Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Blizz is going have to do something eventually.

The premades are going to run out of randoms soon and just play against other premades, which is the LAST thing they want since they only want ez wins.

So in the end, unrated BG’s will just die, which benefits nobody.


Sorry but nobody believes you need 19 “friends” to queue as a 20 man group in an epic, chances are most people don’t even know each other, find another excuse, the whole “playing with friends I’m not antisocial I met these people a few days ago in this community” is done lol.

As for a 5 man in a 10 man bg, if you want to queue with so many “friends” you can do rated bgs, at this point the needs of the many are more important than the need of those 3 or 4 groups of 5 man “friends” that like to camp graveyards but get completely bodied when they queue by themselves.

You don’t need more than 3 people queueing together in a 10 man bg, if you want more go do rbgs.

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Almost like having an unrated solo queue and a separated raid group queue would be a good idea. Woe is me, though, all we can do is try and argue about what an exploit is.

inb4 “that doesn’t work, we just have to ban people” level whoosh

Soon Rated Solo Blitz will siphon the remaining players that do randoms.

It’s relevant, most games are always a landslide for the winning team.

At least you didn’t AFK out. So no one had to replace you in that awful game.

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Yeah I dunno.

They said similar things about solo shuffle, which was popular as a brawl, and then died in DF.

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Doesn’t matter what you believe. Blizzard has stated it’s not against the rules. I also don’t run in any epic premades.

I literally Que with 4 other friends into random bgs on occasion.

Are you obtuse? 5 people can’t do a rated bg.

That’s your very uneducated opinion.

I think BG’s are more popular than Arena, and Solo Q Rated will be pretty good alternative.

I’ll just do Blitz Rated and Epic BG’s.

Solo shuffle wasn’t even introduced until DF and was an utter train wreck

It was introduced as a brawl in the last season or two of Shadowlands.


Ehh only because you aren’t punished for being bad as much and it’s easier to get carried up.

Arena is more punishing when people make mistakes.

I think it will be available as Blitz Rated today… in pre-patch. I hope at least.

Want to talk about uneducated while you are unable to comprehend a short post of 2 sentences and a tiny paragraph? Ok I guess…

It was introduced to be tested in the last patch before DF.

I understood it. It’s just invalid. I’m not sorry you can’t understand that.

Thanks for proving my point though.

It’s also easier on healers. More casual approach to PVP in big team and objective oriented PVP.

Also allows more dps to Que.

I’ll probably push to get my elite sets since it will be super easy then focus on arena.

No it just supposes that it does. You seem to be finding other things to blame the issue on other than the one we are talking about. ie more population wouldn’t fix the problem we are talking about, but fixing the problem we are talking about would in fact help the population issue.

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So my post is not about what is allowed or isn’t, yet you bring that up.

From explaining documents to interns and assistants to explaining reading comprehension in a game forum to someone who’s obviously not very good at reading, sorry but this isn’t worth my time, find someone else to argue with for the sake of it.

They have taken action against “allowed” activities in the past, no reason for them not to do the same, you can stay here on the forums arguing for the sake of it w/o actually being able to read, at this point it seems they will end up making changes, even if it means you won’t be able to hide from the comfort of a group.

It wouldn’t work. The raid group queue would be dead on arrival, and all of the premades would sync into the solo queue as 30 ‘solo players’


Because your post is a tantrum about losing random bgs . It’s irrelevant.

It’s you stating your feelings on how it should be. Hence irrelevant

lol it’s not my fault you’re making irrelevant arguments.