Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Same logic multiboxers used and then BlizZard flipped based on player feedback.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


As an Ex-Multiboxer, I confirm, anything can happen.

No, they don’t lol

Blizzard does not get to choose what words mean. They don’t have the authority to say “um ackshually, this word means something different to us.”

I mean, they can, but they’d be really stupid for doing that lol

Exploit means exploit. It doesn’t mean exploit “but only when Blizzard views it as such.” lol

blizzard are the ones who get to choose what an “exploit” is within their own sandbox.

Intentional game design vs unintentional.

Anyways, these insincere posts get old. You know what it’s like to be farmed and yet you do it to others. No excuses.

The word has meaning man.

Why is this do difficult? The word exploit has meaning. You don’t get to decide what the word does and doesn’t mean. Do you get that?

I’m working on a post, but in the middle of moving, so might be sometime.

That’s exactly what it is.

That’s a lie. External apps existed. I know because I used one with friends ages ago.


It means everyone else in the BG starts with less players one one side. You clearly don’t do bgs so why are you responding?

That isn’t how language works.

We can call it an exploit because that is literally the meaning of the word.

Yes you can, but Blizzard makes the final determination, you have no say in the matter

Going to start riffing off new meanings for words at my job now because apparently we can just decide that anything means whatever we want it to mean if it fits our narrative lol

I’m sorry, you can say or claim anything under the sun til you are blue in the face, I’m not gonna stop you. But again, if Blizzard said it’s not exploiting, that’s it. Again, once they make the final determination, you can stamp your feet all you want for all I can. It not gonna change anything. Their playground their rules.

Like I told the OP, it’s a policy question, Be civil and post on the CS forums.

True but we can offer our opinions on it. I personally hope they disable queuing as a group and make bgs cross faction. Just utterly break the premade system. If you want a coordinated group head to ranked with everyone else.


Blizzard makes changes based on player feedback all the time. Your deflection and absolutist attitude about this matter is precisely why this conversation has continued to go nowhere, because you can’t actually reason why it should be this way lol

no, you’re applying your own meaning to something which has already been clarified as NOT being an exploit.

you mean… exploits?

seems like you already do.

maybe while you’re at it, tell Blizz that they don’t know what “warden” means.


By definition it is an exploit, regardless of what Blizzard says. They’re not the authority on what an ‘exploit’ is, especially given their track record.

If it’s not an exploit, they’d turn on raid queuing again. They don’t, so anyone bypassing the raid restriction is exploiting the system, and creating a situation where you yourself are obligated to commit a bannable offense just to compete. It’s lunacy.

Losing is part of the game. Losing a string of games against the same group of people you keep seeing pop up that are dramatically better geared and coordinated than a PUG, because they feel entitled to wins to the point that they exploit the queuing system so that the only way they’d have a ‘fair’ match was to encounter a group who ALSO exploited the system is not.

I do love this, “NAW YOU JUST WANT TO WIN!” argument. What? No, never. Really? You mean I like having the chance to win matches? And that losing ten straight games in a row where you’re trying to convince a team that’s half bots and a quarter newbies who are massively undergeared isn’t fun?

Do you ever just stop and ask yourself why almost no one does PVP anymore? Do you ever bother to ask yourself how it might feel to be on the receiving end of your own behavior? Are you capable of higher level thought or are you just a dog mindlessly pursuing it’s next immediate need? I know I’m asking a lot from the average PVP enjoyer but do you people ever bother to think or are you just mindless hedonists who are incapable of thinking of another perspective?

Motte and bailey fallacy. Just because Blizzard said a few people ending up in the same BG isn’t a reportable offense does not mean that you can then reach for, “So that means I get to sync queue times with 20 other people to sneak a premade into an epic BG where that’s not normally possible.”

We’ve tried being civil. Blizzard never actually listens to feedback, they just claim they don’t get feedback so they can pretend to be blindsided.

That’s not how words work. Nobody says, “Wait, did you ask Blizzard first?” when you discuss what words mean.

Not how it works. Utilizing tools given to you by the game to bypass the game’s own rules is usually characterized as an exploit. When you look up World of Warcraft exploits on Google you get tons of similar results of people… using the tools the game gives you… to bypass the game’s intended rules.

i would like to point out that people have formed communities to farm pugs on both factions in ebgs and they have agreed to avoid each other on sight b/c they are all friends now. does anyone see a problem with that? that’s messed up.


And snotty comments like this are why threads about this are ignored and shut down by the devs and moderators. You have been belligerent the entire thread. They are not gonna listen to you, as of now, neither am I.

To be honest, I don’t know if there is a PvP dev team anymore.

The known PvP devs, who were aware of this premade raid problem and explained to players that premade raids vs. random pugs harms the PvP community, have left Blizzard.

I don’t know who we’re talking to anymore, if anyone.

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We don’t have any BG’s…

Whatever happened to Wintergrasp and Tol Barad? They were lots of fun.

The irritating thing is that FFXIV doesn’t have this problem.

They recognized the game’s PVP system sucked so they made it not suck. And now people actively play it. When I queue for it I don’t have to worry about it being off hours, and I’m guaranteed to fight a pug when I queue for pug matches.

Well, we are dealing with people who think they’re entitled to exploit the game, entitled to PVP wins, think you only deserve to lose and should be happy with it, and think that they can play rules lawyer to get out of what they deserve.

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I don’t pretend to be commendable or admirable, but to act like this thread wasn’t derailed by bad faith responses, non-sequiturs, and disingenuous trolls who had no interest in discussing the valid points raised by OP is actually the most delusional take here lol

I don’t need them to listen to me. If enough people make enough noise about it and threads like this repeatedly get bumped onto the front page, Blizzard will eventually take notice the same way they have other issues that have been raised by the community lol

That’s not a huge loss lol

Not arguing that by any means. It’s clear to any honest person that what’s happening is unfair.

If it wasn’t unfair, they wouldn’t be doing it. These premades aren’t looking for competition.

YOU don’t get to decide what is and isn’t fair. It’s the player that gets to decide. If a player decides that their treatment in game isn’t fair, that’s on them.

Again, anyone being honest knows this isn’t fair. That is exactly what an exploit is.

Yes, those apps made the game unfair. This was back in BC when I first started. I didn’t fully understand the game at the time, but once I did, I didn’t run with those players. More than anything, it was boring.

Yea, just highlights how organized this stuff has become.

Yea, warmode kinda killed all of that.

Wintergrasp is a god awful epic BG now and Tol Barad is a ghost town.