Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Half of the people here commenting are just being purposely obtuse.

“wE’rE jUsT pLaYiNg WiTh FrIenDs”

It’s fine to queue with a group of your friends. You’re allowed to queue up with your group of 5 no problem. It becomes a problem when you have multiple parties of 5 all queue syncing trying to get into the same game and stomp on a pug group. Its not only a problem for the pug players youre stomping but for the games being left and waiting for backfill when half the groups don’t take the queue because they’re trying to rig it to be in the same game. You just screwed over your own faction.

Perfect example of someone being purposely obtuse by the way. This is the equivalent of someone trying to sync queue into a Solo Shuffle, which is meant to be queued solo. Sure you can say, “but thats just part of the matchmaking system! its possible to be put into the same game.” but no, you’re purposely trying to get into the same game with multiple 5 man parties. If they wanted that, they would’ve just allowed it from the beginning. In vanilla, you used to be able to queue raids for epic BGs, but they removed that functionality.

Cross faction queues would definitely make it so that we would see less of synced premades. Trying to sync queue and then half of your groups end up on the enemy team. Wouldn’t be a problem.

Not only that but they could also just stagger queues. Random BGs shouldnt begin the countdown to start the match until both sides have near equal numbers. They could easily send out battleground queues to people at different times when being formed instead of ALL at the same time, which is what makes it easy to sync queue in the first place. Queue times wouldnt be affected either if combined with cross faction queueing.


What do you think about just adding a modifier to the match making process to

The exploit is timing it so you have a higher chance of getting in, then if it doesn’t work you quit and do it again.

Exploits are just ways to game the current rule set. It’s not breaking the rules exactly, just doing things to get around intended barriers. They limited the groups to 5, so if you do something to get around that limit, it’s an exploit.

It doesn’t really matter what the term is though…it makes the bgs less competitive and less fun for people. It also skews the whole honor system by allowing those who do this to have far more than others. So while you might try to argue against the term…the effect is not good…or at least not as good as it would be without people doing it.

The reason why I was being careful to say it that way was because there’s a fairly obvious scenario that already occasionally arises that disproves the idea that it would be a panacea. Because if part of a premade pops into the same BG on the opposite faction, it becomes trivial to sabotage the opposing team. I’ve seen it happen before since both sides are able to communicate with each other. Your solution only works when the premade is split into entirely different maps.

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There is a massive amount of General Discussion players that have 0 in game experience and would make this game a phone game if given the chance.


They keep their account subbed only to lurk on GD and parrot the most accepted opinion for likes. Problem is made worse by sock puppet toons they can use to instantly switch identities.

Anyways, that’s a topic for a different thread. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


LOL what did they do to prot pallies?

Selling carries in SOLO rated arena, please read that twice.

So its not even relevant.


Is that where they found Celestalon?

i say greatly diminish honor and conquest given to players in premades, more the people in the group before launch the less you get at the end of the bg, this imo will fix this problem. :vulcan_salute:

If you think people premade bgs for honor, you don’t know enough about this subject to weigh in.

ok Einstein, enlighten me why premades want to farm non premades if it is not for honor and conquest, because there is no gold or fun from it.


And just how exactly will the game know you’re part of a premade team if your premade exists entirely in Discord?

Game sabotaging is an actual bannable offense though. Report it and move on.

Also, both sides are in it to win. That’s why they sync queue in the first place; to win. You’ll see alot of these pro-sync premade players here on the forums keep saying, “we just want to have a challenge!” Hold them to that. If they really want a challenge, let them fight themselves.


Yep yep. Another big issue with it. In the games they leave, it’s almost a guaranteed loss for all the people that remain.

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Prot pallies were extremely rare and counted a healer that could only fight themselves. Early on it was quite common for them to purposely throw to get players to the lower to mid tier rewards (1800-2100). I only saw it in s1 of df I don’t think its worth the amount of time it takes to set up.

I don’t expect them to fix random battle grounds. The playerbase has kinda accepted they are a trash fire. I am just pointing out they have the means to.

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Don’t even have to hope, you just sit in a Discord call and say “my queue popped, did yours” and if the answer is no you don’t join the BG.


You mean in season 1 when tanks counted as healers and people complained so they made tanks count as dps?

Not even remotely close to the same

This should be your catchphrase.

You actually can. I remember back in WOD when communities like hydra were around and they would circumvent said barriers by communicating in vc when ques popped. If they didn’t get a pop at the same time they just left / re-que’d. Also these groups usually had the full 40 for AV split into 8 groups. They did the same for ashran post nerf where they’d have “anchors” who’d get invited, phase into the bg, leave group to start up another, and repeat until the bulk of their team was from that vc.

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Sorry I somehow mashed together two things I was trying to say. I was thinking a modifier to the team rank so you match up better might be a way to go. So one team might have a 5 man premade in it but the other team would have better gear or something like that. Seems like there are a lot of ways to adjust in matchmaking to take premades into account.