Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

This isn’t something that is new. It has been happening since classic WoW. There were MANY T2 ROLL GROUPS queued in BG’s before pre-mades were even a “thing”.

Most of the time this took place with people queueing simultaneously and communicating via voice coms, to ensure they arrived in the same BG. Upon arriving in the game as the opposing faction, it was entirely obvious that there was a “roll group” on the other side.

There was no sense in fighting, there was no sense in trying…because T2 gear vs. honor gear (in classic) was NO contest.

For sure. It was much more rare in the past. The issue now is the frequency. Now you can have back to back premades. Literally leave, get deserter, and get another one. Or even worse, leave a match that a premade just ruined because they all left, only to get them doing it again.

I think less and less players are queuing up and it’s leaving more and more premades to be dealt with. Also, the addition of communities increased the number of these groups by quite a bit.

I am part of a few pvp communities, and there are frequent complaints about premade. Personally, I’ve done more rbgs than regular bgs in DF, so it hasn’t been an issue for me-- BUT, I do have at least 1 regular that joins my rbg group, at the same time every week, SOLE BECAUSE they feel the games are more fair.

Understand me: they DO NOT want to do rated, but ironically, they feel like they have a better chance of winning there than in a casual/normal bg-- which one would ofc think SHOULD be the easier content.


You literally want to restrict it to a solo queue, maybe duo queue, experience because you wont just get better or get more than 1 person.

Definition of a single player game. It doesn’t matter if there are 19 other players or bots at that point. If you want that, go play a game that has that. This game doesnt need a solo queue only system. If it did, it would be in the game already, you being mad that you lose is a cringe excuse.

I hear you. And when you enter a pre-made that is most likely on VCOMMS…and that has played together…and which has optimized its composition, you simply want to lay down your weapons and surrender.

But that cannot happen, can it? Because they tend to camp the graveyards.

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Literally nobody is asking for this lol. They’re asking for Blizzard to do something about premades

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pugs should fight pugs. This isn’t controversial.


Not going to link you every post, but scrolling up takes less efforty than posting this blatant lie.

The definition of a pug, in this thread alone, is murky at best.
You have the same person saying 2 people is too many, 5 people is too many, and 10 people is too many, and then jumping to 20+. You have other people advocating for two separate queue systems that do not allow more than 1, maybe 2 people, to queue without offering a semblance of what that would look like behind the scenes to differentiate from what already goes on where 10+ people countdown and then queue at the same time, while at the same time you have trolls denying that is being advocated for.
I personally can’t take this thread seriously if people are jumping around the place.

Most of the time. I do not think you can avoid partial or full premades.

But to be honest if you have a tiny few running full premades 24/7 they are going to end up ruining it for the rest that run premades partial or full casually.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

It’s only a controversial opinion when they don’t agree with it… because, they NEED their advantage to grab the dub, gotta have an advantage.

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Yea, that’s what really prompted this. It’s bad enough that you’re going to lose, it’s another that you’re forced to sit their while they just farm HKs. So you leave and then lose your queue spot in RSS or whatever else you’re in queue for. That’s the real frustration.

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Wonder if we will actually get a response on this now that they are actually responding to other things. Doubt it but keep hope alive!


Yea, not sure. I’m fine with no response if the issue is addressed. If this type of play is allowed to continue, epic bgs will just get more and more pointless to queue for.

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They usually respond to trivial things like flying toggle or old raid tuning, it’s a lot easier to pretend they’re earning their paycheck like that.

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I think the community managers do their honest best but are hamstrung like crazy by rules from the corp side. Say as little as possible so we don’t have to meet promises. It’s a hard job because everyone thinks and treats you like the company you represent and you are just reading a script and saying what they tell you to. Little decision making ability for actual change and probably the people who know what needs to be done more than anyone because they interact with the customers. Perfect mix for frustration.

That said, Blizzard as a company needs to cut that corp bs and start interacting. The less we see them as human and the more a corporate monolith the less people care about them…and that eventually bleeds customers as you lose brand loyalty.

I just want them to re-engage at least a little bit. It won’t fix everything but it will feel better.


No it’s not, stop being obtuse. Anything up to 5 players is allowed in epic BG’s. Anything larger is not.

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We get it. You do premades b/c you can’t stand losing in PUGs. You’re that competitive. You like to bully and grave camp. You like the advantatge that that a geared team in communication has agaisnt a casual PUG. You don’t like competition. You like winning. Why don’t you just argue that stuff straight up instead of being dishonest? You can’t admit it?


Wrong tbh. I specifically, even when i did do pvp in this game, stay away from a pug format because its boring playing with the equivalent of mouth breathers incapable of more than 5 actions per minute. The minute ranked content was available thats what i went to.
If i dont have a group to do rated content, i just dont do it. Nonrated, i have found, in any pvp game where I’m decent, is beyond boring.

Your forced to do it pve because of ilvl and io, but I dont touch unrated pvp.

Its the same reason I dont touch qm or unranked in any moba or fps, because literally why waste my time?

It’s most definitely ego and unwillingness to accept reality, they should just be true to what they feel.


if you don’t care, why are you here?

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