Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I bet they won’t. This has been a thing for 12+ years. If they were gonna do something, they would’ve done it already.

Maybe it wasn’t as prevalent of an issue twelve years ago?

If something is infrequent, the likelihood of Blizzard acting on it is incredibly low, but if it’s been happening at an exponentially higher rate and more people have started taking notice of the issue, then Blizzard is more likely to do something about it lol

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Has only been an issue recently.

no im referring to this one

i like all the low level alt accounts coming in to defend it tbh hilarious .

Mid-tier PVP’ers who are too bad to amount to anything in ‘serious’ pvp but play enough that they can thump newbies aren’t known for being very smart.

I like the, “YOU JUST WANT TO WIN!” people. Yes. I want reasonable odds of winning. Why are you entitled to easy wins against pugs?

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It’s one of the reasons I quit.

Edit - So many semantic arguments in this thread.


You are the one saying it’s Blizzards rules that matter. Go read the CoC.

“and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.”

That doesn’t mean anything that annoys someone or some bs like that, but you will try to go there and say you can’t talk or silliness like that. It’s like people arguing for premades never learned all the rules of living in grade school. Don’t cheat at games, it ruins the game. Don’t bully or pick on people. Don’t tease.
The CoC basically says do unto others, and yet people just can’t fathom trying to be a decent human being on these forums. It’s internet think not human think. Take a step back and just think for a second that you are playing against a human not just “winning”. It’s so sad.

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you’re right, adroi.
but , for the same reasons
they don’t stop L70s from killing
L10 quest NPCs…
they probably won’t fix this either.
imagine trying the game for the
first time and finding that you
cannot play because some bored
L70 with 525 gear decides to spend
the day killing all of your quest npcs…
not very conducive to new people entering the game.

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I wasn’t the one who implied that ‘if someone does something to make you sad, they are breaking the rules and need to be banned’.

Starting to wonder if you cannot read. Unfair gameplay is against the CoC because the CoC says so. No real way to argue that. You can say the CoC sucks or should be changed, but the idea unfair is not against the CoC when the CoC says.

Also lopsided doesn’t equal unfair. Not following the plainly laid out rules = unfair. A coordinated 20+ person group vs a bunch of randos is unfair because we can’t queue as a raid in game. Blizzard declared premades unfair in epic bgs.

" or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating."

And Blizzard community manager Daxxarri said has stated via engadget
"if you break it down, what does a full oQueue premade bring to the table that is unfair?

I’ll try to break it down as clearly as I can:

Any addon that enables a full, organized Battleground group to queue against a randomly assembled group is creating a scenario where that coordinated group has a huge advantage. That is not in the spirit of the experience we want to provide in the normal Battleground queue. Playing with friends is fun and important, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of the spirit of the game nor the fun of others."

He goes on further but he basically says it’s unfair. To make it even clearer we have to go back to the Twitter posts here. Holinka said it very clearly.

So it sounds like you think Blizzard doesn’t know what fair is, and you need to take it up with them. Or you just don’t understand words like fair and unfair.

Me neither! I did however agree with the 2012 posts directly about Epic bgs being unfair when one side is a giant coordinated group vs a bunch of randoms.

The only way that is fair is if the game allows the queuing, then it is just a part of the game. Outside of that rule set is the land of cheating and exploits. The fact you WANT that to not be true is the issue here. You want unfair unfun games to be allowed and are arguing for it. That to me is a pvp societal issue. Win, don’t compete is a losers mantra. You don’t want to beat someone on a fair playing ground, you want to tilt it in your favor. It’s a cowards move.

This is tantamount to saying, “There wasn’t a housing loan crisis in 2008 because all the big banks said there wasn’t.”

The only thing Blizzard made clear with that comment is that they don’t consider it cheating, which does nothing to absolve the 100% fact that it IS providing groups clear and concise advantages in battlegrounds, which is the reason for the entire thread.

Blizzard claiming it’s not an issue just means they are fine with the mechanic being used, even if it’s providing an unfair advantage. That doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be fixed to provide a more balanced BG experience.


Right, so what about Warmode or going back to PVP Servers? Was ganking against the Code of Conduct because it was unfair for the low level player to have no way to defend themselves against a max level toon?

Last time I queued for a BG, doing eye of the storm, didn’t have a full team of players in the battleground for the first 5 minutes, while versing an entire team on the opposing faction, is that in violation of the CoC because it was unfair?

How about those who chose to graveyard camp in Warsong? Is that against the CoC because it was unfair for the players who were stuck in the graveyard?

Unfair Gameplay =/= Violation of the In-Game Code of Conduct.

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So why haven’t they just removed the ability to queue as a group of any size? That’s absolutely something they could do, but they haven’t. It’d be a lot harder to sync 15-40 players instead of 3-8 groups.

Nothing about ganking requires coordination outside the games rules. ie there is not a thing in the game that blocks ganking and you have to get around it. Ganking is literally part of the game. Premades in epic bgs is a trick to get around the games settings. Not that hard to see that.

Also, Blizzard has never said “ganking in war mode is unfair”. So right now the ruling is that is the game war mode if you want but that is allowed. Now ganking over and over again and following someone around could be labeled as griefing so you gotta watch that. Either way doing that is lame. Gank people your own level.

No, it was just unbalanced. Nobody did that to you it just happened. Who broke the CoC? Nobody caused that. Now if someone was doing a trick so your side always started like that or had an increased chance to start that way…THAT WOULD BE UNFAIR!

Blizzard has never spoken on it. That said it is part of the game for sure and totally within the rules. You need nothing outside the game to do it. So again who would be breaking the CoC there? I would say that is on Blizzard for having a horrible matchmaking system not someone who caused the situation to be unfair. If there is no premade via a trick, it’s just bad behaviour and childish. Now if you don’t cap and keep doing this, likely it could be considering griefing, but also equally likely Blizzard won’t do anything about it because they are asleep at the wheel. That said…Blizzard has never commented on it so we don’t know their stance at all.

If you have a problem with the CoC that is between you and Blizzard. You should start a thread saying you find it silly and that they need to fix it because anything could be griefing or taking away from someone elses fun. I think most people who learned manners won’t have a problem seeing what is or isn’t bad behavior, but I also recognize Blizzard won’t do much at all…which is the whole damn problem.


Create or search for a PvP community/Guild or go into LFG to form or create a BG group. Also use comms. and get the Battlegroundenemies add-on.

MORE THAN 5! They view more than 5 to be unfair, so you can queue as 5. Not that hard to figure out.

You know what they did disable? Come on you can do it…what did they disable? What can’t you queue as? Hmmmm, come on you can do it…

So, in otherwords, if you like it, it is not violation, but if you hate it, it is violation.

You do not get to decide what classes as a violation of the In-Game Code of Conduct!

Greaaaaaaaat post. Let me add that we can see how it impacts the game before BlizZard realizes it because we actually play the game unlike those at BlizZ HQ.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Neither do you! Listen to Blizzard. More than 5 queuing together by any means is unfair! Not that hard. They said it flat out.