Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I dunno, feels like there are even more players straight up hating the game, yet still pay for a sub to hate on it.

No, you actually can’t. Queue syncing wasn’t what that comment was about.

There’s really only one actual solution to this that isn’t just “ban people”, and that’s just increasing the population doing this content enough where it becomes difficult to sync.

Premades have been around for ages, I remember doing them back in Mists / WoD with the whole Hydra vs Shield stuff and enjoyed it. You didn’t run into those groups very often back then, and syncing a group together took forever, so there was usually only 2-3 games being run an night.

Ran a few here and there back at the start of Dragonflight, and it didn’t take very long to sync. S2 was even “better” and could get almost every group in on the first try.

The lack of incentives in unrated PvP in particular just means the people left doing it, for the most part, are dedicated players wanting to win simply because winning is fun. They’ll take their advantages and roll with it, and it’s only gotten easier to take those advantages.

People can talk about ruining the Warcraft vibe with cross-faction, but that’s not going to spike the population as much as people think it will. If anything, it’ll drive quite a few people away who do unrated because that’s where they get their H vs A fix.

I’ll just die on my hill of the renown track thing again and making unrated PvP more appealing for people in general to be able to just spam for fun cosmetics.
You get more people playing, which that’s literally /the/ way to do it, it just sort of falls back together.

There’s a pretty simple solution. Just penalize people for constantly leaving or skipping queues. Problem ends over night.


How is people queueing for BGs as groups exploting the system?

Isn’t the system designed so that individuals or groups can queue ?

Or is this a case of since you queue solo everyone else should play like you do ?

I didn’t say that.

These are multiple groups 2-6+ queuing at the same time to get into the same BG. Beyond the issue of them stacking one team, they tend to ruin games they don’t join as well. So you might be doing an AV or Isle and 10-20+ people simply don’t join. So it’s a loss.

But if they do join, you might be facing 30+ people all coordinating together.

What is this response? Do you understand the issue even? No one is saying groups alone are a problem.


That’s not exploiting . As long as the number queueing is equal to the number the side they are playing on is aloud then they are well within their right to do so and people have been doing it that way since BGs have been around .

If Blizz believed it to be an exploit they would of done something about it years ago.

Doesn’t matter if you think it is an exploit or not what matters is what Blizz thinks on the subject .

So it still sounds like you are mad that Blizz isn’t forcing others to play the game the way you want it to be played .

It’s with the express intent of having an unfair advantage over the other team. It’s the very definition of an exploit. As I will continue to say, if it was intentional, they would have never removed the option to queue as a raid, but they did.

That’s been said about many things and it can take expansions for some issues to be fixed.

Blizzard is made up of people. It’s not some hive mind. The game changes. Opinions change. Updates are made. This wasn’t an issue in the past, but it is now.

No one is mad. Me not being able to complete one quest on an alt isn’t a big deal. I see people abusing the game and ruining the experience for other players and I say something.

What is with players like you that think the experience of other players is so… worthless? Do you see something bad happening and say nothing? Do you think having an unfair advantage is good for the game? Can you answer that?

You already got the first part wrong, so now you’re doubling down? No, I don’t think people need to play solo and I have no issues with groups of 5 or less queuing.

Call it what you want, explain it how you want, justify how you want…At the end of the day a really good premade just ruins the fun so it’s easier and faster to let them have the win.

You have to give a realistic chance of victory for there to be engagement and when I see premades…

Can’t say all though, some pre-mades are bad.

That’s part of the problem with them though, their aim isn’t to win in many cases.

The AV I was in earlier today went nowhere. Eventually they’ll just sit on the GY and farm it until people stop ressing. I’d say their end goal isn’t just farming HKs, but quite literally taking pleasure in ruining the game for other players. That’s the end goal.


Yeah that’s pretty common unfortunately and has been a consistent complaint for PVP for ages.

If they had PVP in Remix there would be people playing the game 24 hours a day just so they could go around one shotting people. That’s their fun.

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Yea, unfortunately it was even a thing in rated RBGs. Maybe still is, been ages since I have done them because of all the cheating.

He will because he’s one of the ones that benefits from it.

Can, via syncing. There’s an addon for it.

Wrong, premades used to be able to full group queue. That was removed, since then it is now considered an exploit to go over 5.

It’s weird for people that don’t even seem to partake or understand the issue continually comment on it. The problem is Blizzard doesn’t seem to moderate PvP, between AFK/Throwers, to things like this.


What counts as exploit?

Good thing we finally have BG Blitz to avoid this $#!^show, even if it’s not exactly the same, and similarly exploitable.

But they’re more likely to take action against rated activity exploting.

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It’s helpful, but they still serve up quests for epics and normal bgs, and that’s what I was working on.

I only do regular BG quests, and only 1 win per day, at most (even a single win can take a while).

Way too much of a waste of time risk to try and win epics when you no longer need honor.

Yea, I mostly avoid them these days outside of quests. That said, I used to enjoy killing time in regulars. Just no point these days.

It’s such a dumb design.

We wait in queue to be matched with players who are the same MMR as ourselves, so the goal is to create a fair match. However, we’re given a team that is in full greens vs a premade that’s in full conquest gear.

Why the wait? Why wait in queue to have a guaranteed uneven match?

These devs need to do something. I have like 50+ videos of battleground results where one side annihilated the other. Like the enemy team has 40 kills, and our side has 1. Or, vice versa. It’s so dumb.

Since I’ve returned for a month, I have like a 5% win rate. Just about every team I’m paired up with is in full greens and/or doesn’t even go after objectives.


I wouldn’t trust blizz to implement some modified MMR system. The existing MMR system is broken enough as it is.