew everyone.

Not lying because you can’t handle losing a bg.

When it’s their game what they say matters.

You don’t even participate in PvP so you don’t have any credibility to say it sucks.

That is punishing people playing in groups in a group based game because you can’t handle losing.

Yeah, that can alleviate some of the problem but it still allows the problem to persist. There will be times they still get their raid in. It needs to be nipped in the bud.

There’s an issue that already exists with this new forced merc mode. When 2 parties or more of the raid community gets placed on the other side, they wait until the start and then just leave. This leaves the legit team down a lot of players and end up getting crushed early into the bg. So any late joiners end up in a bad game they’re already losing. Plus, it would still allow some to fall through the cracks and end up together against a pug.

It’s a bandaid. We need to nip it completely or else this game mode will be a ghost town if it isn’t already outside of these “communities.”

This game can’t get that many players to do anything in sync. GL getting 40+ people to click correctly when 20 can’t even stop standing in bad spots. It’s a whole lot easier to get 8-10 leaders to click it than 4+ times that amount. They currently manage to screw up the former since some of the teams end up in other bg’s or sides.

Them changing it to solo vs solo and raid vs raid already backs up their stance before. “There are other modes where they’re meant to raid que(warmode and rated).”

Maybe an implementation of all if it could work but like has been said, it’s a complex problem without a simple solution. But something has to be done because the player pool seems to be shrinking rapidly which only increases the odds the remaining players will face a premade.

They claim it’s about friendship. It’s not. It’s about pug stomping ez mode and farming.

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I think how much pvp has fallen demonstrates that it sucks. Random BGs used to be as popular as random dungeons, the most popular form of rated pvp RSS, has less than a 3% participation.

It’s to stop people from exploiting. The second half is strawman, I could turn it around and say you have to exploit the system because you can’t handle losing and there’d be a lot more truth in the statement.

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No one claimed it’s about friendship.

You still keep ignoring the post that shreds your source.

Further proving you can’t refute facts.

you don’t have to be balls deep in pvp to know there’s something fundamentally wrong with how pvp works in wow today. It’s whatever it was then, but they’ve ignored some pvp issues for too long and it seems that one of them is this. And it’s because of nasty pvp gatekeepers is what keeps folks out for experiencing how not ideal pvp really is

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Random BGs and random dungeons have never been popular. Especially after mplus came out.

RSS was dead on arrival. It’s a terrible mode.

People aren’t exploiting. Yiu have to be one of the most obtuse people on this forum.

You actually need to participate at some level and his account has zero pvp achievements.

I wish holinka wouldn’t regularly delete his posts because back when the “pvp is an irrelevant sidegame” discussions would come up, we would link to a holinka tweet and a now deleted blue post where they stated that casual bg’s were as popular as lfr at that time. Which they said was the most popular pve mode.

But we’ve now reached the self-fulfilling prophecy of it all where they turned pvp into an irrelevant game mode due to negligence and now say, “See! It’s irrelevant!”

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They are, Blizzard just isn’t enforcing their own rules.

That was MoP or WoD, before M+ was introduced in Legion. Randoms as popular as dungeons, 2s as popular as LFR, 3s as popular as normal raids and 5s as popular as heroic (now mythic) raids.