Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Because blue posts have been linked showing that it isn’t cheating or against the rules to join in groups and count down and join Que at the same time.

People have been doing these types of premades for ten years if not longer. They aren’t going anywhere.

There general stance has always been “PvP happened”

Sorry not sorry you can’t handle facts.

Again can’t handle facts. Can you?

Facts? No one is debating whether you are or aren’t a Rival level player. :rofl:

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You are so mad it’s funny. I’ll keep rocking this vanq title while you’re clearly having issues dealing with reality.

Who’s mad here? This isn’t your thread and somehow you have posted in it more than I have. You respond to any passing comment because you’re quite literally an easy target.

As I said prior, I do appreciate the bumps to this thread. Thanks for helping keep this topic on top.

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Not me. I’m not the one throwing a tantrum because I lost a bg :joy:

God forbid someone posts in a thread about posting in a forum.

Says the guy that’s mad he lost a bg.

And like I said. You’re funny if you think this thread is going to change anything.

I want the game to be better. You don’t.

Who knows, but not trying will also change nothing.

Catering to whiny babies isn’t my definition of making the game better.

Nothing going to change. They already made their stance pretty clear

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idk bout that chief. still works on even a " quick match " for those games mentioned.

The majority disagrees.

There were conflicting posts made. Try to keep up.

Those games aren’t wow and pretty
Much irrelevant.

The forum isn’t even close to the majority let alone the people supposedly supporting this being a majority lol.

The most recent one in 2019 is the most recent.

On top of that the one “supporting” your side doesn’t actually support it. It just says using addons to Que for you is against the rules.

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i think it paints the picture of what id like pvp random bgs to be. im currently not pvping. did before for cute mounts/mogs. i dont anymore cause its just a mile long skill gap.

Again, not an excuse for stopping people from requesting clarification.

Also, isn’t it strange that Premade supporters are all so worried about getting the legitimacy of Premading clarified, which in fact should be beneficial to them as well? If this is already approved, further clarification wouldn’t change its state. Why so worried and stopping it?

In this thread. But if you want to talk about all players… The majority of players don’t like getting stomped. This isn’t debatable.

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epic bgs were once a upon a time my fav content
now its sad what they have become


Then play rated BGs if you want similar skill games.

Random doesn’t have the rules you’re again for should.


Honestly, I see the need for Premade and enjoyed it. However, the conflict it has with Pugs shouldn’t be ignored, and need to be addressed by Blizz one way or another. There are many good ideas around already which should be able to give Blizz some direction on a solution.

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You don’t speak for all players rofl.

You should get over yourself.

The only ones getting mad about losing BGs are a minority.

Oh, the majority of players enjoy sitting in a graveyard.

Amazing take man.