Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

lol you aren’t educating anyone let alone me.

I mean they don’t have too but if they feel like wasting their time.

Blizzard doesn’t use the forums for any actual feedback as the forums is such a minority

You only say that because it counters your points.

What they said in 2019 is 100% relevant.

I have played some on my DK. Haven’t had any issues yet.

Used it as an example to dispel the “randoms are fair” claim.

That’s not it. Blizzard tells players to come to general forum for suggestion and feedback. In 2019 it wasn’t as bad as it is now with premades.

This thread is proof that there’s an issue, go check the BG forums, more proof. Players who remain in the Casual BG sphere are reaching a point where they’ve had enough and want change.

Those players are coming here to bring light on the issue and how it impacts them.

Feel free to call us “whiny”, because apparently it makes you feel some sort of way, but all you’re doing is wasting your time and derailing a post about an issue affecting many players.

Do you even know what to look for? Is your DK Alliance?


Your argument presupposes that premades are the sole reason for the low population without providing evidence. Premade groups run battlegrounds day in and day out with the same people. Some players come in once in a while to complete a quest or gear an alt. Naturally, those who love the battleground game mode and play it every day would tear you up if you set foot in it, with or without a sync, even if you think it’s just a casual mode.

The real issue isn’t just premade syncs. Whether it’s premade syncs, a group of 5, or pugs, they all play the same battlegrounds with the same mechanics that haven’t changed in years. We need more players to participate in battlegrounds to improve the overall experience for everyone.

One solution could be to make BGs a free-to-play part of the game and then find a way to funnel back some of those free-to-play players into subscription mode.

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I don’t think anyone can reasonably argue that premades in EBGs are fair or sportsmanlike, but Blizzard’s continued silence on the matter suggests they either don’t see it as a problem… or don’t care. I’m sure they could come up with a solution, but the fact that they haven’t bothered after all this time is an answer of sorts.

EBGs are the redheaded stepchild of WoW.

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People complained about not having solo content as a viable endgame option.

Next expansion, we’re getting Delves.

This is a categorically incorrect observation lol


The low population is a big reason premades are more apparent now. Some nights I can face a mix of communities 3-4 times in a row. Sometimes they merc and there’s a balanced fight.

Last night there was one where alliance looked like a premade, I saw Oca in there, but we hurt them at SR and at somepoint they left. I didn’t recognize anyone on horde, but it could’ve been another community.

We’re saturated and starting to see premades everywhere. 8+ healers? Premade!..

That’s true, before shadowlands I barely noticed the premades. Once in a while I’d see a Hydra, but it was rare. They were all mixed in the general population and we had more BG running in parallel.

Nowadays it feels like there’s 2-3 Epic bg instance at once, with all the same players.

I was one of those people! and I’m pretty sure Snoz was telling me it would never happen, or that solo content will never be end-game because it’s not challenging. The good old days.

You mean to tell me Snozay was incorrect about something?

Color me (un)surprised lmao

It’s the same. Even if it was different the action is the same and still not shading the rules.

I think you’re confusing losing with every loss being a premade.

I wouldn’t call the bg forums proof of anything. So many awful players in there the last time I was in there.

If people are whining about losing then I will say they are whining about losing.

Yes I know what to look for and no my DK is horde.

It’s still not really end game. It caps out at heroic track just like Korthia did lol.

I also said that solo players don’t want challenging content.

Yiu mean Mohz stated something I never said? Lol

Blizzard said it’s a pillar of end-game.

I still think you haven’t experience Epic BG’s enough recently to know what we’re all talking about.

You want me to believe you’ve been playing EBG’s this past week and haven’t encountered a single premade?

Are you playing at 2pm on a wednesday?

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Idk man you don’t seem very reliable lol

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It may be but outside of the first week I’ll be ignoring it.

I honestly don’t care what you think.

I honestly don’t care what you believe. I also never said I didn’t encounter a premade.

I just didn’t find it a big enough issue to complain about it.

Nope because I’m at this thing called work.

I mean I honestly don’t care if you don’t find me reliable.

So tell me about your premade experience? How did the BG go? Was it more than one time?

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What relevance does it have? We lost.

I saw it was a premade and watched Netflix while standing on a node.

Two maybe three times.

People being baited into discussing whether or not premade queueing is “allowed” and not an “exploit”… /facepalm

Anything that isn’t forbidden by the ToS is allowed, that includes manual queueing.

They have taken action against allowed activities in the past though, they like to use the word “toxic” as their reasoning, well large premades (10+ en epic bgs, 5 man in 10 man bgs) are as “toxic” to the game mode experience as it can get, just reduce the limit to how many people can queue together for each bg mode, problem solved.

128 posts since I went to bed, and the topic hasn’t remotely changed.


Yeah no. We aren’t going to punish people for playing with friends because some anti social people can’t handle taking a loss in a random bg.

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True, true.

BlizZard needs wins these days as they are struggling. And the last thing they would do is turn that easy win into a loss by reversing course and not calling a pillar anymore.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: