Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

There is OBVIOUSLY an unfair advantage or they wouldn’t do it. It would literally be pointless.

Better organzied sure.

But there isnt an unfair advantage in 40v40

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Only Blizz could say so don’t be so sure. Anyway, I think Blizz is looking at different options, just the timing of communication is tricky.

Curious which Premade are you from? BSG, RR, SPM, FA, or others?

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Blizzard doesnt read the forums. Even the class forums are ignored as devs reach out to the class discords because most people on the forums are awfum.

None. I already told you I dont do premades.

Why do you have to be so incredibly dishonest with everything you say? It’s pathetic.

It’s not just the organization, it’s also gear and just overall player experience. The gear alone is enough to make it lopsided.

Regardless, your argument is laughable. You could say the say thing of 10v10 or 15v15. Again, if there wasn’t an unfair advantage, it would be pointless.

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Is this from an insider’s perspective, that you are working in Blizz knowing they don’t? It would be good if you are, because I have lots more question for you.

Lol, honestly I know what you meant, and I can partially agree. I just hope the recent restructuring we will see changes in the direction that benefits players, and there are good signs of this too, so while skeptical, it’s healthy and reasonable to be a little hopeful.

So you primarily grind Epic or BG for Honor and Conquest? Just curious of your motivation.

Nothing I said is dishonest.

40 v 40 is a fair fight
20 v 20 is a fair fight

If one team is organized and one isnt thats irrelevant. Its not agasint the rules.

Its the same way big college football teams play small college football teams. They have the same number of players on the team so its f air. Skill level is a factor but doesnt make it “unfair” just like one side being organized doesnt make it unfair.

Thats BGs in general. This is an MMORPG. gear is always going to be a factor. If you want fair and balanced BGs then you go to rated.

Your feelings dont change reality.

Its from a common sense perspective.

I do BGs to honor grind.

There would be no point to doing a premade if it was fair.

And your opinion is garbage.


Understood! :+1: Thanks for letting me know, personally I find its easier to grind honor with Epic but now Blitz might be quicker now? Anyway, hope you have fun in the new Xpac!

Being in an organized group to work together.

You dont have to like it.
You dont have to deal with it

But its based on reality.

I am looking forward to it. Hope you as well.

There would be no point in doing a premade if it was fair.

Thankfully it’s not.

I just gave you a reason. You are in so much denial you cant understand it

Yet Blizz clearly shares that same opinion.

Yea, that isn’t a counter to my point. There is no point in doing a premade if it’s fair.

Only a dishonest person would argue against this and here we are.

The rules clearly say otherwise.

If you want to be in an organized group and work together.

Its still fair.

Your interpretation of the rules says that

Blizzard says otherwise.

There is nothing fair about it. If it was fair, they wouldn’t do it. You would have no advantage.

Nah, the rules in the CoC are clear.

Sure thing. (not)

Your feelings dont change what Blizz considers fair :slight_smile:

engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.


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Since you missed it again.

Since you missed it.

engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

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So random actually DOES mean something in your mind. I’m not going to argue with someone who doesn’t even know what the word ‘random’ means, especially when you yourself are actively contradicting yourself on what the word even means.