Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Well its better than intimidation or bullying.

What you’re trying to do here isn’t exactly productive or noble.

Probably just trolling really.

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If you have to keep reminding people I have no credibility, then you have already lost the argument lol

I don’t know who Ard is, but if they’re notorious enough for you to spite them this much, then they must be doing something right :joy:

Because the OP said stack? Lol what a reach.


Neither side is being productive. Whatever stones you’ve collected, you should hold off on casting.

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You said it wasn’t stacking while referencing a post that says they are stacking.

It’s okay to make mistakes man.

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I don’t need to remind anyone. Low level posters have always had zero credibility.

Notoriously bad player that gives insight on content he doesn’t do and has zero credibility.

Has terrible takes and routinely gets corrected in the forums.

Kinda like you.

I mean stones aside the crux of the argument here is that players feel that being stomped on by premade is just, acceptable?


Randoms aren’t going to band together to make their own premade to fight others, they’ll just go play something else.

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People bullying others vs people who don’t like bullies

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Actually I was referencing the response to the complaint about the stacking where the blue post says it’s not against the rules.

No, this isn’t either side’s argument. This is just a fact, unfortunate or not.

Literally all of the discussion there was to be had on the topic is had, everything for the last while has been gourd measuring.

Actually you said it’s not stacking.

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Evidently you do given the number of times you’ve said it today in this thread alone lol

I mean no?

It seems like posters are more willing to accept it as fact rather than do anything about it.

Nope. Keep reaching though :+1:

In the eyes of blizzard it’s not.

Blizzards opinion is what matters.


Whether they’re fond of it, know what to do about it, or just don’t care enough doesn’t matter. They don’t consider it cheating. It isn’t, therefore, actionable.

So yes.

i did.

it was irrelevant.

as irrelevant as this entire thread.

so you didn’t read their entire stance?

got it.

I’m reaching for a nice seltzer rn

How anyone can drink these is beyond me.

I had a friend in high school that’s dad would drink them. Tried it once and was absolutely awful lol

That doesn’t mean it still isn’t an issue.

You can’t brush it aside because Blizzard are keeping quite on an obviously glaring issue that players are benefiting from.