Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

They can state it all they want. Something that doesnt give access to the best gear isn’t endgame.

For the same reason bgs arent endgame pvp anymore, but rated pvp content is.

The same way heroic/normal dungeons arent endgame but mythic + is.

The same way lfr raids isnt endgame, but mythic is and heroic is close.

The same reason delves wont be, because it caps at gear that isnt the highest in the game.

End game is what it is, end game. A point in the game where you literally can not progress further power wise without just getting better at your rotation/positioning/cd usage.

a revamp of the queue system would be a good start. i mean all you have to do is count 3,2,1 and bam you get 30+ into a game easy. so easy, i have been in one game vs a premade and then 3 minutes later in a new one, it’s the same group. they really need to change it.

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Is this Matyrius? Just guess it is because of the marking.

I am still not convinced this is only a 1 2 3 click thing. Everything I have seen there are multiple queue drops to get in, not just timing and it gets around it. If it is that simple then I really think same number of groups would be the way to go, and cross faction.

It’s just odd that in 1700 posts this is the first time I think anyone has said this.

So only Mythic Raiding is end-game.

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Did you seriously read only 4 out of the 117 words I said?

It quite literally is as simple as a countdown and a click. If the queue line is low, or you get lucky and are placed in a line, you will all get in.

So sometimes it is and most of the time it isn’t? Literally never saw this idea till now in the whole thread. It was always people talking about queue syncing and dropping and requeuing until they got enough to pop. ie more requeuing than not.

Do you understand what a queue system even is?

No please enlighten me oh wise and knowing one. Jeez why do people on the internet talk like this? Keyboard cowboys I tell you.

Its been mentioned multiple times in this thread by multiple people.

I can show you the posts. I can even type them up for you like I did right before you acted like you had no clue what queue syncing was, but i cant make you read them, much less understand them.

No amount of me, or anyone else, telling you that all it is, is a line of people who pressed a button before or after you is going to make you understand if you can’t, or refuse, to understand how simple it is. Personsally? I dont have the patience to tell someone the same thing 6 times before they get it.

You dont even play the game so what do you care anyway

Ok lets get into it. i knew what queue syncing was, but until about post 1700 I had never heard anyone claim it was along how this worked. Everyone was talking in this thread for about 1700 posts about queue sync plus queue dropping and resyncing. I never said I didn’t know that queue syncing was part of it…also…

Mohz was right. You said that no end game content is considered end game unless it has the highest gear when you said

So since Mythic raiding has the best gear according to your logic it is the only end game mode.

Chill on the condescension and have a conversation. Stop telling people they didn’t read, or asking them rude questions. Talk to them the way you would in real life, or get snarky answers and quick blocks.

Did you only read one post out if my 1500?

So why are you ruling out Delves?

Someone doesnt need to literally explicitly tell verbatim what something is. If youre in this thread having a loud opinion about it, you should know what youre talking about. You clearly dont.

Hes not right. I said what is, and isnt, endgame content in an mmo.

What is literally endgame content is what gives the best gear because thats what an mmo is, character progression.

For you, all youre good at is doing lfr. So for you, lfr, and because of delves maybe normal or heroic will be endgame for you, because unless your posting on an account you dont play for whatever reason, you havent participated in anything that can be considered challenging in this game. And thats fine you do you, but dont try to change what the word means just because you either cant, or wont, do anything more rhan youre currently doing.

Mythic raiding isnt the only thing that gives you the best gear. As i clearly mapped out in the post. Im not going to say it again because if you arent going to read the post the first time in order to create a strawman, you certainly arent going to read it the second time. But i will summarize it since i guess you just dont have the attention span.

Endgame: mythic raiding. Rated pvp. Mythic +.

Thats it. Thats what gives the most player power relative to everything else. So that is what is considered endgame for this mmo.

It was only raiding before tbc. It was only 25 man heroic before the gear was normalized, and since legion we finally have more than just raids and arenas. I for one welcome more than one endgame route and i wish delves gave higher gear. But they dont, and per blizzards words it exists purely to give casual world players more agency in character progression, but still not be the best source of gear, so it isnt endgame.

When you start reading, and replying to, the whole post is when ill stop asking, or telling, you that you didnt read.

Looking at a 117 word post detailing EVERY max level thing you do that isnt world questing and coming back with “so mythic raiding is the only endgame” is the definition of not reading.

I asked them if they read only 4 words because i gave them the benefit of the doubt, im telling you that you didnt based on what you replied with vs what they replied with. There is a difference, but seeing as his next reply confirmed it, yes, im telling you that you both didnt read what i said.

If you did, you cant see me mention every single thing that exists at max level besides world quests and crafting and come back with the claim that I only considered mythic raiding to be endgame with the post still right there

Snarky answers imply intellect. You refusing to read and fundamentally not understanding a nearly 40 year old game system, intentionally or otherwise, is not even close to snarky.

I know it must be hard for you, but read the rest of the reply, or even the rest of the sentence, and you would have your answer before you replied.

Read that and tell me it doesn’t say that only the content that gets you the very best gear is end game. You before that said other things were end game…then invalidated your own comments by ending with this. The totality of your comment went against your own comment.

One of those has better gear than the others. By your statement that makes it Endgame and the rest not. Your statements invalidate themselves.

Now you might have been trying to say each type has an end game, but that’s not what you said.

You don’t need to be smart to be snarky. 40 year old? When do you think WoW was made?

Hehe well this was a funny silly diversion but also quite pointless. You should chill on the aggressive posts.

edit: The whole thing is kind of funny because none of this is what end game is. It’s just things you do once you have finished leveling haha.

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Delves are end-game for World Content.

Sure, for PVP. But not the highest item level.

Sure, but still not the highest item level.

Mythic is the end-game.
Heroic and Delves have almost the same ilvl, a bit lower due to the super boss that give extra ilvl.

Just like the last bosses of mythic raids that give the highest ilvl ever and possibly legendary gear.

Therefor, only mythic raiding is the true end-game if we go by gear level only.

It caps at heroic raid ilvl. and its still an end-game pillar.

So we have one or multiple end-games?

Delves can be push to the point where you are decked out in the best Delve armor.

or is it PVE and PVP, in which case Rated PVP and Mythic Raids are the highest possible rewards.

I thought you’d be smart enough to come to your own conclusions based on what I said, but I’m fine with explaining myself.

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…what do you think endgame is?

This edit has me convinced youre both not very good at this game, and just a lost troll who dont know where they are. Had me going, but there isn’t any point in continuing this conversation after that statement.

Also this is not what the post is about, we talking about Premade here.

Do you even pvp? This is a pvp post.

I’m just an AOTC, KSM, Rival scrub.

No. They arent. When they give gear comparable to the rest of endgame content, they will be. As it stands, its world content so the casual players have more to do.

Thats the point genius

Is heroic gear. Progression doesnt stop at heroic ilvl gear, by definition making it not endgame.

I think you think the GV itself is what makes it endgame. It doesnt.

The GV considers every max level thing you do for its tab, not just the endgame content you do.

It did before, when it was just mythic plus.
Now, it encompasses all max level content within its tab.

Want to raid? LFR-Mythic will give you a choice node.
Want to run dungeons? Sorry, only mythic and mythic + will give you a node choice.
Want to pvp (before AWW)? All bg and arena gave you a node because all it was, was a currency tracker.
Now, its delves completed. Not world quests, not campaign quests, but delves.

But the GV itself =/= endgame exclusive.
which is a good thing

You havent said anything. You just fundamentall dont understand whats going on.

This isnt a question of “one or multiple endgames”

There is leveling content, max level content, and endgame content.

The things that give you the best player power items are what is endgame in an mmorpg, the things that don’t, arent. Period.

Ok so you just didn’t read everything I said.