Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Not the one that brought it up. Only the one that finished it.

you were one of the first ones to bring it up. Want someone to blame? Blame yourself.

Ok and you picked a post out of context, congrats.

What about premades?

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By this logic, mythic + is not end game. You can’t say one section isn’t end game because there is another way to get better gear…then say one is end game even though there is better gear…when you define end game as having the best gear.

You do seem to play harder content in the game and thus right now are likely better than me because I just don’t put that much time into it…but wow you are bad at logic.

I didnt pick anyhing out of context. You directly replied to someone talking about it who replied to YOU claiming it was. The comments are still there and you can literally hit the little arrow to go right to them.

Own up to what you said, or dont say it at all.

Make your own. Get good enough at leading to rally the pug. Stop being antisocial and go in with a group. Its not exploit. You dont need a reguritation of 2400 posts to tell you that.

You need to use the little arrows and read back all the discussion between Snozy and I.

BTW you’re still wrong about end-game, because Blizzard said it is.

Wrong again. Mythic+ gives the same ilvl gear. Just because you arent good enough to do the 6s (which are 9s now, and 17s before s4) doesnt mean it straight up doesnt give the gear.

A myth 1/4 is exactly the same as a myth 4/4. You just need to time more 6s (soon to be 9s) to get the aspects and FS needed to make it 4/4.

But raid GV and mythic + GV give the same ilvl gear too. Thus, both are endgame.

Anyone can get good enough to do the bare minimum. If youre truely not a complete troll and really are just a hyper casual player, then i believe you can get there. Youll be surprised how easy it is.

You put hardly any effort or time into it judging by the account youve chosen to reply to this thread with. So less so that you look like a forum troll more than anyone else.

Even if they had, and please do post the quote, endgame isnt an exclusive term to blizzard or to wow.

Max level content doesnt always equal endgame content.

But endgame content always equals max level content.

Learn the difference :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

They’re all equally end-game content.

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Wrong. But im not going to keep going back and forth with you.

You can keep thinking world quests/campaign quests are equal to mythic raiding and mythic plus, and you can keep thinking a random battleground is equal to and rated one.

You wont be correct though.

It doesn’t matter what either of us thinks, Blizzard said what it is.

Baiii :slight_smile:

Show the quote. Im not going to take your word for it. Until then. No.

Ilvl does not = best in slot. What item that is an overall best in slot for an evoker comes from Mythic +?

edit: hint they are there it’s just funny to poke you at this point and for most classes the raids have better gear.

Gotta prove you arent just a bad casual forum troll before I waste any more energy or time talking to you

Cool, I will just put you on ignore then. You haven’t added much to anything here and have been generally rude. If you were not rude people probably wouldn’t push so hard on your ideas by the way. Chill talk to people like humans instead.

Good bye.

Did you watch blizzcon?

Delves are quick adventures for one to five players as a solo experience, with friends, or even as a dungeon group. These adventures are integrated into the outdoor realm as a new endgame pillar alongside dungeons, raids, and PvP.


I would just ignore that dude. Came off very much like a I mythics and you don’t so you have no opinion type. Very WoW. To me end game is what you do when you are at the end of leveling…pretty much what people have always told me as well. I see progression at that point as being part of it, and anything that progresses you up from max level is part of end game…just not the end of end game.

People gotta pedant though.

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You know me, I love these interactions!

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Free bumps!

So max level content. Exactly what i said. Where is the confusion?

You’re confused and now you’re saying max level instead of end-game.

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