Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I am making that distinction specifically for you because you just dont seem to get it.

You claimed it was an endgame pillar.
The post referred to the great vault.

As the great vault encompasses everything at max level besides world/singular quests and cosmetics, its a max level system, not an endgame system, if it were, only what gives the max amount of player power would count. As it stands, thats not the case.

and thats a good thing

Which falls in line with what i said, not everything max lev is endgame, but everything that is endgame is at max level.

Premades are not entitled to pugs. Pugs should ONLY face other pugs.


Even I think you’re a clown, and I am not on Adroi’s side.

like christ, this would be almost impressive mental gymnastics if I didn’t already know your MO is to be salty about other people trying to change the game for the better.

While true you need to convince blizz to do something about it. It’s a matchmaking issue.

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A group of 5 people is still a premade.

What you want is a solo shuffle, but for battlegrounds. That is the only way youre going to have a pug system for BGs.

This is a good point. I think that is what some people seem to want. And they’ll still complain about something other than themselves when they lose.

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Not guilty on this one.

Given that some thought and a shuffle system might help. Don’t think there is silver bullet fix as players are quite good at finding cracks in the system.

They could potentially scan for raid group/name correlations that appear too frequently and auto-separate.

They absolutely will. Hence why this thread exists. It can’t possibly be their own skill or their teammates skill or lack of ability to work together in battlegrounds that have been around for over a decade and a half.

No it’s the other teams fault because they just must all be in voice.
I wnnder what application could solve this for them (other than getting better)
Discord? Making a group themselves? 5 of them together is surely better than them trying to do everything on their own right?

We’re talking about premade communities who bring 10-25 players in the same BG.

There is already a Solo Q rated BG called Battleground Blitz, this solve the issue for regular BGs but not for Epic BGs.

People aren’t making it up, the communities are open about it and they invite more and more players.

But it is detrimental for those who queue solo.

A raid sized premade should never face a random pug, but they’re tricking the system to make it happen. A 5 man premade isn’t a problem, those have less impact.

That’s why we have this post and more. Many solutions are outlined here and I’ll keep repeating them so they don’t get drowned in troll comments.

Cross faction BG
Delayed queue time
Account wide deserter
Penalty for queue drop
More BG cosmetic rewards
More BG quests and activities
More reasons to queue for Epics
Battleground fixes to NPCs and terrain

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Yes, that is precisely the issue here lol

Have you not played a battleground in the last decade in a half?

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I’m guessing you’ve never set foot in a BG or you’re actively participating in these premades.

Or to flip the question on it’s head, why is a group of 20 people evading the raid-queuing restriction entitled to easy wins?


One thing I noticed last night…did they take away report as cheating from bgs? In the epic I was in people went on some racist rants and I went to report them and there was no option except afk.

I feel like blizzard is making it harder to report cheating or bad behavior in pvp so they can just ignore the whole issue.

There is something with Reporting, you don’t get the same options if you’re selecting the player through the chat, or if you’re selecting the report through the player frame.

You have to target the player and click on their face for the Cheat options.

i love ebgs. it’s my end game since i don’t like any of the other pvp modes. and pve just isn’t fun any more. so i spam ebgs. problem is, these premades can’t be avoided even though i want nothing to do with them. sure premades have always been a thing but not almost every single game since they have driven off most of the pug population. i just want to face other pugs, is that to much to ask? apparently.

Which is pretty idiotic when most of the time the people you are reporting are not standing right next to you. Seems like it was possible in the past and they took it away.

You can use BattlegroundEnemies addon. Maybe you can also target them from the scoreboard, but I hate the overall Reporting system, too many buttons to click and select and menus. It should be much easier. Right Click > Report Cheat.

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100% agree. I feel like they just keep pulling reporting options because they just don’t want to deal with it…and that probably directly correlates with things getting worse. Just more Blizzard pulling back engagement and cutting support costs. Really frustrating

No. Youre talking about queue syncing specifically, and throughout this entire thread, bgs like AB or AV are only brought up sparingly. Your issue was with queue syncing as a whole, not specific battlegrounds that just literally add more people.

If you want to play alone, you do you, hut trying to make everyone else play like you is cringe.

To your second point, i 1000% didnt ask. I know what exists already. What YOU want is for this to exist in all forms of pvp, and not a feature by itself. Stop trying to turn this into a single player game. Solo shuffle, blitz, and lfr are already bad enough.

No one is tricking anything. They queue up together, the system puts them in the queue together. Period. End of discussion.

I wonder, in 2000+ comments, has anyone actually mentioned how you can prove you just arent grouped with people who suck?
Can you prove that every time you dont win, the other team wasnt just better, either at communication, or defense?

My first few passes through everything, all i get from you people is “trust me bro”. Thats not a stance.

Cross faction BGs technically already exist. Mercenaries. You just want to force people to play that way all the time. Cross faction bgs as a whole are antithetical to what bgs represent. You should be advocating for them fixing the problems that caused so many people to leave because that is why you want this I fear.

The rest of that list is good, however, you need to be able to map out how you want delayed queuing to work without it screwing everything else up.

It is like this because if its as simple as you try to make it, it will be abused. In every single situation, whether it be a moba, mmo rpg bg, fps, battle royal, people ALWAYS say someone is cheating when they are salty about dying and losing.

Hell this entire thread is literally filled with people salty about losing and blaming it on a premade when the system is designed that way.

No one is cheating.
No one is hacking.
No one is running scripts or LUA to bypass anything.

They are communicating on discord via a countdown and pressing a button. The same button you press. Thats it.

That is the nuclear option but it might be a valid method if BlizZard has lost support staff.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: