Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I have no pony in this race so it’s just silly to me getting upset whether or not, regardless of group size, people are queuing together.

Edit: queuing together for group based activites

Bypassing restrictions for advantage in a multiplayer game.


Let’s say for the sake of argument, if blizzard’s only stance against premade queing changed and was now against using addons, they would’ve removed the 5 man restriction. They didn’t.

Nothing has been “overwritten.” They still have the restriction. They still disallow the addons. NOTHING changed, only your method of bypassing their restrictions.


Why not respond to my comment?

They removed the ability to queue as raids. Anything larger than a group of 5 clearly isn’t intended or they wouldn’t have removed the option. The premade groups are circumventing that.

In the past, it wasn’t a big deal because it was a mostly rare occasion. Now you can face multiple premades in a row. Beyond the fact this means you can’t actually win, you’re also getting no honor, but if you decide to leave, YOU GET PENALIZED. Imagine that… You’re the one getting farmed in the GY because the premade has no intention of winning, so you’re forced to either AFK the BG or leave and also lose your position of anything else you’re queued in.


Ok, I’m seeing the issue here. I admit, I skim read a majority of this thread bc honestly why wouldn’t I. If people are doing scummy things, yeah it sucks. But if blizzard isn’t doing anything… then it’s a non issue for them? I do admit though, penalties on game modes do suck and are very restrictive because online, a lot of things can happen and penalties aren’t broad enough.

They scare off easy but they’ll be back and in greater numbers.

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That would be a cherry-picking stance.

If they don’t address exploits immediately, does it mean they are fine with them? Of course not. There’s no objective timeframe in which you can say they need to act in order to know whether or not they see it as an issue. They haven’t addressed it yet. And one can see that it’s a very difficult thing to tackle. How do you stop raids from syncing together and pressing the que button at the same time? You really can’t.

The only way seems to be to separate party ques from solo ques.

That’s exactly what they were discussing.

I never intended it to mean that blizzard doesn’t care about things wholesale if they’re just letting it happen. It might just be a non issue right now because there’s a lot of change going on in wow at the moment and they want the stuff that people play more to be good. Idk, you said it best yourself. Like I’ll agree it sucks but y’all just gotta wait. It’ll be talked about, pvpers are very very vocal

Do you even read what you’re saying.

40 v 40 is the intended group size :joy:

There are a lot of issues that don’t get addressed until it becomes an issue impacting the larger game. There are a lot of niche exploits that go on for months, if not expansions, without being addressed because their impact is small.

It’s why I used the multiboxer example earlier. Broadcasting software was being used for over a decade. It wasn’t until nodes changed, tokens were introduced, and a few other changes were made in the game that it became an issue. In wrath, it was a VERY rare occasion to see someone multiboxing. At the time it was finally bannable, I was seeing them EVERY day. I had no issue with them until that point. Most players didn’t. Same issue here…

I have done a ton of bgs over the years and premades have always been annoying, but you didn’t see them often. Now, you see them continuously. When I made this post I had seen multiple groups in a row. They create a ton of issues even in the BGs they don’t actually join. Ever joined a BG and you’re one of only a few people in there? It’s like because a premade group didn’t join because not all 3 groups of 5 got a pop. So that leaves a 15 man BG with only 15 vs 5.

Where in the blue post are they saying premades are okay? Can you point to it? The blue post clearly addresses the issue of queueing.

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If you try queuing as a group of 40 into an epic BG what happens? Error, obviously not intended.

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I understand. I can see you’re arguing in good faith. No bad blood here.

I agree. I think things are barebones there and pvp hasn’t been a high priority for them in a while. It’s waaayy down the trough for them. Plus it is a very difficult problem to solve.

The question was, is this:


The Answer was:

So stacking a queue to make a premade is not cheating.

That confirms another one. It’s plain trolling at this point.

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I have read the citations.

You’re resorting to insults because you can’t actually refute anything.

Apparently you didn’t even read it.

Which is what I said. They removed the ability to use addons.

The normal Battleground queue is for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. We realize that it’s not a perfect system, and we’re still looking at ways to improve normal Battleground queues further. Regardless, it’s not meant for organized groups to “pug stomp” and get quick Honor. We have built in outlets for players that want to organize–if a competitive, social experience was really the goal, then there are clear ways to achieve that.

Saying it’s “not meant for that” doesn’t mean it’s against the rules.

While they didn’t intend for premades to be a thing they are not actually saying it’s against the rules.

Then the post in 2019 which is more recent than your source actually confirms that wiring in groups of 5 over voice is not against the rules.

Enjoy your L

I’m reading exactly what the blue post addresses. It’s addressing queues, not premades.

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It’s only “trolling” because you lack the ability to actually refute anything.

Handing you Ls isn’t trolling.

They’re responding to a question, in the post above them, about premades.

Because it’s not “cheating.” It’s not bannable. It’s not a true “exploit.” But it is still bypassing their restrictions and using the system in a way they do not intend.

More semantics? :roll_eyes: