Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Adults realize what is and isn’t fair. Stacking a BG to win a video game isn’t fair. Children do that kind of stuff.


Same. This thread is just going nowhere.

One one side, you got one group repeating what Blizzard has said.
One the other side, you got one group just making up the rules going against what Blizzard said.

I might just mute the topic. No point continuing when it is going nowhere.

I didn’t say anything about you lol

I don’t think that’s fair but I also think 10 duelist elites is extraordinarily unfair lol

And Blizzard has the capacity to stop 10 duelist elites from entering, so I think they should do that lol

Pretty defeatist attitude, tbh

Life’s not fair. Real life battles aren’t fair.

“Sorry General Grant, we can’t start the battle as the enemy teams forces aren’t the same and it’s totally unfair!”

PvP isn’t about being fair.

If you want fair PvP then go play rated.

Oh yes…

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Anyways, good luck all.

“whiny”…people are just stating their opinions…
and a fair shot in a bg is not something people
should feel bad about demanding.
premades generally negate any chance of
winning for the non-premade opposition.
would you like to see the rams play the west
keehawky flats beavers?
and, in the end, it makes people not play bg s…
that can’t be good.
better that premades are only pitted against premades…
that’s the logical solution.

Stop being pedantic about what Blizzard said while ignoring half of what they have said. Defend your stance on the actual issue. Should premades be allowed in epic bgs with the current setup that doesn’t allow queuing that way? Defend the idea, not the rules/law.

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My mistake. Adroi keeps claiming I partake in the premades which is what I thought you were saying.

My point was that randoms have never been fair.

Some teams are going to be lopsided and they don’t even have to have a full premade.

So punish people for playing with friends because people lost a bg?

Doubt that ever happens.

I don’t get why people are getting hung up on the tos or coc or whatever its called these days. You can say you prefer solo queue battle grounds that are cross faction without invoking it.


What a pathetic response. Hey guys, we can cheat all we want because life isn’t fair.

Thanks dude! If you noticed, I’m not the one bumping the thread. I’m responding to people.

I like how you ignore the actual trolls in the thread. Snoz has 310 responses in a thread I created. I have 302. Why aren’t you directing this at them?


I mean, I understood what your point was, but your argument is basically “it’s always going to be unfair so random BGs should be akin to the Thunderdome where no rules are at play” which is a ridiculous suggestion to make lol

By that logic, we should allow people to use third party software in BGs because it’s unfair anyways, so why not?

Nobody’s punishing you for playing with friends. You’d be punished for circumventing the system that’s already in place to prohibit people from entering with premades lol

If you want to play with more than five people, that’s what ranked is precisely for lol

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While crying about it.

The fact you have the gall to demand anything is a joke.

Maybe if you’re bad at the game. Have beaten premades before

I watch European football and that’s a common occurrence.

Then go play rated.

you read all of that and completely evaded the point…lol.
that’s impressive.


That’s how it’s always been.

You mean people who use addons like gladiatorlossa?

My example isn’t circumventing anything and it’s a lopsided game.

And if Blizz caved to the point they wouldn’t let us Que that is punishing us.

You’re all hung up on the “queue” but haven’t given any thought as to why you run into the same premade sync or players over and over.

If more people played battlegrounds, do you think you’d end up playing against the same people three times in a row?

It’s not entirely a queue-sync problem. The issue is that we need more players to participate in battlegrounds.

Because your point was pretty awful and irrelevant.

If you want to play in a premade group why would you not play rated with the better rewards and match rewards?

That’s because most people grind randoms for gear and then transition into rated bgs or rated arenas.

The real issue is some people are so terrified to do rated they only do random.

no…my point was perfectly relevant and perfectly correct…
pitting premades against non-premades is foolish.
and it deters people from running bg s…
you know i’m right…that’s why you evaded the concept and
then proceeded to demean it, and by association…me.
you are not mysterious…lol.

Weekly quests. Warming up for rated.

5 people in a group is 5 people short for rated.

If I want to Que with friends to have some non serious fun in random BGs I’m entirely able to do that.