Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Read Gahs post.

I know what random means. You dont get to pick what it aspplies too.

You also dont get pick the definitions.

Blizz has made a decision and thats it.

So you still don’t understand what the word ‘random’ means or how it meant that BG selection was randomized.

And you seemingly don’t remember why premade raids were banned from epic BG queues.

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Nope, I just dont agree with YOUR definition based on your feelings.

Premades havent been banned. They arent against the rules.

Random according to the troll is when you remove everything random about random bgs.

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Discussing the ToS is pointless, there are plenty of activities that are not against the ToS yet blizavision has taken them out, like HK titles.

They said hk farming was “toxic”, that alone was enough to stop adding those titles, on the basis of people engaging in “toxic activities” to other players when trying to obtain those titles.

Same thing applies here, those 5 man groups or 20 man in epics completely ruin every1 else’s gameplay, swing the same hammer here blizavision.

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He can’t grasp it because he’s a :troll: incapable of actually getting a dub without a massive advantage/being carried.

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You don’t agree with your own definition of ‘random.’

Premade raids absolutely are and were. They were banned for a reason. Try to keep up.

It encouraged corrosive behavior from the PVP community which already had a reputation for being toilet water sucking sewer dwellers. Usually when player behavior negatively impacts other people’s behavior, it taken care of quickly but PVP is a notorious blind spot for Blizzard.


This is a dreadful argument to use.

‘Random’ clearly means the map.

If ‘Random’ meant team composition…

In the dungeon finder, why does it say ‘Random Dungeon’, when you can queue for it with a full group?


And why is there an option to queue for specific battlegrounds or dungeons?



It is truly amazing that I have to explain how 1+1=2, the willful ignorance of you defenders of this bad behavior.

So, if I click que for random BG… do I get que’d with people I know or with randoms I don’t know? Because last time I checked… when I que for a random BG, I get que’d with different people constantly… whether you wanna admit it out loud or not, but that’s the original intent… but people like to ruin things for everyone because they wanna be carried or have a MASSIVE advantage… while blizzard doesn’t care at all what happens.


It depends on if you join with a group or not, I suppose.

Same as with dungeons, you can make a 5 man group and queue for a Random Dungeon.

If you want to discuss original intent, you could originally queue for a Random Battleground in a full 10 man group.

So… more willful ignorance, :+1:

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Not really. I fully admit that I play with groups, in an MMO, designed around playing in groups.

Is it an advantage? Sure.

Is it unfair? No. You can do it too. It isn’t against the rules to play with others. You don’t need to download any special software. You just form a party and click queue.

Ahh… all makes sense now, you’re part of the bad behavior.


Yes it is unfair. I can do it… but that’d make it premade BG and for someone not seeking to be carried, takes the fun out of it, it’s a lose-lose for players like myself… deal with losers who gotta group up to win or get in those groups and you just sit outside their GY killing them and being bored.

Premades should only face premades, they should just add a second que for people like yourself.


Then it isn’t unfair.

If I choose to disable chat, does that mean that anyone who uses chat is using an unfair advantage?

Well you don’t know what random is, so how can I expect you to understand what’s fair and what’s not.

You wouldn’t, you need the advantage. It’s an impossible scenario, would never happen.

Random is the map, not the team composition.

The other option is Specific Battleground, where you choose the map.

Otherwise dungeons wouldn’t be called Random Dungeons, when you can queue for a dungeon in a full group.

That’s totally why your teammates are assembled at random with just queing like a normal person not seeking a massive advantage with a group… premades need to only face premades.

Try again.

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You clearly don’t know that premaders just click the queue button like you do.

The que as a group making random BGs, not random.

Premades are a cancer on random BGs, they are no longer random… you not knowing the difference is your problem. I guess actual random BGs don’t exist… it’s a flex que now I guess.

But random means the map.

The other option lets you select specific maps.