Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Imagine complaining about people playing with other people in a massively-multiplayer game. This really sounds more like you’re complaining about not having any friends and/or too much social anxiety to look for premades yourself despite having an internet between you and others.

This is not a problem or a broken system for the game. It’s you selfishly asking an MMO to be less MMO because you dont want to deal with other people.


No, if you find ANY type of coordination in the other team, they are a premade and exploiting the system. /sarcasm

same old same old


I agree, but these premade groups don’t want competition. They want to stomp solo players.

If anything, they should make a wargames option for bgs. If two 40 man groups want to play each other they could, but I doubt most would.

What a lame response.

Imagine needing to rig the queue so you can get 30+ players in an epic BG so you can farm solo and under geared players.

Even more, imagine defending it. We aren’t talking about 5 mans.

The problem is that some premades play for fun while other premades provide services (eg $$$) and run daily non stop. That is where BlizZard brings down the hammer like they did after the conclusion of season 1 of systemlands in arenas.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

A premade should never lose to a PUG. You’re doing something wrong in a way that convinces me you don’t actually play epic BG’s. Otherwise you’d never be as insane as to suggest one person can totally beat 25.

I’m sorry, but you’re doing something wrong when you can account for gear and communication and coordination in a way a pug simply can’t.


They don’t play Epic BG’s. Last PVP they did seems to be in 2013.

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That’s 100% not what it’s for.

There’s random BG’s for non-rated BGs.

Wargames are a system for manually creating matches. You can wargame Arena too.

I think you should look at yourself before looking at others, I’m still wondering what you know about Epic BG premade since you have 0 experience with them. I’d like to remind you, you’re still in the new player bracket where premade don’t exist.

Adding a random delay in the queue would help, but at the same time there’s a risk of more queue drops.

Cross-Faction would be ideal in this case, no need to play with the queue time, just shuffle the groups on both teams.

Merc Mode isn’t as efficient because it is opt-in, it is just a tool to help with the busy faction queue times.

Premades can still have many groups go in as merc and then all it does is the issue is on the other faction.

Cross-Faction would balance out queue times for everyone, and shuffle teams better. If blizzard has a system for sorting out healers, they can also send enough on each team, instead of sending 1 on horde and 13 on alliance.

whether they said it would happen or not, it is still my main suggestion.

Premade stack by accident, because they attract healers. It is better as a healer to play in a party, especially if you can have 10-15 healers on your team.

Where are you getting this non-sense information?

10-15 man BG’s already have their solution anti-premades. It’s called Rated Battlegrounds and Battleground Blitz.

Look, you’re doing great PVE wise, but if you want to see what people are talking about in this thread, get over Honor level 30 and come play with everyone else.


The best solution is to keep it multiplayer like its been for 20 years.

Imagine complaining about people teaming up in a multiplayer game in a multiplayer mode because youre antisocial and want to do everything by yourself.

No one said that.

It’s actually a completely valid response. There is literally nothing stopping anyone from starting or looking for their own premade. It’s not an exploit or anything like one if the other side can do it, too.

Go make some friends and stop being a massive whiner.

Imagine making the same weak argument as OP and looking even dumber for it.

PS - I’m a casual PVPer at best and typically queue with 2-3 friends to get stomped when I’m low gear and getting passed over for premades. Someone else already did the work and earned the gear, so I pay my dues for coming late to the party, and then I DON’T come to the forums to whine about it like an entitled baby.


This isn’t about friends. Why are the people that are attempting to defend this saying this 5 man groups aren’t the issue. These groups AREN’T about friends. They are communities of players who enjoy ruining the game for others. That’s it.

Also, quit attacking players who want the game to be better. Left unchecked, this stuff destroys the game. Your responses are void of any reason.

You’re a bottom of the barrel player who doesn’t understand the issue or is actively doing it.


i wish premaders would be honest, admit they do it to dunk on pugs for easy wins, honor, conquest, gold, and be truthful for once.


BlizZard allows you to be friends with 2, 3, or 4 players. But when you coordinate to have fun 12 hours a day with full premades that is crossing the line of disruption. Swifty and Asmongold have been banned for less than that.

And BlizZard will bring the hammer down on those groups like the traders of arena carries in systemlands season 1.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Do you think it makes the game better or worse that these premade’s are happening? Do you think it makes it more fun for casual pvp players, and people learning pvp?

All the rest of the what do the rules currently say don’t really matter. It’s an interesting debate and it is all over the map, but the point is…should it be happening, not what the rules say. It just went that way in the discussion because the pro dunk on pugs group pushed the pedantics.

It should be stopped is what the point of the thread is. Also, Blizzard needs far more engagement on pvp so questions/debates don’t have to go back 12 years to find direct commentary on it.

So, which is it? Do you think it is good or bad for random’s to have people organizing ways to get around the 5 man queue limit?

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I find it increasingly funny that this guy continues to act like we don’t want a multiplayer experience even though the concept of PvP is an intrinsically multiplayer experience.

Like, do you think that the removal of premades in randoms will suddenly make randoms not a multiplayer-driven experience for some reason?

Hard cope lol

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BlizZard has never really come down hard on partial or premades if they are casual. But when they run 24/7 as a professional service that is when they step in to stop it.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Honestly I don’t mind premades. If they’re on my side, I’ll happily take the win. If they’re on the other side, they’re giving us a challenge and if we ever beat them, it’ll be very satisfying and it happens sometimes. I just have a problem if a premade dodges other premade with excuses like not wanting to play with toxic people, when the act of 20 people not entering the battleground and sabotaging the pugs inside is arguably more toxic.


Part of the issue is one side has to deal with premades more than the other. And yea, premades dropping is one of the larger problems. I’m not sure how often they are dropping to avoid another premade group, but I see them dropping often simply because they didn’t get their full group in.

Unrated bgs are supposed to be casual fun games between two teams of random players. Since it’s random players, there’s an understanding that some of your teammates might not be good at PvP. In fact, they may be relatively new to PvP and they’re trying to learn.

If you want a team where you’ve filtered out all the “bad” PvPers, you’re supposed to go do rated bgs or war games. Those are the appropriate brackets for premade raids.

Everyone who has experienced premade raids roflstomping pugs understands that a team of random players vs. a premade raid with no “bad” PvPers is not a fair matchup, especially in a bracket that does not allow players to queue in a raid group.

Premade raiders are circumventing restrictions to bring their raids into a bracket that does not allow players to queue in a raid group. Obviously, this gives them an advantage over other teams that aren’t circumventing restrictions.

This results in frequent one-sided roflstomps that drive players away from PvP. Furthermore, in their attempts to circumvent the system, premade raids commonly mass drop queue pops as part of their circumvention process, causing other people’s games to start with one team half-empty.

They’re clearly ruining bgs for everyone else.

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