Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

It’s still random.

lol if you think the randomness is because of the players.

It’s random because it’s not set rules.

The fact you think you’re smart enough to explain anything to me is lol

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It’s not. That’s literally the point of a premade.

Legitimately the dumbest things you have said yet.

Players have showed they are overwhelmingly in favor of change happening to fix this issue. You continue to respond in this thread for… what reason?


It’s a random game game. It has zero to do with premades and why they are called random bgs.

I haven’t pretended to be you yet.

Some minority of minority of the forum population has complained.

Bad players usually complain.

This is why participation trophies were such a bad idea.

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We call them random bgs because they are meant to be random… random players. That’s the point of randoms.

You’re the bad player last I checked. Entry level PvP achievements. Congrats.

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That’s your feelings on what the word random means.

Even if that were true random doesn’t exclude premades.

2200 achievements aren’t entry level rofl

Like I said

Let me sound it out for you.



Made before. That removes the random element. There is nothing random about a premade. Hello?

Your 2200 achievement from 13 years ago doesn’t say anything. In the past decade you have capped out at Rival. Not even Rival II… Again, congrats on the entry level pvp achievements.

You don’t have the ability or achievements to be calling anyone bad.


Just a thought - would the Forum’s Community Council be of some help, since they are supposed to be the bridge? Not long ago when people claimed they were not being useful and then received a quick response…


You can sound anything out you want too.

Random bg doesn’t specify what’s random. It also doesn’t say premades aren’t allowed

Rofl it’s not capping out when you only go to 1800 for mogs.

Even being 13 years ago when it was harder to push. It doesn’t magically go away.

It’s telling that your arguments are so bad you resort to personal insults.

Actually I do.

Stay mad Mr bad.

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The CC is worthless and they won’t change anything because Blizzard has already made their stance known.

i am baby.
protect baby

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Not sure. While there have been a few posts in respect to PvP issues, most have been ignored.

Talk about a pathetic response.

Nothing was hard about 2200 13 years ago. That you haven’t been able to come even close to that in over a decade is actually laughable.

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That’s not how pvp works. Or pve for that matter.

It’s not for anyone but Blizz to say what they will or not do anything, don’t you think? And its certainly not an excuse for not trying.

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premades ruin bgs headline.


Right because playing series against rank ones wasn’t difficult at all :joy:

In Cata I played games against Kaska and Thugonomix. Won 2 out of 4 games against Kaska and lost to Thugonomix. Best memories of arena I have.

I haven’t come close because I haven’t been playing the game but off and on till BFA. All of my arena friends quit or play classic so I just pug to 1800 and farm mogs because PvP isn’t that serious.

You’re the one getting triggered over losing a random bg lol

They have made multiple blue posts with the most recent in 2019 stating that grouping up and quing together over voice isn’t breaking the rules.

How much more of an official statement do you want besides a blue post?

idk. ive been in allot of pvp games… theres usually a league for noobs vs league for pro bros.
hots for example.
cod for anotehr

What would be the reason for stopping someone from wanting clarification when there is doubt? There isn’t rules against requesting clarification and happens all the time everywhere and not just here.

Also, Blizz should consider altering the game’s design to reflect more explicitly whatever decision they made about this, to reduce further confusion.


oh man this is great.


That’s what ranked is for. Random is a free for all with no rules.