Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Out of curiosity, do you often get two lots of premades, one on each side? Or is it mainly just one and it wipes everything.

Yea, not a fan of premades. It does make BG’s not worth doing if you just wanna que for em… at that point I usually just find other things to do instead of dealing with the losers who gotta go full premade to get a dub.

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Funnily enough, in my experience there’s about a 50/50 chance whoever you’re up against is a premade. At least these days. Wasn’t the case in BfA and SL. So often it is possible to have two premades go up against each other.

Of course it also depends on time of day. If Ruin start their organizing for example, the word filters out and the pugs get demolished lol.

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Premades “cheat”.

They…have a strategy.

They talk to each other.

They…don’t leave the start area and run 5 “strats” (if they can be called that) at the same and wonder why minutes later the match went to crap.

Since several in the pug rando team have father issues it seems. “You aren’t my dad” is a common reply when someone tried to put a strategy up.

I’ve caught premades as random fill ins. Here is how they really “cheat”.

The raid leader uses their special chat/notice power to tell us randoms the plan.

That is “cheating”. raid leader powers are for the person who has them to post nothing but stupid crap the whole match. or nothing at all. I’ve preferred the latter in many matches.

It’s unranked BGs. If you want to eliminate pre-mades, BG Blitz is what you want.


so do retail premades at least mix it up? are the servers varied?

I’ve Been a way a bit. We get lots of bene premades in the other wow. Sometimes faerlina tries. But its faerlina…their best pvp skill sometimes is picking chat fights with grobbulos or arugal players when I do horde pvp. It doesn’t win matches, but it entertains, sometimes.

See, the Faerlina skills I usually see are DKs needing on cloth gear in LFD.

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No it’s actually the good PvPers who complain about the queue times. I don’t like sometimes waiting half an hour for a 5 to 10 minute match. In fact, no one likes it.

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No one is talking about que times but you…

I suggest reading the actual thread before making assumptions

That happens towards the end of every expac. Do you want me and everyone else in this thread to buy a bunch of green and blue gear from the auction house and put our epics in the bank so you can actually beat us? Good geared team does not equal premade.

Kinda doubt you are running into back to back premades. More than likely, it is just average groups that end up roflstoming the under geared players.

Its not a “known” issue". Its near the end of the expac…everyone running dungeons are going to be geared, everyone running raids are going to be geared, everyone running BGs are going to be geared.

You can no longer premade BGs in non Classic WoW. You running into back to back groups of fully geared players show that it is near the end of the expac and it is a bunch of people running their well geared toons though. Not too many run their low geared alts through PvP right now, anything not 500+ will get stomped in seconds in any BG out there. Get BiS, then you wont hate PvP so much. PvP is pretty brutal running it in subpar gear, always has been.

Yes, most premades I’ve been a part of were cross-realm groups created through the Community tab.

I’ve done some RUIN Alliance premades earlier in DF, back in seasons 2-3.

We stomped hard, winrate was very high if not full 100% lol, in those premades. I don’t recall ever having lost one of those, even against other premades.

Haven’t done any as of Season 4 though, it seems participation has fallen off to some degree.

It’s the end of DF, after all. And S4 isn’t really being treated as a real season, just waiting for TWW. Most might be done already.

From my point of view it´s pretty simple.

If you queue solo, you only meet people that did also queue solo. If you queue in a group, no matter the size then you meet other groups.

Truth is, if Blizz would add this system, the group queue would be huge, as people only roll in groups through BG´s, to farm noobies.

The days when you did face a challange as a group in Vanilla, are long gone. Back then, everyone was in a premade, as you did not disband after a match and could queue again. It was the best time in WOW PVP ever, which was destroyed when Xrealm pvp started and everyone was random and solo.

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this is a troll post.

lol… Imagine needing strategy against a group of under geared randoms.

There is a quest for epic bgs this week.

Nah, pretty easy to tell who is a premade. Like just reading their names. Or is that something you consider difficult?


No one at Blizzard reads a single report. It’s 100% automated. They do not have the money to invest into real employee’s.

So just uncap the group limit. And prefer matching premades against each other.

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Then why not have them change it? You literally said it is already broken and I don’t want them to change it. That makes no sense.

Yes you can, you time it and if the bg doesn’t pop for everyone you pass and requeue. It’s a known workaround/exploit. Did you even read the thread?

Also, in a 10 v 10 having a 5 man premade massively tips the scales as well. It needs to be included in the matchmaking system to try to even things out or grouping has to be slowed down in queue by having it always matched with equal amounts of premades.

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You dont get rewarded for playing solo in a group based game.