Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

That isn’t what anyone is arguing, though. Seriously, anyone who thinks they’re still making a point right now is nothing short of delusional.

It’s literally not up for debate whether or not it’s still going on. It is. Whether it’s an “issue” beyond what Blizzard has said (it is not cheating) might differ between people, but what is the point of losing your mind over that?

Have you met Ard before?

Losing his mind over everything and not even understanding it is his MO

Debating that its cheating is purely semantics that ignores the issue that new players or non premade players are getting creamed by premades.


Right. So why are you bothering?

Cause I wouldn’t mind playing bgs without running into premades either.

A good deal of other players wouldn’t mind either.

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It’s not allowed, go try to queue as a raid.

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So, the people saying this isn’t an exploit are correct, but you wish they weren’t.

It’s an exploit. You’re not allowed to queue as a raid, any attempt to bypass this restriction is an exploit. This isn’t about what Blizzard’s saying and you’re misunderstanding, this is about what the term, ‘exploit’ means.

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People incorrectly using the term “exploit”
Again :joy:

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The definition of the word.

Exploit: use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way.

You don’t get to change the meaning of words.


40 v 40 fair.

I didn’t change anything

The bullies don’t get to decide what is or isn’t fair for the bullied.


No. You can 1 2 3 click because they can’t stop it and they don’t take tickets on things they can’t stop.

There is no comment on queue dropping. There are comments on more than 5 being unfair and that makes no sense with queue syncing being ok.

So I both believe this is neglect on blizzards side by not enforcing their plans or their CoC base on what is fair…and I believe this is obviously unfair and something should be done.

if Blizzard said this is what we want I would argue against that as well but so far I haven’t seen that.

So no I don’t think this has been labeled as not being an exploit. I think it is, the only part that right now isn’t is the 1 2 3 click part but just because there is no way to enforce that.

You are being very disingenuous in your response on this though. Cherry picking parts but not the whole…which is exactly what people defending the idea of doing these premades keep doing. That so why I also say…on top of believing this is an exploit that it is bad for the game. Stop misrepresenting what I have said.

This is the single most ridiculous, most utterly pointless argument in this thread.

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You realize it literally says this in the CoC right?

What’s your next mic-drop moment? “I know you are, but what am I?”?

The problem is, that the CoC is very vague and open ended…

anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

Rogue stealth degrades my gaming experience, therefore a rogue who uses stealth should receive harsh penalties.

Other players chatting degrades my gaming experience, therefore other players chatting should receive harsh penalties.

Any number of allowed things can be said to degrade my gaming experience. Therefore I don’t get to make up my own interpretation of the rules and have to rely on interpretations made via official sources.

My condolences to whoever tried to teach you English. I know you think you can play rules lawyer but if Blizzard wanted to encourage this behavior they’d just let you queue as a raid for epic BG’s like they used to.

Griefing is a bannable offense. Why is it that people understand why PVP servers were replaced and world PVP was dramatically changed but some people reeeaaaally struggle with why they’re not entitled to easy wins against pugs while circumventing the rules on queuing as a raid for epic BG’s?

World PVP is complicated but camping someone’s corpse when they can’t reasonably fight back is absolutely a violation of the TOS. It’s pure griefing.

Spamming mindless chatter in public channels that aren’t explicitly for mindless chatter is also a violation of the TOS.


They can turn off War Mode. So it isn’t griefing.

The Game Master staff will not intervene in Player versus Player (PvP) disputes.
If you do not wish to engage in open world PvP combat in World of Warcraft, disable War Mode.

Spam isn’t an allowed thing.

Yeah, well, Blizzard says it isn’t.