Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

You would be wrong there champ.
My achievements are full view like everyone else’s are.

Nothing is being evaded. They are in separate groups, and they press the same button you do and are put in the queue. Doing so at the same time puts them in line. Thats all. You can lie and say they are doing things they arent doing all you want. That doesnt make anything less true.

Also: Get better. Not impossible to beat premades. Either get better at communication or get better at your class so you can offset how horrible the average pug is.

Instead of complaining and trying bring everyone else down to your skill level or make this a single player game when it isnt, rise up and get better, individually and collectively.

Thats an agressively sarcastic comment.
Yes. I have. I just dont complain like a sore loser when I lose.

If you cant or refuse to work together, that is a you issue and a your group issue. not the other team and precisely why you lose.

I’m not alone when in a group with 39 other players.

You just don’t know the Community Lore.

I just want cross-faction BG’s to balance queue time and teams with 5 man premades.

It’s not like it works anyway, but the new report interface makes it tedious and people don’t want to report because you have to do 3 clicks to reach the “Gameplay sabotage” option.

Ok, but it’s still not balanced. Because the amount of 5 man premades on each team is not equal.

You can tell by the amount of “Party Leader” Icon you can see. It’s really simple to count how many party are in each team.

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Hey dude, not sure if you understand this, but in order to play as a team, everyone has to be on the same page lol

Me trying to play as a team while Billy Joe is off running in circles getting fed to a meat grinder is not exactly that lol


The way you are framing it, yes you are. You solo queue, likely contribute next to nothing in communication, and when you lose, its the pther teams fault especially if you get destroyed. Its gotta be because they were cheating too.

What a non answer, next.

So which is it. Are 5 man premades too much for you or is this

You can’t have both. Again, fix the issues with population decline before you worry about making it a single player lobby simulator game

So you’re lazy. Its enough of an issue to make a post and then talk about it for 2000 comments in between personal attacks and tangents, but its not enough of an issue ingame. That tracks.

PvP is never going to be balanced. Deal with it.

Never claimed it wasn’t. Its also pretty simple to have communication and just play the game properly. They can do it, why can’t you?

Hey dude, not sure if you truely know how to read, but I mentioned getting better at communicating and leading multiple times and, collectively, getting better at the game.

Do it. Stop blaming everyone else.

Thats what you deal with, in pugs. Join a group and stop solo queuing if they are in the majority of your games.

You don’t know me, I’m the best hunter in the world, I lead pugs and always the top contributor. I’m the goat.

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Sure, Jan.

You’re like Jon Snow.

Don’t know why I’m talking to a honor lvl 20 troll.

You’re not even out of the Noob Bracket (<Honor level 30 are in a special bracket)


The point was that you can’t lead and communicate with people who aren’t willing to listen to you and reciprocate that communication.

But I guess that’s too difficult for you to understand lol. Don’t worry, I’ll spell it out better next time.

Or Blizzard could do something about the premades lol


21 days ago I posted this. 7th post in. The thread isn’t about 5 man groups.

I made that very clear at the beginning.

21st post.

What an ignorant response.

These premade communities have leaders. They spam Tich chat all the time. This isn’t a mystery. Some of them even stream.

I realized they’re only honor level 20, which means they’ll never face premades in the entry-level bracket.


i have almost 3k ebgs played this expansion across several chars and i know when there is a premade every time.

honor level 20 noobs need to get out of the kiddie pool before commenting.


Not that it’s always accurate, but usually when you join an epic BG and one side has 20+ players with 500+ honor levels… kinda speaks for itself. Even ignoring that, after you spend 5+ minutes trying to get out of the GY and you see the other team doing nothing to win, makes it clear what’s happening.

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Sounds like a personal problem that can be solved by making your own group instead of trying to force a multiplayer game into a single player one 20 years later.

There is nothing to be done. This isnt a single player game. Get better. Be social. Or go play something else.
The only change that can be done, is implementing a solo queue option for all battlegrounds all the time, or changing the way queuing works.

Problem is, you dont get to change it for pvp wothout changing it for pvp because its all the same system. Finding a solution for that is still better than trying to make a multiplayer mode in a multiplayer game single player because your feelings got hurt when you lost.

Sounds like you don’t know what a single player game is… removing the que syncing or running a premade doesn’t make it a single player game bud.

Not what I said or referenced either. Try again.

and the cope continues. Goodbye :troll: I’m not discussing PVP with someone who has no PVP experience.

Im not discussing anything with a level 21 throwaway account.

Multiple, and it is a problem Blizzard caused by trying to be everything to everyone.