Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I’m just following the rules.

If you want them to change the rules, have fun trying to convince them.

You’re just being intellectually dishonest here.

OP asks “is it cheating if groups of 5 Que together

Blue “no it’s not cheating as long as any addon is not used. Counting down in voice and quing is ok and not cheating”

Adroi “it doesn’t say anything about premades”

What is the rule on queing for more than 5 in game? Can you do it? No. Therefore, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

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Where in the blue response are they saying premades are okey? Please point to it.

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Try queuing in a group of 40 into an epic BG. That was my response, what was your response to it that I didn’t refute?

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The rules are already there. Can you que in randoms with more than 5?
No. There is the rule. No further clarification needed.

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As long as they aren’t using an addon they are 100% not breaking the rules.

What do you not understand about that?

You do realize it has to do with the Que system right?

If they make a statement saying counting down in voice and joining together is fine then it’s not against the rules no matter how much of a tantrum you throw.

They are responding to a question. In the post that they replied to. You don’t think there is a connection between the two posts?

It’s not treated as cheating under the ToS, it’s still unintended play and therefore exploiting which is what we were discussing.

But you can also queue groups using voice or countdowns in game chat.

That is not considered cheating.

If you were meant to do it, they wouldn’t have restrictions to prevent it. Simple. ezpz.

When you have to resort to communicating in voice and counting down to press the button in sync, you’re bypassing restrictions, gaining the advantage they are openly against, are no longer a pug, and ruining a portion of the game.

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They don’t have restrictions to prevent it.

The only restriction is that you can only queue with a group of up to 5 players.

There are no other restrictions. Using voice or chat to communicate with other players is not cheating.

Where in the response are they saying premades are okay? They specifically address the issue of queues.

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Because it isnt.

Its not exploiting because 1 Blizzard has said it isnt and 2 you dont know what exploiting means

We all know what these premade raid guys do when they face other premades. They quit and wait to reque. Majority of the time.

And every time people not part of these premade communities quit queing, the odds of facing a premade go up. And now, you face premade raids more than actual random players.

Players queing without slight of hand are quitting the game mode due to those that are bypassing restrictions.

The funny part of this is that the premade raids will end up only having other premades to fight against. And then they will break up or quit because they’re also just scrubs trying to gain unintended advantages.

According to them it also says it’s OK to drop queues until they all get in the same team (and don’t face another community).


I’ve provided an outside source that says it means exactly what I said it means and you’ve just said I don’t think so. Whom should we believe?


You havent provided any source rofl.


Hence why they havent done anything about it

That queuing at the same time as others, using voice or chat to countdown, is fine.

If they were talking about 5 man groups, they don’t need to countdown, the leader is the only one who has to click the queue button.

The simple fact that they mention a countdown means that they’re talking about premades.