Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Queue-sync doesn’t cause this alone. Also, it pushes people away from pvp so it becomes self fulfilling and is just a bigger issue. You can’t blame lack of population for the issue when the population of pvp players is pushed down by premades and not have a logic loop.

I agree they should bring back 5s but rated rewards streaks unless you are coming off a prior season with high mmr you don’t lose anything messing around in 2s and 3s

We have, it’s just getting buried by the trolls.

Premades have made the issue worse and that has made less players play epics and that has made the problem worsen.


It wasn’t but keep telling yourself that.

Then play rateds if you want fair fights.

Most people run BGs until
They get geared and then move into rated to continue progressing.

You’re not.

There wasn’t anything to evade. Your argument is terrible and irrelevant just as your ability to construct a point.

lol nvm I don’t want the suspension.

I hated 5s lol

You can’t be this bad at math.

I can’t see where you are coming from im afraid

that opinions alternate to your own
cause you to enrage to the point
where you think you might get
yourself suspended…is something
you might have looked at by a
i really hope that you do…
best of luck in your travels, my friend.

No, that is not, in fact, what I meant lol

If you enter a random with a premade, you are circumventing the system that is attempting to prohibit you from entering that BG with that premade.

In the event Blizzard took action on this matter, you would be punished for doing that, not because you were playing with friends lol


You ignored the majority of the reasons I would Que BGs with friends and pointed out 2s and 3s as some sort of counter.

you do it to farm easy honor…i think.
isn’t that the truth of it.

But you’re not. As was proven with the 2019 blue post saying you aren’t breaking any rules.

They aren’t going to take action because they have already said it’s not breaking the rules.

“taking action” implies changing the rules, my friend.
and that’s what this entire discussion has been about…lol.

You’re confused. I’m not mad at all. I just dont sugarcoat things and there are rules.

The fact you think I’m enraged confirmed my point lol.

They aren’t changing the rules they have had for over 20 years. PvP happened. Deal with it.

Yes, we all know how much you guys love that post lol

Yeah, and part of this thread is to say “that’s a dumb ruling, you need to reevaluate that conclusion because you’ve designed a game that doesn’t allow premades to enter randoms specifically because it hinders the user’s experience”

Like, what are you not getting here lol

i’ve done my best to educate you…
but it’s impossible to get through
your rigid preconceptions…
i wish you well in all of your
premade vs non-premade bg

People need to realize Blizzard has the final say. Their word is law.

Your feelings my feelings and everyone else’s feelings on it are irrelevant.

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Nobody has to realize that. Forums are partly designed to leverage feedback lol

If Blizzard has an issue with it, then they can delete their forums and all means of feedback. I don’t think their game would last long if they did that, but that’s also precisely why you’re not running this game and Blizzard is lol

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It doesn’t matter what Blizzard has said in the past. This is 2024 feedback. Get with the times.

Go play a week of Epic BG’s and see for yourself.

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Why are you talking about 5 man premades? No one cares about those.