Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

You can’t - and Blizzard knows this. It’s an unenforcible position. Even if they wanted to, they don’t have the resources to police this.

Make a solo que BG que that’s just two teams no factions being sorted into factions, and if people use add-ons or coordinate over discord or any other such nonsense to cheat the system permaban them just like they do win trading, pretty simple to solve. They won’t tho.

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They don’t need to police it if they just add a queue drop penalty. It would tear apart the whole system the premade groups use. Timed sync doesn’t work well enough to do this without the dropping and retrying. It’s the weakest link in their system and taking it out would fix 99% of this problem with a very low cost.

As a side bonus it would also fix a lot of the starting at 50% issues because of queue droppers.


I thought of it as a ruined by combat, half covered in sand, heavily eroded kind of pillar, but I quit most pvp and we are discussing one of the reasons I did right now, but what do I know, I’m just one player.


The group I ran with (SaS pre fallout) didn’t drop Q all that often. There was just an acceptance of sometimes it’s 10-15 that get in vs. 20-25.

But I haven’t pvp-d since s1 so not up on how matters have (d)evolved.

Not that often as in 1 or 2 times a run, or 1 or 2 times a day?

Don’t worry, everything will be as it may.

Make them do this. Some of their group won’t get in. It will annoy them.

On point! I’m sure the trolls will disagree though.

We need BGs to be good to get people into ranked PvP. What we have now is just ruining PvP for everyone, including the people doing the premades. It’s not sustainable.

Agreed. I’ve never dropped so many bgs until this year due to commonly seen names known for premades. 10 man and 40 man. Event a group of 3 or 4 people working together can one shot a lot of classes.

I drop so much now when I see the obvious face smash about to happen that I’ve created other alts on the opposing faction to avoid (or join them).

I want a fair fight for both sides, being on the overwhelming premade side isn’t that fun either (zero challenge), but it sucks less than being on the losing side.

Either way, bad for the players, bad for the game.


We actually do. You are not allowed to queue as a raid for epic BG’s. Anything that circumvents this restriction qualifies as griefing and violates the CoC because the only way to combat it would involve violating the CoC.

Cope, find a better argument.


A good example of this is exploits in BGs. Everyone can agree what they are. Well, if no one thought they were exploits or cheating, Blizzard wouldn’t have fixed them or banned the people that used them. Player outcry, player opinion is what made them fix them.


  • On Battle for Gilneas, EotS, and a few other maps, DKs could mass grip players to a certain location and they would get stuck.
  • On BfG as well, you could use the Goblin racial to get on the roofs of the house at WW.

These players would probably argue it’s a clever use of in game mechanics or something. The reality is players all the time decide what is and what isn’t fair and the game is constantly changing because of it.

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Just because the maintenance is extended doesn’t mean we’re gonna let premades run rampant!

Fix this right now while the servers are down.

If Premade:
select all;

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Per day. Lots of folks would get impatient and want to get in, so it was rarely an all or nothing mindset. When we split, first teams out would wait for the rest.

Unfortunately, such a change would also affect people who play with a few of their friends (up to 4, as intended by the PvP devs).

This is probably one of the reasons why Blizzard hasn’t implemented strong countermeasures against premade raids. There’s a lot of collateral damage to legit players who respect the spirit of fair play and don’t circumvent restrictions.

Yea, I’d say you’re right. To that, I think a group trying to queue with another group has it’s fun at times. When it’s limited and rare, it’s not a big deal. That’s where we have been for ages.

The game should be promoting 5 man content and 5 man groups in bgs even. Nothing wrong with that. Would be great if the system tried to place these groups against each other as well, but not a huge deal if not.

Premades are just ruining that as well though. Why would a 5 man group want to queue into a premade? Just pointless. :frowning:

How many games did you guys do? You are saying you would get into a premade most of the time without any requeue, just a 1 2 3 click and it would get around the whole thing most times?

If true then cross queue and equal number of groups seems like it would be necessary but…I feel like this is completely different from what videos of folks doing this. It seemed like at least 1 requeue to get more than 2 groups into a game every time.

We got 15-20 in about 85% of the time. 20+ another 5-10% and wonky split 5-10%.

We ran pretty consistent from about 2pm to midnightish. I usually got in about 5-6 games a night being the corporate type that I am. Weekends about 12-ish. I don’t recall ever dropping queue more than twice in a day from around late 2018 to mid 2023.

Mileage varies on that though as I tended toward a let the chips fall approach. 5-10 of us could swing a game easily so I never liked to bother trying to get a full team in.

I think the field starting thinning on both sides big time though. So now it’s premade or get farmed. Wow players of all content types tend to optimize the fun out of the game for fast goal completion, so not surprised it ended up in this state.

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What do you think could be put in to stop it?

A smarter matchmaking system would see that a group of teams that previously played together are in the same queue and deliberately place them in different BG’s.

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