Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

You don’t PVP. I do.

To say these players don’t know the perception of other players… It’s gaslighting. You really think everyone is that dumb? Honestly? Nah, you’re a dishonest person and a troll.


Because its a stupid question. If you need more clarification than whats already been clarified its because you think its going to change something.

Whats funny is you actually think Blizz takes any feedback from this forum.

I mean you guys are setting a very very low bar

There’s a trend with premaders and those that defend it. A negative trend. They come across as unhappy, spiteful, and poison to any community.


Lol again you keep avoiding my question - is there a rule against requesting Clarification? And all you can respond is this? Anyway, keep going. It is quite entertaining.

i refuse to engage with a troll any further and feel embarressed to even have replied to you before hand.


I love the willful ignorance.


Yea AV used to be a blast… but we aren’t allowed to have nice things.

People always gotta ruin it.

You should… PVP is already not popular enough to survive that much abandonment, what do you think will eventually happen when the people who are tired of random BGs not actually being random finally had enough? Y’all are just going to ruin it for the rest of us who actually enjoy it.

You not liking reality doesnt make me a troll.

Then you should love everyone else ignoring reality in this thread.

How can I ruin something I dont do?

Your cope is strong.

I didnt avoid anything. I said its stupid to ask for more clarification on something thats already been clarified. Not once did I say its against the rules. I know you are being obtuse and ignoring the point.

If Blizz says its legal, what exactly is going to happen when yoiu ask again if its legal?

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Then why are you discussing semantics of something you don’t do? Sounds like :troll: behavior.

No, you’re in the wrong and you know it, everyone else knows it too.

“That’s not what random means!” - Snozay, who doesn’t know what random means.

Because I dont do premades. Doesnt mean I dont do BGs.

Im not in the wrong at all

  1. made, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision.

Where does it say anything that requires the teams be full of teams where nobody knows each other?

I’m calling bullcrap on that.


chosen without method or conscious decision., premade is a method of choosing your group… my man, you serious? :man_facepalming:

We’ll do this another time, I don’t care to deal with your obvious :troll: behavior tonight.

Feel free to call whatever you want. You are 100% wrong.

Where does it specify your team?

It couldnt possibly mean the game is random with no rules

Enjoy the L

Random. In the sense that the game randomly queues you for one of a variety of BG’s. Not random in the sense that anything goes- that’s not even what ‘random’ means.

You don’t play BG’s, you clearly don’t understand what the rules are. My condolences to whoever tried to teach you English.

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Random can mean anything. It doesnt mean you cant know the people on your team though.

Yet I do play BGs.

I do understand what the rules are. In fact there is a blue post that literally states quing with friends in groups of 5 is not breaking the rules.

Im just not so bad at the game that losing a random bg makes me cry on the forums.

Im sorry you were given participation trophies all your life.

Snozy is right.

If a blue post says 3, 2, 1, Que is legal and no agaisnt the rules, if years of queing have been allowed without action, one could safely say that queing as a group is okay in blizzards eyes. They arent breaking the rules nor is it foul play.

Is anyone able to do this? Yes. Does it require special programs or outside sources? No. Can it be fully done using in-game functions open to all players? Yes.

They are queing for a random battleground. Is the map randomly choosen? Yes. Is the enemy team pre-dertermined? No. Are there still elements that are random? Yes. Is it still a battleground? Yes, Random elements + battleground = Random Battleground. At base value, it checks all the points.

How you precieve what a random BG should be doesnt change what it actually is.

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Yes you are, again. You avoided my question yet again :smiley: The question is simple “Is there a rule against requesting Clarification?” Yes / No. Picking one, surely it can’t be that hard?

Premade team composition is NOT random, while the opponent Pug team is. Combined with repetitive Queue Dropping this allows Premade to bring a team of their chosen design for best executing their strategy and tactics most efficiently. Field Army has shown some good example of this.

Also, Premade would ALWAYS have a Leader while the random Pug rarely do. Besides the strategic freedom, having a leader whom the team is willing to follow even before the match is joined, makes a major difference. There are several other points to add, but I won’t make this into a lengthy read than it is already.

I personally premade during SL and the early half of DF. And I see there is a HUGE need to create a suitable environment for Premade to have fun. At the same time, the conflict with Pugs must be addressed by Blizz. Banning Premade won’t do, and this problem needs a solution that will benefit BOTH Pugs and Premade. We see ideas from Pugs players, but more importantly, we also find many Premade Leaders and Members pushing clever ideas (to address this problem) as well! They should ALL be considered! I honestly don’t see a good reason for any Epic BG players to oppose pushing for a better environment to be created for both Premade and Pugs.

Actually, people who don’t play Epic BG for fun but are there just to grind Honor or Conquest, or after achievement and transmog would be against anything that makes their work harder, but then Blizz should change their game design - and stop mixing players of the wrong interests! And if Blizz must, at least stop forcing Players to step on each other’s toes.

There are conflicting posts. There are rules being broken. This isn’t debatable.

Directly from the CoC

engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

No it’s not. They are picking specific maps.

No. They are removing that. There is nothing random about a premade.


I didnt avoid your question. Its just a very stupid question. No there isnt a “rule” against asking.

However asking a question thats already been anwsered isnt going to magically change the anwser. You are just being redudant because feelings.

Good! That is all.

Let people say or ask what they want. You do NOT have the authority to stop ANYONE.

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Actually there arent. The only post that your side has presented ONLY specifies using an addon to que.

The most recent blue post in 2019 is stating its not breaking the rules.

40 v 40 isnt unfair.

If they broke the game and had 40 people in WSG yes thats exploiting but that isnt whats happening.

I mean this thread will never be seen by anyone from Blizzard.

Never claimed too. Not once have I told anyone to stop posting.

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