Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Haha what? I never said that and never will. I eventually say this is a waste of time, or you have gotten nasty so I am blocking you. I also often say I believe they are being dishonest and thus not worth my time and then move on.

The only thing that has been said that I have to admit is right is that blizzard has stated 1 2 3 click is not an exploit. It makes no sense but they did say it. That just means I feel Blizzard is wrong on this, or at least making no sense. Queue timing is fine, but more than 5 in a run is unfair, but queue timing is fine is really the sum up of the blue posts on it. Together that makes no sense given the only reason to queue time is to get something they have said is unfair.

I think it more points to them saying…we can’t stop that so it is not an exploit.


No, I think they can stop it. They just don’t care to. That’s really been my point all along.

Unless it’s something that impedes on their endgame, Blizzard won’t put forth the effort into making the experience better. They have demonstrated that over and over with this game because it’s built on piles of content that hasn’t been touched in years by them.


I think they can stop the majority of the effect of it by adding queue drop penalties and other things, but they can’t stop people from syncing their clicks. That is what that blue post was saying. Not that it is ok, but rather they don’t call things exploits if there is nothing they can do about the action. So they might mitigate the success rate or make it harder, but not the action.

Just like killing ridiculous numbers of frogs. They didn’t stop it, they just lowered the number and the reward.


For sure.

Having said that, doing something about it would be a whole lot better than not doing anything at all and would be a really defeatist stance of Blizzard to take. They should, at the very least, attempt to enforce something so that the issue isn’t as pervasive as it currently is.

Blizzard has taken action on things far more insurmountable, like botting. It would be really strange of them to stop the buck with something like manual queueing lol

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Because it’s not against the rules. Anyone with common sense would see this.

Ruining the game for other players is against the rules. Anyone with a functioning brain and isn’t a troll understands that.


Beating them in a bg isn’t ruining their game.

Pvp happened. Get over it.

That explains why you can’t understand pvp happened.

It’s cute you continue to think anyone actually cares a lick what you think here lmao

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Agreed. I still think the absolute biggest issue is their complete lack of community engagement on this. It has dropped off a cliff and is the root of this issue.

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Players stacking a BG isn’t ‘PvP happened’.

Troll response.

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You agreed with Ard. Any credibility you might have had definitely doesn’t exist now.

You also care enough to keep responding.

What a giga brain response lol

40 versus 40 isn’t stacking a bg. You’re acting like they exploited and for 40 people in a WSG.

“Can’t refute points so label people a troll after taking multiple Ls” response

Gatekeeping who can suggest what now.

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What? Have you not been using this as your example the entire time?


The true irony of this thread is the bumps from the premade enjoyers might keep this thread alive long enough for Blizzard to see it.

Y’all really forgot the first rule of Fight Club.


You should stop using the word gatekeeping as you clearly don’t know what it means.

I also didn’t gatekeep him.

I said he lost any credibility he had (don’t worry he didn’t have any) when he agreed with the laughing stock poster of the forums.

That’s the goal. :slight_smile:


I was pretty clear. Having 40 people over coms joining a bg at the same time isn’t breaking any rules as stated by the post.

Your feelings that it’s unfair or exploiting are irrelevant.

Blizz isn’t going to take this thread seriously. They haven’t done anything in 20 years I highly doubt they start now because some salty people lost a bg.

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Someone do a wellness check on this guy.