Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

So you don’t get randomly assigned teammates?


You go ahead and find some friends to carry you, have a good one bud.

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If you queue Random Dungeons as a 5 man party, does the game reassign your party to random teams?

If you queue Random Dungeons as a 3 man party, does the fact that it assigns 2 other queued players to your team, make it a random team?

Solo queuers are the worst cancer on this game.

Originally, you could queue for a Random Battleground as a full 10 man group, but the solo queuers complained and complained and cried and complained, so the groups are now restricted to 5.

And they now have Rated Solo Shuffle and Battleground Blitz, but they continue to complain.

Nothing will ever be enough.

They would complain if the game is reduced to a big red button in the middle of the screen which gave loot every time you clicked it. They’d complain that they need to click it.

I decided to try bg’s again after a year or so not doing them. I quickly realized it only mattered if I was in a mostly pre-made or not. The 2 of 20 or so I did that were evenly matched were really fun though.

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Five weeks later and this is still the most pointless debate.

The problem is that there’s no counter-play. If you’re a PUG and you get dumped into an epic BG against a ~20 person pre-made, you’re just going to have to accept it. By odds, you’re obligated to go lose. And if you’re really unlucky you’ll get placed in Wintergrasp, on offense and have to play out a 30-odd minute match you can’t win.

The game has no sophisticated matchmaking tool. A pug team can have bots, and it wont consider gear. A fully geared player can easily two tap a fresh max level character. How on earth is any of that fair when the premade can account for it and the PUG cant? Coordination is just the tip of the iceberg and it creates a situation where the PUG’s choices are to quit, or eat the loss and pray they don’t run into the same premade, or another.

We all know why people want to defend the practice of exploiting the queue system. You want easy wins. We saw it with the twinking epidemic, they don’t want fair games because the minute they get confronted with a fair match they just queue dodge. It’s not actually fair because the only counterplay is to presuppose someone is exploiting the system and then do it yourself.

And it’s weird because in most other games… you don’t see this problem. It’s not even a topic of discussion in FFXIV. If you want to PVP you either pug, or you form a group for organized PVP. Absolutely no one’s stumping for the right to bring a 5 person premade against a team of 5 pugs in Crystalline Conflict. It’s transparently unfair to let a premade fight a pug which is why they don’t allow it. You’re not entitled to a captive audience, you’re not entitled to easy wins. No one is impressed by your ability to farm PUGs, they’re paying customers, they have the same reasonable expectation to a fair match as everyone else.

That is transparently unfair. It was unfair back in 2005 when I’d watch an entire PVP team of rank 12’s-14’s absolutely rip apart PUG’s that were frequently in full blues. And the only reasons it was excusable? Organized PVP didn’t actually exist, and the entire honor system was a complete mess so they NEEDED a meat grinder to rank up.

Arena and the ill fated rated BG system fixes that though. If you want to play with your buddies, you can go form arena teams or fill out a rated BG group. Organizing queuing to circumvent the ban on raid-queuing for epic BG’s is exploiting the system because you think you’re entitled to easy wins, and a captive audience. You lack the self awareness to realize that your behavior creates a negative experience for the other team, and not because they’re losing but because they’re obligated to lose. You are the gamer who completely sours the PVP experience for other people and then wonder why no one wants to play PVP anymore.

If you want people to actually play PVP you need to give them some pretense of a fair match, and there’s no way you can have that when 4 people on your team are bots, half your team is fresh to max level, the other team is exploiting the queue system and has 15, 20 people who are coordinated and well organized and are much better geared than your team. People aren’t going to play match after match after match when every time they join a BG it’s either a stomping ground against a premade group or you queue in and discover the same 15, 20 names are popping up again and half your team up and quits.

Yet you took the time to reply.


Except that it isn’t…


Try another route of protest. Blizzard does not agree with you.

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One is a quote from 2007, before the ban was put in place. The other is stating that two people queuing at the same time isn’t considered cheating. Neither of these say it’s OK for 20 people to bypass the ban on raid queuing for epic BG’s.

We don’t actually know what Blizzard’s stance is- although they came down pretty harshly against the practice of premade groups fighting PUGs- and your quotes don’t actually support your claims. Again, it seems like everyone who keeps bringing them up struggles with reading. Please, actually go ahead and read what Blizzard wrote, not what you want them to mean.

We know that Blizzard doesn’t want raid sized premade groups in epic BG’s because they specifically removed the ability to do that, and you currently aren’t allowed. This isn’t complicated. Timing your queues so that you’re more likely to end up in the same BG is bypassing that. It’s an exploit.


No, it isn’t.

The question was about this:

How do you get ‘two people’ from a guild stacking a queue to form a premade?

Just poking my head in to see if everything still looks the same here…yup…same same. How you folks are still talking to some of the trolls here is amazing.

That said all the pedantic arguments on what is or isn’t allowed don’t really matter. Premades make randoms less fun. Any design that doesn’t ensure premades are only matched against premades or not allowed at all is a bad one if the point of PvP is good competition and fun.

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The entire thread can be distilled down to:

Yuh-huh vs. Nuh-uh.

Literally arguing over what the R in RBG signifies. Both sides look ignorant.

That’s a massive oversimplification of the thread.

It’s several things, some think it’s something that’s banned, some are just searching for what is fair and some are defending the whole premade idea. Also no one is debating what the R stands for… just some don’t seem to know what random is.

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BlizZard has never cared for casual full premades or people synchronizing to take an instance at the same time.

But when they start to disrupt multiple BGs and the other BGs end up short like 20 vs 40 then it becomes a problem.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


You do realize that you and the people that can’t comprehend random is for the map are the actual trolls right?

At least I hope so because if not you’re being super obtuse.

It’s been said multiple times. If you want “equal fights with mmr” you can do
Rated BGs.

The fact yall choose to ignore rated BGs because you don’t want to have bad ratings in your fault.

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They may not care for it but they have stated it’s not against the rules.

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They aren’t doing random maps. If they chose a random map their chances of getting everyone into the same bg would be lower.

This thread is not about 5 man groups. Raids aren’t allowed in bgs, so what kind of ‘group’ are you talking about?

One side is.

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It’s definitely exploiting, Blizzard just is not enforcing their own rules for group formation. There’s just no place in PvP for a fair game, exploit or be exploited. They even added a carry spot to BGB, plenty of carry services are already advertising “Duo queue with a pro player” for cash or gold.


It’s not.

You mean where they came out and said it’s not cheating in a blue post?

If you want fair pvp you play rated.

It’s not exploiting.

Sales are never going anywhere.

They’re going outside the interface for group formation to form groups of greater size than the group limitation. They can say they won’t enforce it but it’s still exploiting a flaw in the queue system.


Incorrect. As long as they don’t use an addon they are fine. There is a blue post that has been linked multiple times confirming this.

Again it’s not exploiting.

Exploiting would be getting 40 people in a WSG against 10 people.

The blue post said they won’t enforce it as cheating but it’s still exploiting the system to go beyond group size limitations. They can say it’s not cheating under the ToS but exploiting exists regardless of whether they enforce the rule.