Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

If you hate Blizzard so much, why don’t you stop giving them money?

They have also said manually sync-queuing is not against the rules. You argument is still invalid.

Premades will always have an advantage. If you don’t want to deal with premades then go to ranked.

If Blizzard said it says it’s not an issue then it’s not an issue. Their decision is what matters.

I exist to counter the untruths.

I have been summoned to this thread like many others. Bypassing the queue system is a big no no for BlizZard. They are undecided but they may make a choice soon…


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I am…

This is the question…

This is the answer from Blizzard…

“If you don’t want to deal with premades, go to the mode Blizzard specifically designated to be for premades”

Genius suggestion lol


Just wait till he blocks you because he can’t refute your points.

It’s what he does.

More like “if you don’t want lopsided fights and want competitive PvP go to the mode that is designed to have fair competitive play”.

Random BGs are a free for all with no rules.

Yeah, that’s why you have to circumvent the system to make premades possible lol


Oh come on, that is just childish and ridiculous. Queue syncing is ok because they can’t stop people on voice chat saying 1 2 3. They never ok’d sync’d queue dropping. They have directly said this is unfair. Throwing out the information you don’t like is cherry picking, illogical, and silly.

If you add it all up we have a mess, but they absolutely did block raid queues. They specifically said this is unfair. That is 2 against 1 for in my book, and while it needs cleared up I have not seen a single argument for the idea that this makes epic bgs more competitive and fun.

Argue for what you are arguing for, not for pedantic legal arguments that say Blizzard doesn’t care. Why do you think people should be allowed to queue as a partial or full raid when the in game system doesn’t allow it outright? Why do you think that makes more balanced, better bgs?

There are no rules! Except that you can’t queue as a raid…I mean that’s a hard rule here. You can queue as 5 man groups then work the system ruining other games by having them start empty and work around it, but you know…there are no rules!

It’s like saying windows mean there are no locks on doors, and because of that trespassing doesn’t exist. Willful ignorance.

Literally circumventing the rules and saying there are no rules at the same time. It’s glorious.

No, it is not childish or rediculous. I am just going by all the information that I have passed on from Blizzard.

Sometimes, it is not always the answers we all want either.

I don’t do anything.

If a 5 person of fully geared duelist elite players decide to do a random WSG and Que into ten combatant level players you can’t honestly think the battle ground would be fair.

Randoms have always been and will always be a free for all mode

If you want fair and balanced PvP go to rated.

It’s not a hard concept at all

Who quite literally are not. You are ignoring 2 out of the 3 answers to get what you want.

Again, that doesn’t matter. Why do you think Epic BGs should have teams that circumvent the in game rules, and get premades into games? How is that a better game than just following the 5 man limit?

Literally everything you said, i already said. Its almost like you dont know who youre supposed to be replying to.

Because random BGs are free for alls. They also aren’t circumventing any game rules. Blizzard has already said multiple groups of 5 is not against the rules.

You care to counter this?

Don’t you find it amazing how a game from a world of war and the impossibility of creating characters of different factions on the same server has come to topics like this?

For sure and I do agree with you. Plenty of things that could be addressed. This one has been going on for ages and it wouldn’t surprise me if nothing’s done. The people managing this game don’t see the value they are losing by not maintaining existing content. Isle has been busted for two expansions and they haven’t touched that.

Spot on.

No one can argue that it’s fair for premades to stomp solo players. That’s what this continues to boil down to.

Quit with the semantics garbage.

I’d assume most of us are adults here. Most of us know what is and isn’t fair. The game being randomly unfair vs being coordinated is different. That you guys can’t be honest and accept that is just ridiculous.


Adults realize games aren’t fair and move on. The running start whiny troll posts about it.

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Was going to continue our discussion, but I get the sense we both feel like we’re talking to brick walls. I don’t know about you, but I have better things to do with.

Good luck with… all this. I’m sure the dozen or so of you that have contributed over half the posts in the thread will eventually get Blizzard’s attention.