Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I don’t think it needs to be commented on. If Blizzard didn’t want people to be able to drop a queue, they would force you to enter a battleground, rather than giving you options.

They are allowed. I don’t know what else to tell you.

You can argue that they shouldn’t be, if you really want, but it’s clear that Blizzard believes that both these options should be available to you.

Was also on Bloodlust/Vindication and logged about 2,000 bgs during wrath. Unfortunately stats didn’t go back to BC, but I had 1,000’s played then as well.

I know there were groups because I had friends that did them. You didn’t need to queue dodge. They had apps that you could run to get your entire group into AV.

They have never commented on it, so it is allowed? That’s ridiculous and you know it.

You keep ignoring the important part. Even if they are allowed it is bad for the game. You can scream over and over again that it is all allowed…without evidence by the way, but in the end it doesn’t change the effect on the game.

And you can cry repeatedly that it shouldn’t be allowed, but it is.

Ah there it is thanks now I can ignore you and move on. So many people with no simple empathy. Just don’t care what their actions do even if it is just taking away someone else’s fun. It’s sad.


I love how cyclical this thread is and how we come back to the same talking points because none of these clowns actually have a cohesive argument to stand on. The moment one of their points is shut down, it’s immediately:

“Yeah well it’s allowed so suck it up, buttercup” like clockwork.

Anyways, this thread was a fun distraction from the Monday blues. Thanks, forum!


I get it, the truth hurts.

I think my favorite is when they go back and forth with you for like 40 comments then say they don’t care in the slightest what my opinion is.

Hmm, weird 40 posts about something they don’t care about at all. So silly. It gets weird though. They defend such selfish behavior so strongly. It really has become more common I feel to just not care at all about other people as long as you get yours.


You know it’s bad when they pull this one out LMAO

Yeah, yeah, cope harder.

Not the first topic others have been fiercely contrarian on either.

Even if there is some kind of laughable rule that allows premade to stomp randoms, that doesn’t mean it can’t change.


Uncommon WoW player W take lol

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Or is obviously bad for the game. I would respect them at least a little if they said, premades are fun I like them, and that is it.

Just be honest. You like premades!

I think there might also be a worry that if premade stacking in random bgs is considered a cheat, hack or exploit then Blizzard would get trigger happy on the users that coordinate it.

That’s not fundamentally different than you going around with them for 40 posts, then saying ‘I don’t care that you’re right; you shouldn’t be.’

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Yep. And none of them have a good response to… is it good for the game? There is no argument that ruining BGs for other players is good.

We all have a conscience. We all know what the other players are feeling and how frustrating it is. That’s what they enjoy though. They enjoy ruining the game for others.

I would say they should state that it is bad and an exploit. They should put blocks in place to stop it, and they should watch for new exploits and actually ban people if they go around it.

The clarity of the message is extremely important before starting bans and there Blizzard has always failed.

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I forget, Ard… Are you the pot or the kettle?

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Does seem deeply pessimistic to accept that premades will always stomp the hapless players who don’t have premades at their back.

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Fighting players on this issue ironically proves me correct about the others.

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