Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Some of you are. Most of them not in this thread. (Anymore, anyway.)

we need a solo queue for battlegrounds.


So your argument is that anything that ‘ruins’ another player’s game experience is a punishable offense. And you genuinely don’t see the ridiculousness of that. Gotcha.

Define ‘griefing’. The generally accepted definition in this context is ‘anything I don’t like’.

So… losing a battleground match ruins your game experience, and the winning team should be punished. Not just punished, but banned. Because ‘griefing’ isn’t a punishable offense, this genius says it’s a bannable offense.

Yeah, it’s no wonder Blizzard isn’t engaging with this brain trust.

Nope, it’s PvP, and it has a PvP solution.

Common Problems

  • A player is camping me.
  • Keep being ganked and can’t play the game at all.
  • A player of the opposite faction is killing NPCs.

The Game Master staff will not intervene in Player versus Player (PvP) disputes.

Modern WoW

If you do not wish to engage in open world PvP combat in World of Warcraft, disable [War Mode].

Because he knows the Support Forum Agents don’t suffer fools.

Are you trolling? He literally answered it directly after telling you for the 5th time what he said.

You are just willfully not reading what he is saying, or willfully ignoring it so you can keep whining like a petulant child.

Outside of vanilla, the only way to get more than 5 people in a random bg, is to be on voice, do a countdown, and have both raid leaders hit the queue at the same time.

If they both get the queue, they take it. Viola. Youre in, because all of you are in the “line” one after another. You arent exploiting anything, you are literally just using the feature. This has been standard practice for literally 20 years despite whatever situation you want to make up. However, it is still all up to chance. leaving the queue does nothing to anyone else, they just dont get into the match and the matchmaker immediately goes to the next set of people in the queue.

There is no other way to get more than 5 people in. No hacking. No glitching. No exploiting. Nothing. You either get everyone placed in a line because you queued at the same time or you don’t.

In twenty years there has been zero blue posts against the issue. If there is, link it here. Saying things like “they haven’t said anything and you know it” right after some of you claim they’ve directly expressed disdain is exactly that. A baseless claim. I don’t care what you claim they said. I care what they actually said.


Almost certainly at this point.

Demonstrably false. Lopsided PvP encounters are unfair. Absolutely not a violation of the CoC.

As some of you are fond of saying… words have meanings.

If you were good enough, you’d raid lead the group you’re in. I suspect you refuse to, or can’t, though.

All you have to do is pop on over to the Customer Support forum and ask him. That’s literally what they’re there for. But first, scroll down that forum and look at all the engagement.

It’ll just be deleted like the last thread, because they clearly just view it as spam now.

Never said this. In sorry you don’t have critical thinking skills.

If Blizzard had an issue with premades they would have addressed it in the last 20 years.

Yet they haven’t which means it’s not exploiting.

An actual exploit is getting 40 people in WSG or starting the game and being down two flag caps.

Joining an epic bg as part of a premade is not.

First, the last thread wasn’t deleted, it was moved to GD. Second, questions asked in good faith are usually answered there. Going in with a chip on your shoulder, or with trying to play gotcha with the blues probably won’t elicit the desired response, though.


If the queue pops aren’t synced, premade raids drop queues/queue pops and then requeue. They repeat this process until they do get synced queue pops.

Premade raids are also dropping queue pops. Dropping queue pops does affect other players.

Other people’s games are ruined because one team starts half-empty due to premade raids mass dropping queue pops in their attempts to circumvent the system.

It’s almost like the PvP devs are suggesting they don’t want premade raids in random bgs…

Kinda odd if their intended design is for premade raiders to play sync queue/drop queue/requeue mini-games with the matchmaking system, ruining multiple games in the process.

Blizzard has posted about the issue of premade raids vs. random pugs.

There were also tweets from the dev in charge of PvP.

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Blizzard have their own definitions/terminology for their games.

They’re the ones who get to choose what the words mean.

Which everyone is just guessing at, hence the great debate we see here.

Still arguing over vocabulary I see.

Blizzard : You cant queue as a raid, it wouldnt be fair for the pugs.

Premader: What if we split the raid in small groups and game the system to put us all in the same BG where we act like a raid?

Blizzard : Oh yea thats cool.

Honest question but do you even read what you post before you post it?

1 - this post is from 2012. The post from 2019 would overwrite this if it actually said what you think it says.

2 - “ What is true that there’s been an increase in pre-made groups disrupting the PvP experience for other players, though. Pre-mades in the normal queue, however they are formed, are not something that we’ve ever been particularly fond of. It had become more of an issue of late, so we addressed it accordingly”

Him saying that they aren’t “fond of it” doesn’t mean it’s against the rules. They just don’t agree with it.

3 - all they did in 2012 was destroy an addon that was auto quing people.

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Blizzard does not, in fact, get to choose what words mean lol



the only people “guessing”, are the ones who continue to twist words to suit themselves.

they actually do.

their game, their rules, their terminology.

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