Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

No it actually doesn’t.

It says that people in groups of 5 counting down in voice is not cheating or exploiting.

It’s been linked. Lying won’t get you anywhere.

You really need to stop using the word “exploit”. You clearly don’t know what it means.

It doesn’t mention exploiting, just cheating. If it was intended play the queue would support 40 man teams.
Exploit: In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game’s designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it. They said in WoD it wasn’t fair.



per blizzard:

The normal Battleground queue is for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. We realize that it’s not a perfect system, and we’re still looking at ways to improve normal Battleground queues further. Regardless, it’s not meant for organized groups to “pug stomp” and get quick Honor. We have built in outlets for players that want to organize–if a competitive, social experience was really the goal, then there are clear ways to achieve that.

The ultimate effect that this kind of queuing has had is to drive players away from PvP. Perhaps it’s been a long time since you’ve been in a random group, but a lot of players will see that they’re up against a premade and simply quit. At best, they suffer through it. To an extent premade groups count on this

Stop lying. Blizzard made their stance known a long time ago. You’re probably too new to remember but their stance on premades, not just addons, was made clear.


Because it’s not exploiting.

Citation? Because the blue post in 2019 overwrites anything said previously.

Even then it’s still not cheating or exploiting.

I’m not lying. Look at the blue post from 2019. Which states that people counting down invoice and jointing together is not against the rules.

Been playing since BC so stop acting like you actually know what you’re talking about.

Other stance was that it’s against the rules then bg premades would have been banned ten years ago.

It’s not cheating hence why the blue post states it’s not.

Yes, you are. Their stance against pug stomping with premades was made clear long before anything you’re trying to say overwrites anything.

Had they intended for players like you to organize and pug stomp, they would have removed the que restriction. Even a fencepost has the IQ to understand that.


Because that doesn’t address premades. It’s addressing how you can queue. Obviously they aren’t going to start banning people if they try to queue into a friend or someone else. That isn’t the same as stacking a BG.

It’s absolutely laughable you’re attempting to argue that the two are the same. One post is SPECIFICALLY addressing premades, while the other is addressing queues. They aren’t the same.

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They didn’t say it was fair in the post you’re referencing, just that they don’t treat it as cheating. The quote was from Wiki, you can find similar articles if you search “exploiting video games”. Do you have anything that contradicts this that you can post? I’d link it but don’t have enough privileges.

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I guess according to him, blizzard must reiterate every position they hold once every few months or something to make sure some random doesn’t say “everything overwrites everything else… or something.”


Even more than that, they have to spell it out like Barney for him to understand.

The post he continues to reference has nothing todo with premades. In the post you cite, it specifically addresses the problem. We have a CoC and it’s clear to any honest person that these premades break multiple rules in the CoC, but he isn’t honest, so here we are.

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I’m not.

Their stance is while they prefer it not to happen it’s not cheating or exploiting and there isn’t any action they are going to take.

Backed further by a blue post.

Feel free to link the citation with their stance.

Personal insults because you’re wrong about literally everything you have said.

As stated multiple times I don’t do premades.

Make an actual argument.

I honestly never thought I would see the horde complain about premades. The alliance seriously just going in and wing it. They aren’t assisting or strategizing. Unless of course you play alliance. Then, you have to realize the horde are there to play and every game is going to feel like a premade. They actually have builds and a plan.

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It’s literally addressing premades.

The OP is talking about a full guild premade in the BG he was in. Rofl.

Stop ignoring facts because they shut your crying down.

wild that groups of people are queing into a group based mode. who would’ve thunk :thinking:

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Talk about a reach.

When going off of official stances the most recent one takes precedence. Anyone that’s wrote a basic paper with sources knows this.

What’s even worse is how tilted people get over losing a random bg.

Complain about it being unfair

Then refuse to Que rated bgs.

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You mean they’re exploiting a vulnerability to attain group sizes not allowed in the game interface? Groups of 5 are allowed, try queuing as a raid and read the red text in the error you get.


Read the response from the blue post.

Groups of 5 are fine. Raid groups used to be able to queue, they can’t now. If they wanted groups of greater than 5 queueing for bgs, they wouldn’t have removed this option.

Like, the whole point of battlegrounds is winning or losing! If you’re bad enough you’re just gonna lose regardless if the opposing group is queued together or not.

This tells me you didn’t actually read the thread. I posted the sources IN THIS VERY THREAD. And just like I said, your side doesn’t read, and you try to twist what blizzard said. You’re dishonest.

Just like I said a while back in this thread, your side always tries to lie and say they only went after addons. It’s a lie.