Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Oig is this really going to be the ongoing thing? They said I can queue sync because they can’t stop it so we can do whatever we want to get premades?

The cherry picking and lack of logic paired with such a massive casual lack of common decency is just sad. It explains a lot about our world.

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It isn’t really something that is on-going though. Blizzard makes the rules, and Blizzard decides the rules. If they consider it as cheating, or an exploit, then they’ll have policies in place so everyone knows, not just within there own team, but all over and on the forums too.

Does it suck that people queue-sync? Yes. But this is Blizzard’s game, and their rules, all we can do is just accept their decision, and move on. But calling something an exploit when it isn’t just doesn’t help anyones case.

This is something that you have made up out of whole cloth, just so you don’t have to face facts.

I still think a lot of these people are just mad because they was soundly beaten and they cope by claiming “Oh the other team is using a premade” just because they are some what coordinated.

because the old av is a whole different set of rules . Also that post was from 2007 so nice try .

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but it is unless A BLUE comes in here to clarify for us then it is .

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Are you talking about this post?

It’s not from 2007, it’s from 2019

Yet, you had all the sources proving that it isn’t.

Issue is that one blue saying something 5 years ago and doesn’t fall under the category of being set in stone, law or unchangeable until infinity and beyond doesn’t mean players can’t pursue for change.

Here is how you know if it is an exploit:

Look at the Forum Code of Conduct for a minute under cheats/hacks. Exploits also fall under this, so there is that:

Posting Cheats, Hacks, Trojan Horses or Malicious Programs

This category includes:

  • Posting links to cheats, hacks, or malicious viruses / programs
  • If you would like to report information regarding cheats or hacks to Blizzard, send it to Do not post it to the forums.

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be permanently banned from the forums

Then look at my post here telling people how it is done.

If it was an exploit, or a cheat, or which ever, how come this post is still up? How come I am able to post it with confidence, knowing that my actions of really posting anything to show people how to exploit can give me a permanent vacation from the forums?

Oh that is right, because it is not an exploit.

Well we won’t know until someone from the PvP dev team comes on here to clarify it beyond pure speculation.

Cause the blues only relay what they get told, I doubt they have much better idea of whether premade stacking is an exploit any more than you or I could guess.

You do know your chance of getting a developer to post on the forums is almost nill. This is why we have SFA’s, and CM’s. Because they relay the policies that they get or know that we all know.

Also, so, you’re admitting it is not exploiting.

Not until a Dev comes on here to speak for themselves.

As far as I can see apologists are just making up nonsense from neglectful silence.

Using Blue text from 5 years ago should be proof enough of that.


Which is what has been linked here several times. But you just refuse to accept the answer.

Sorry but that isn’t set in stone.

You’re just telling people that it is, when it isn’t.

It is by definition an exploit. Just came from fighting a premade that gy farmed. Most people just afk’d out after the first few minutes.

Blizzard doing nothing about it doesn’t make it not an exploit. Words have meanings.

Why shouldn’t we come to the forums and voice our displeasure with Blizzard not doing well by a part of the game?

The thing is if Blizzard says this is ok by them…it is still an exploit. It fits the definition of an exploit. The only way premades would not be an exploit given the current setup is…to allow premades to queue that way.

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In otherwords, I refuse to accept an answer that was already provided.

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I refuse to accept that things can’t change.

5 Years ago is long overdue for a review.

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Right, link where any of the Blizzard employees have said it is exploiting. In fact, I even posted this:

I refuse to not complain about something I view as bad for the game and my enjoyment of the game.

They said queue syncing can’t be stopped so they are ok with it…fine.

Then they said more than 5 people on a premade is unfair. Unfair means against CoC…ok so bad. Fine.

Then they said but you can still queue sync…which makes no sense becaues it goes against the second comment. So, which is it? Also, why stop queuing as raids if you are going to allow queuing as a raid via queue syinging and dropping over and over…something they have never said is ok.

Picking one comment from a blue, on one part of an issue and saying it has all been addressed is cherry picking and just not true. Also, even if they said that they were for it, I would push for them to change that because of the obvious issues.

The idea this has been answered is a fantasy.