Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I think this reflects the general attitude of the poster.

Everyone but me on this team is stupid!
The rest of this team sucks!

They’re the one raging at the team 30 seconds into the bg. Then they go join a premade to feel better.

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Not at all. But I recognize what casual players really are and I dont lie about it.

Hell this entire thread is about how its so unfair for a better group to play against someone less skilled, and when tasked with getting better its literally just someone elses fault.

I try my best not to play with someone in pve who, for example, does the fraction of the tanks damage in a key. Its the same with pvp.

I dont like playing with, or against, teams that either dont/wont communicate, or who just want to aram all game, and especially the people who give up 3 minutes into the battleground.

Waste of time and not fun tbh.

The people who care enough will take actions to improve their situation. The ones that do nothing but complain dont deserve to be taken seriously.

but then says:

Sorry, but you’re that guy. The rager. The guy that thinks everyone sucks but him.


That is not even close to the point. This has nothing todo with ability.

Since I made the thread, I’ll take that as you directing that comment to me. Do you think I lack ability in PvP? Just curious.

The point of the thread is players abusing the queue system to stack a BG massively in their favor. So much so that it is quite literally impossible for the opposing team to win. Over the nearly 10k BGs I have played, I have been able to maintain a roughly 61-62% win rate. It used to be higher. I love the challenge. That is what makes PvP exciting. A premade completely removes that. No amount of ability can change the outcome.

In the end, this is about the health of PvP overall. If bgs aren’t a good experience, then players won’t get into rated PvP and PvP for everyone suffers for it. It’s the same reason I spoke out about the carries in 2s years ago.

These players making these premades don’t want a challenge. They WANT to ruin the game for others. That’s it.


Some players form duos, partial premades and full premades for fun. All it takes is a small bad batch that want to form full premades and run them day in and day night like carry services in 2s from season 1 of systemlands.

That reaches levels of disruption that goes beyond the EULA and/or code of conduct.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


That’s all extraneous information that doesn’t matter. You don’t seem to understand the issues involved in this debate and what people are saying. You seem to lack basic reading comprehension skills.


You can recognize what casuals are and not rage at them lol. If you can’t, then thats weird and a you problem.

What people are trying to you is that its not a catch-all. Every time you lose to a premade, that isnt the reason. That’s all I’m saying at least.

Not at all. If my character is going to get attacked im going to set the record straight. Its super weird to project like the above poster did.

Played a super fun game today where what was basically a pug beat a well coordinated, powered premade. Because people listened and worked well together.


It is though. No one doing a premade is oblivious to what’s happening. They know what the other player is feeling and do it anyways.


This thread is still going on lol


Not true at all, empirically not so.

Not worth arguing with someone who doesn’t even PvP.


i agree however, im more angry about the skill difference.
how come i; a pvp baby, qing up against a lvl 500 pvp god?
i just want to be in the pvp puddle. not the pvp pool.

There is nothing to argue, in this context, you are willingly making an uninformed decision about the entirety of the game’s population based solely on how you feel when you lose despite multiple people telling you otherwise, both who used to do pvp and those who still do.

Again, do something about it, baseless whining here won’t do anything. If the previous sentence was false, something would have happened in nearly 20 years of this content being available.

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Until we see you PVP you are not a valued member of the WoW PVP community.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Nearly 10k BGs played and you think I have an uninformed opinion? It’s not the entire game’s population I’m talking about. It’s the PvP community. Are you seriously that lost? why would I or anyone in this thread be talking about the entire game’s population?

This is doing something about it. We have no other outlets. This is it.

The people whining are you and the others defending it. The rest of us are just tired of it.


You are a valued member of the WoW community and PVP community. Thanks!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Because it’s a random bg.

Premades make it not random. This shouldn’t have to be explained to you 100 times.

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