Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Clarification on the clarification that’s already been made?

They flat out said it’s not against the rules. Idk how much clearer you can get.

I don’t premade. Have no need too.

What I think is really funny is that aside from Adroi everyone that’s complaining don’t actually do rated pvp.

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wat? i cant understand.

if i wanted to do that. id do that… but i want to play random bgs.


Talk about a reach.

How do you get that above take from saying that the majority aren’t crying about it?

Autocorrect. I’m saying random BGs don’t have mmr or those types of rules.

Then deal with random BGs not having mmr.

This guy thinks people like sitting in the GY. :joy:

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Lol Isn’t this looping? My earlier msg already answered this.

Why not? It can be, and should be fun!

My point is that Premade SHOULD be OK! It’s just that the current environment is flawed! And Blizz needs to fix the problem by providing a better environment suited to both Pugs and Premade. And everyone who enjoys premade can be proud of their win without being accused of cheating.

Again not what I said.

I knew you were unable to formulate actual rebuttals but it’s pretty sad you’re not able to understand context and need to not comprehend what I actually said.

I said most people aren’t upset enough to go cry in the forums like you have been for months.

yeah the deal is i wont play it because it dosnt.
therefore… sad… cause i want to… but wont… because… yeah…
blizz fix then i play.

The blue post from 2019 is the clarification.

They state it’s not against the rules to Que as a premade or multiple 5 man premades.

What more clarification do you need?

Because I’ll just buy crafted gear and go into arena.

There isn’t a problem outside of self entitled people that can’t handle losing.

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They said a few people ending up in the same BG together isn’t a reportable offense. Not that you could bring 20 people into the match in Epic BG queues. I know you struggle with this but please actually read what they wrote and not what you want them to have written.

2200 is in fact an entry level rated PVP achievement. If you were playing pro or even at risk of going pro that would at least be interesting but you weren’t and you didn’t so you’re just saying that you played semi-seriously 13 years ago. Or paid your way to that rating. Or just happened to play the right spec for the right season. Which would absolutely be in keeping with someone who’s falling all over themselves to justify exploiting the queuing system to get a massive premade group into epic BG’s they’re not supposed to be in so that they can have an incredibly stacked match against a PUG.

It actually does. Go ahead and try and queue up for epic BG’s as a raid group and see what happens. You can’t. Because it’s not allowed. They specifically disabled that feature because it turns out that a coordinated ~20 man group that can account for things like gearing will absolutely annihilate a pug. And it also lead to a problem where premades hated fighting premades and would deliberately dodge queues if they saw one. Which meant that whatever pugs and people who backfilled that BG would find themselves in an unwinnable situation. It was incredibly corrosive to the player base and incredibly toxic so Blizzard banned the practice.

PUGs are not obligated to eat loss after loss because people who are cheating the system feel entitled to wins.

You don’t play BG’s, period. The fact that you brag about your arena rating only demonstrates how you’re unaware you’re playing the game on easy mode. Arena’s queueing system actively tries to give you a relatively fair match. At most you’re never having to consider what more than 4 people are doing.

In AV? You’re fighting a 15 person premade. They flatly out gear your team to the point that their DPS can 2 tap one of your tanks. At least four people are bots. Four people are doom posting in team chat. You’re now going to have to try to win. That’s hard. That’s real hard. Arena’s trying to give you roughly 50:50 odds of winning. Epic BG’s? If you fight a premade you have no pretense of winning. The odds are stacked heavily against you, you’re trying to push that boulder up a hill. If you’re lucky the premade’s just doing a smash and grab. If you’re unlucky they’re camping you and dragging things out because they’re sadistic psychopaths who wonder why no one plays PVP anymore.

It’s not catering to ask that PUGs only fight PUGs and that premade groups fight premade groups. You know what game doesn’t have this problem? FFXIV. It’s not even up for debate: You solo queue for PVP or you queue with specific group sizes. And it works fine. FFXIV in it’s current state has a better PVP system than WoW’s because it’s actually fun. You know what’s not fun? WoW’s pvp community trying to justify every little thing they can that gives them an unfair advantage because they know they’re not nearly as good as they’d need to be to actually swing with the big kids.

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Ok? I don’t care if you play or not.

Nothing for Blizz to fix. If you want mmr type BGs and refuse to donated that’s your decision.

Again, there is no rule against requesting Clarification, is there?
Why are you stopping them? Do you write the rule?



ugh… fine… adjust… for personal enjoyment.


Lol you know, all these looping arguments actually help to bump up the thread and the visibility of the issue, which is a good thing :smiley:


The community council has lost its luster.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Are you obtuse on purpose?

The clarification has already happened :joy:

Because this is a forum?

I have the right too

I have a differing opinion than you do?

You mean the thread blizzard isn’t going to read or respond too?

To be honest the council was never anything more and a morale booster.

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The best part is you can say this and they’ll still keep taking the bait. Pretty funny. :slight_smile:


You could play a million games. A overgeneralization is an overgeneralization.

You still avoided my question - is there a rule against requesting Clarification?

You are a great help in keeping this thread bumped up with all the looping arguments. This thread needs dedicated people like you and please keep going.

Unfortunately, it seems so right now. However, it’s important for such a bridge to exist between players and Blizz. I hope the Community Council will get the support needed to be more active and be more meaningful.

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