Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

It also isn’t the only proposed solution. Also it’s absolutely ridiculous to think queueing 30 individuals is remotely feasible.

They would 100% do it.

Also, the same communities have been sync-queueing Blitz to get a full party on the same side. Harder to achieve, but still doable. They will be doing the same thing in Blitz rated.


It wouldn’t work.

But sure, let’s go off on this tangent now. Anything to avoid solutions, right? That’s why stuff like this gets likes from your peers, and solutions don’t.

I suggested cross faction bgs further up lol

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It wouldn’t be any different from syncing multiple 5mans. Often what happens is alliance is loaded with parties from 2-3 communities.

They have 50 + solo queuers queuing at the same time, trust me 20+ will get in the same BG instance.


It absolutely is.

multiple 5 mans need to fill 6 slots for 30 people. 30 individuals in a queue that can’t have groups needs to fill 30, all of which are being competed for.

It’s really not that different from the pool size increase by enabling cross faction.

They would just make sure that they all pop at the same time or drop and requeue. The reality is they have 3-4 groups of 5 and they sprinkle about 10 solo queuers, because they know the BG system will always sprinkle some solo with the party.

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It would be kinda funny if that is how rated took off

Do you have any clue how ridiculous this is to coordinate? You’re applying the logic of the current system (groups can queue) to one that’s solo-only. They can’t weasel their way into the same match in a feasible timeframe under this system, because there are always people queueing for the content. The odds of them aligning their queue times are virtually nonexistent other than during literally dead hours, and even then it’d be inconsistent.

You don’t even need queue delays for this to work out in this way, simply letting people queue in solo instead of finding a group and then queueing together in 5-mans staggers the people entering the queue.

Solo killed every other form of rated to the point that until they massively inflated ratings there was looking to be 50 glads s2

There aren’t enough players in Epic BG’s currently, like it was in the past. It’s almost always dead-hours.

They already manage to get in Blitz, where there’s rating and cross-faction, but at a much lower success rate.

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Yes. Which makes it less worth it. This naturally weeds out people doing it for fun and people doing it for easy grinding.

I can’t stress enough, though; a solo queue staggers its queue entrants naturally. Maybe people would just accept that they can’t get their entire group in on PvP, but at a certain point this issue makes BGs inefficient for people doing it for the ease of grinding.

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I’m all for removing incentives to premade, but at the same time, I don’t mind the 5 man groups.

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Well, this is why I’m also in favor of making a free group BG as an aside, but if populations are as bad as you say, that segregation might just kill the activity entirely.

Which is an issue I’ve noted before with this solution, and I’m not married to the solution, I just wish people would talk about them instead of gradually rounding back to “they’re cheating” every hour or so.

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I try to avoid the “exploit” vs “not exploit” talk because it leads nowhere XD.

I thought about it and I think cross-faction will be a step in the right direction. Those who want to fight premades will continue to premade and they will face each other within a same community. It can only bring balance to the queues.

BG’s would always have 2-3 party of 5s during prime time on each side.

In 10 man BG’s it would put them against each other. There would be no more overwhelming coordination advantage.


Horde ban pvp. Ally will cry with one hour que times and then blizz will take notice.

Aren’t we supposed to try to stick to the topic of the thread?

When that happens, they’ll blame Blizzard and ignore how they actively contributed to the demise of the bracket.

Premade raids would do it. These players are willing to spend an hour gaming the matchmaking system to get into the same bg. And then they’d say Blizzard is ok with players countdown queuing to bring their premade raids into bgs.

Yeah, they’ll test the system and figure out how many “solo” players they need to throw at the queue to reliably get a sizeable portion of their premade community/raid into the same game.

They’re all on Discord. “3, 2, 1, queue.”


Can’t make that up.

I replied to your comments?

My bad.

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Nothing to apologize for, I guess. Adroi would deny that “exploit vs not” is the topic of the thread if I’d been the one to say it initially.

Yet you’re under the impression it is, or at least tried to round the discussion back to it.

I just don’t care, man. Blizzard’s not doing anything about it, and have explicitly said manually queue syncing isn’t cheating. Whether they’re fond of it or not or you think it’s an exploit, w/e, I don’t care.

My point was that you’re so caught up in that you can’t fathom trying to cook up a solution. i.e. responding to me talking about a solution with a not-so-subtle “people will still defend these cheaters!”

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